Amazon Kinesis announces PUT pricing change, 1MB record support, and the Kinesis Producer Library

Posted on: Jun 2, 2015

Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed service for real-time processing of streaming data at a massive scale. Amazon Kinesis can continuously capture and store terabytes of data per hour from hundreds of thousands of sources.

The Amazon Kinesis team has announced PUT pricing change and two new capabilities.

Effective June 1, 2015, Amazon Kinesis replaces the “PUT Record” pricing dimension with “PUT Payload Unit”. After the change, records smaller than 25KB receive a 50% reduction on the PUT price. For more information, please visit Amazon Kinesis Pricing.

Amazon Kinesis raises the record size limit from 50KB to 1MB. For more information, please visit Amazon Kinesis Limits.

Amazon Kinesis also releases the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL), an easy-to-use and highly configurable library that helps send data to Amazon Kinesis streams. For more information, please visit please visit Kinesis Producer Library.

For more information about Amazon Kinesis, please visit our Web Page and Developer Guide.