Posted On: Nov 19, 2021

With today’s release, AWS Amplify offers a new Authenticator UI component for web apps built with React, Angular, and Vue, giving developers the easiest way to add login experiences to their app with a single line of code. The new Authenticator UI component not only gives developers the quickest way to add user login and registration workflows to their apps, but also also gives developers complete control over modifying the layout and behavior to match any designs.

The Authenticator offers a number of new capabilities:

  • Visual refresh with a new layout and theme.
  • Social Sign-in with Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple using Amazon Cognito User Pools.
  • Zero-config setup with Amplify Admin UI and Amplify CLI - all auth configurations made in the CLI or Admin UI are respected by the default UI without requiring any code modifications.
  • Better forms: Confirm password and show/hide password capabilities, custom sign-up attributes (e.g. birth date, properly displayed as a date picker), password manager support, and accessible error validation. 
  • Un-styled by default, giving developer full control over state, layout, styling, and transitions.

To get started, please visit our launch blog.