Amazon EC2 Spot now Provides Results for the “Describe Spot Instance Request” in Multiple Pages

Posted on: Jan 10, 2019

Amazon EC2 Spot makes it easier to operate Spot Instances at scale by publishing the results for the “Describe Spot Instance Request” in a multi-page format. You can check the status of your Spot request and receive the results in multiple pages by setting the MaxResults parameter to a value between 5 and 1000. You can receive up to a maximum of 1000 results in a single page. If there are more than 1000 results to display, you will receive a Next Token. Use the Next Token to receive the next set of results until the Next Token is null. This enables you to get all the results from your describe request in multiple pages. We recommend you to use paginated describes instead of getting all the results in a single request.

Pagination support for the Describe Spot Instance requests API is now available in all public AWS Regions. You can learn more about this feature in the docs here.