Posted On: Aug 2, 2023
AWS Config now supports 19 more resource types for services, including AWS Amplify, Amazon AppIntegrations, AWS App Mesh, Amazon Athena, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon CloudWatch Evidently, Amazon Forecast, AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, AWS Ground Station, AWS Elemental MediaConnect, AWS Elemental MediaTailor, Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), Amazon Personalize, Amazon Pinpoint, and AWS Resilience Hub.
With this launch, customers can now use AWS Config to monitor configuration data for the following newly supported resource types in all AWS Regions where the supported services are available:
- AWS::Amplify::Branch
- AWS::AppIntegrations::EventIntegration
- AWS::AppMesh::Route
- AWS::Athena::PreparedStatement
- AWS::EC2::IPAMScope
- AWS::Evidently::Launch
- AWS::Forecast::DatasetGroup
- AWS::GreengrassV2::ComponentVersion
- AWS::GroundStation::MissionProfile
- AWS::MediaConnect::FlowEntitlement
- AWS::MediaConnect::FlowVpcInterface
- AWS::MediaTailor::PlaybackConfiguration
- AWS::MSK::Configuration
- AWS::Personalize::Dataset
- AWS::Personalize::Schema
- AWS::Personalize::Solution
- AWS::Pinpoint::EmailTemplate
- AWS::Pinpoint::EventStream
- AWS::ResilienceHub::App
To view a complete list of all supported types, see supported resource types page.