Posted On: May 24, 2021

You can now view and manage all Amazon CloudWatch Logs transactional API service quotas with Service Quotas. Service Quotas consolidates the default values and your account specific quotas for CloudWatch Logs in one single view with the Service Quotas console. With the CloudWatch Logs and Service Quotas integration you can now easily view and adjust your quotas.

Service Quotas management for CloudWatch Logs is available at no additional cost and is available in all AWS Regions except AWS China and AWS GovCloud regions. You can view and manage your quotas from the Service Quotas console, AWS CLI or AWS SDK. To get started with Service Quotas visit the Service Quotas page. To learn which quotas are adjustable visit out CloudWatch Logs quotas page. To learn more about Service Quotas, visit the Service Quotas documentation page.