Posted On: Dec 15, 2013

We are excited to announce the launch of three new edge locations – Manila in the Philippines, Marseille in France and Warsaw in Poland. These new locations will improve performance and availability for end users of your applications being served by Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 and bring the total number of AWS edge locations to 49 worldwide.

If you're already using Amazon CloudFront or Amazon Route 53, you don't need to do anything to your applications to take advantage of these new edge locations - requests from your end users will automatically be routed to these locations for the best possible performance.

The new locations support all of the Amazon CloudFront functionality including acceleration of static, dynamic and interactive content, live and on-demand streaming media, and custom SSL certificates. They also support all Amazon Route 53 functionality including health checks, DNS failover, and latency-based routing.

The Amazon CloudFront pricing for the edge location in Manila is the same as that in Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore, and the pricing for the edge locations in Marseille and Warsaw is the same as that in Europe. Amazon Route 53's pricing is the same for all worldwide edge locations including the three launching today. That means you can deliver content to your end users in these regions with lower latency at no additional cost.

To learn more about Amazon CloudFront, please visit the Amazon CloudFront detail page. To learn more about Amazon Route 53, please visit the Amazon Route 53 detail page.

Also, if you weren't able to make it to AWS re:Invent this year, we've included links to some of the presentations relating to Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53:

Posted on Dec 15, 2013