Posted On: Nov 28, 2022

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP is announcing a new capability that makes it even easier to access Multi-AZ file systems from other networks (on-premises networks and peered networks in AWS). Starting today, you can create Multi-AZ file systems that you can access from other networks over AWS Transit Gateway without needing to perform any additional routing configuration—making it even quicker and easier to get started.

When you create a Multi-AZ FSx for ONTAP file system, you specify an IP address range for the endpoints that you use to access and manage your data. Before today, these endpoints could only be created outside of your VPC’s IP address range. To route traffic to these endpoints from on-premises or any other peered network, you would therefore need to create custom routes in your Transit Gateway. Starting today, you now have the option to create Multi-AZ file systems with an IP address range that’s within your VPC’s IP address range. This allows you to access them from on premises without needing to create any additional routes in your Transit Gateway.

You can create Multi-AZ file systems with IP address ranges within your VPC IP address range in all regions where FSx for ONTAP is available. Learn more about this new feature in the Amazon FSx documentation.