Posted On: May 12, 2022

Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics now supports deletion of underlying canary resources along with the canary deletion. When you delete a canary you can choose whether to also delete related resources created by the canary, thus making canary resources management easier and efficient. Synthetics canaries that run on a defined frequency to monitor the health and performance of your endpoints and APIs creates these resources as part of canary creation step.

CloudWatch Synthetics helps you to discover issues before your customers do, by checking for page load errors, load latencies for user interfaces (UI), and broken links or UI navigation flows in your applications. With CloudWatch Synthetics, you can isolate issues and map them back to your underlying infrastructure. You can also use CloudWatch Synthetics to easily monitor internal endpoints in addition to public-facing endpoints.

To get started, open the Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics console, access the delete flow and select from a list the resources that you want to delete. This includes Lambda function, Lambda layers, CloudWatch alarms and IAM execution roles and policies. You can use the AWS CLI, SDK or CloudFormation to delete Lambda functions and Lambda layers.

This feature is available in all Regions where CloudWatch Synthetics is available. To learn more about this feature, see the CloudWatch Synthetics documentation. For pricing, refer to Amazon CloudWatch pricing.