AWS News Blog

Tag: Amazon S3

Deploy a Hybrid Storage Solution Using Avere’s Edge Filer and Amazon S3

Enterprise-scale AWS customers often ask me for advice on how to connect their existing on-premises compute and storage infrastructure to the AWS cloud.  They are not interested in all-or-nothing solutions that render their existing IT model obsolete. Instead, they want to enhance the model by taking advantage of the security, scale, performance, and cost-effectiveness of […]

Resource Groups and Tagging for AWS

For many years, AWS customers have used tags to organize their EC2 resources (instances, images, load balancers, security groups, and so forth), RDS resources (DB instances, option groups, and more), VPC resources (gateways, option sets, network ACLS, subnets, and the like) Route 53 health checks, and S3 buckets. Tags are used to label, collect, and […]

AWS Data Transfer Price Reduction

I am happy to announce that we are reducing the rates for several types of AWS data transfers, effective December 1, 2014, as follows: Outbound Data Transfer – Pricing for data transfer from AWS to the Internet is now 6% to 43% lower, depending on the Region and the amount of data transferred per month. […]

New Event Notifications for Amazon S3

Many AWS customers have been building applications that use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for cost-efficient and highly scalable persistent or temporary object storage. Some of them want to initiate processing on the objects as they arrive; others want to capture information about the objects and log it for tracking or security purposes. These […]

New AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

Information security is always of paramount importance, whether data is stored on-premises or in the cloud. Since the early days of AWS, we’ve done our best to provide our customers with the information, services, and features that they need to have in order to make informed decisions about what kinds of applications and what kinds […]

Consistent View for Elastic MapReduce’s File System

Many AWS developers are using Amazon EMR (a managed Hadoop service) to quickly and cost-effectively build applications that process vast amounts of data. The EMR File System (EMRFS) allows AWS customers to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as a durable and cost-effective data store that is independent of the memory and compute resources […]