Posted On: Aug 30, 2021

Now on EC2 Image Builder, customers can use events to trigger an image build schedule in their event-driven architectures. Integrate your image build schedule with your events from AWS services, our SaaS partners, and custom events, via Amazon EventBridge. You can also create rules for event patterns, such as listening for a specific variable, and configure those rules to initiate image builds using EC2 Image Builder.

Customers no longer have to manually trigger the build pipeline or wait for the next image build and distribution schedule. With this integration, customers can now receive notifications, such as an image state change, security or feature update, and use these notifications to trigger an image pipeline rebuild.

This feature is now available in EC2 Image Builder at no additional charge. You can find more information about the Amazon EventBridge integration on the documentation page. Get started from the EC2 Image Builder Console or programmatically via CLI, API, Cloud Formation, or CDK, and learn more about the service in the EC2 Image Builder documentation.

You can also learn about upcoming EC2 Image Builder features on the public roadmap.