AWS SimuLearn

Translate business problems into technical solutions— powered by generative AI

About AWS SimuLearn

With 200+ trainings available select your topic, role, or industry, engage with a virtual customer, develop architecture proposals with constructive feedback, then learn to build your AWS solutions, risk free.

Benefits of AWS SimuLearn

AWS SimuLearn role and industry learning plans

Whether you're new to cloud or a seasoned professional, AWS SimuLearn role and industry learning plans provide you with comprehensive training to grow your career.

welcome to AWS SimuLearn

Role learning plans

What are users saying?

“The AWS SimuLearn client engagement and solution builder really put me in the shoes of an AWS Solutions Architect. Communicating with 'Dr. Newton' and the customer to determine requirements was super realistic. Plus, the seamless navigation and quick provisioning made the learning experience smooth and enjoyable.”

- Barnaby Baron, Tech Lead at DXC