AWS News Blog

Tag: Amazon CloudFront

Using Amazon CloudFront for Video Streaming

March 2018 — For updated information on this topic, please visit this blog post. Many AWS customers use Amazon CloudFront to stream videos to various devices. As you may know, video streaming can be implemented using a wide variety of protocols that are layered on top of HTTP. As is the case with just about […]

Custom Error Pages and Responses for Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront distributes dynamic and static web content produced by an origin server to viewers located anywhere in the world. If the user requests objects that don’t exist (i.e., a 404 Not Found response) or an unauthorized user might attempt to download an object (i.e., a 403 Forbidden response), CloudFront used to display a brief […]

CNAME Wildcard Support for Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront makes it easy for you to get your dynamic and static content out to a global audience. You simply host your static content in Amazon S3 or your dynamic content on Amazon EC2, create a CloudFront distribution, and use the domain name for the distribution in the URL path for your content. You […]

Amazon CloudFront & Route 53 Expand to India

During my recent trip to Southeast Asia, several people asked me if we had plans to bring Amazon CloudFront and Route 53 to India. I responded as I always do — that we continue to invest and to expand, that we listen to our users, and that we make use of traffic and usage trends […]

New Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region in Australia – EC2, DynamoDB, S3, and Much More

It is time to expand the AWS footprint once again, with a new Region in Sydney, Australia. AWS customers in Australia can now enjoy fast, low-latency access to the suite of AWS infrastructure services. New Region The new Sydney Region supports the following AWS services: A Tranquil Beach – Shoal Bay, Australia Amazon Elastic Compute […]