AWS Developer Tools Blog

Java SDK Bundled Dependency

The AWS SDK for Java depends on a handful of third-party libraries, most notably Jackson for JSON and Apache Commons Http Client for over the wire. For most customers, resolving these as part of their standard Maven dependency resolution is perfectly fine; Maven automatically pulls the required versions in or uses existing versions if they’re specified in the project already.

However, the AWS SDK for Java requires certain minimum versions to function properly and some customers are unable to change the version of the third-party libraries they use. Maybe it’s because another dependency requires a specific version, or there are breaking changes between third-party versions that large portions of the code base relies on. Whatever the case may be, these version conflicts can create problems when you try to use the AWS SDK for Java.

We’re pleased to introduce the AWS SDK for Java Bundle dependency. This new module that you can include in your maven project contains all the SDK clients for all services and all of the third-party libraries in a single JAR. The third-party libraries were “relocated” to new package names to avoid class conflicts with a different version of the same third-party library on a project’s classpath. To use this version of the SDK, simply include the following Maven dependency in your project.


Of course, because we relocated the third-party libraries, they’re no longer available to use under their original import names – unless the project explicitly adds those libraries as dependencies. For example, if a project relied on the AWS SDK for Java bringing in the Joda Time library, when the project switches to use the bundle dependency it also needs to add a specific dependency for Joda Time.

The relocated classes are intended for internal use only by the AWS SDK. It is strongly recommended that you do not refer to classes under com.amazonaws.thirdparty.* in your own code. The following third-party libraries are included in the bundled dependency and moved to the com.amazonaws.thirdparty.* package:

Because the bundle dependency includes all of the dependent libraries, it’s going to be a larger binary to pull down when dependencies get resolved (about 50 MB at the time of this writing, but this will increase with the introduction of each new service and each new third-party library). In addition, if a project explicitly imports one of the third-party libraries that the SDK includes then classes will be duplicated (albeit in different packages). This increases the memory requirement of an application. For these reasons, we recommend that you only use the bundled dependency if you have a need to.

If a project has the combination of a version clash and a limited total project size (e.g., AWS Lambda limits package size to 50MB), the bundled dependency might not be the right solution. Instead, you can build your own version of the AWS SDK for Java from the open sourced code on GitHub. For example, if you needed to resolve a conflict only for the Joda Time library, you can include a build configuration like the following in your maven project:


Although this means you need to build your own version of the SDK and install it into your own repository, it gives you great flexibility for the third-party libraries and/or services you want to include. Check out the Maven Shade Plugin for more details about how it works.

We hope this new module is useful for projects where there’s a dependency clash. As always, please leave your comments or feedback below!