AWS Database Blog

Category: Amazon DynamoDB

Exploring Amazon DynamoDB SDK clients

When working with Amazon DynamoDB, developers have the option to choose between a low-level client and a high-level client in most of the AWS SDKs offered. Understanding the differences between these client types is crucial for effectively interacting with DynamoDB. In this post, we explore the characteristics, use cases, and benefits of both low-level and […]

How Amazon Finance Technologies built an event-driven and scalable remittance service using Amazon DynamoDB

The Amazon Finance Technologies (FinTech) payment transmission team manages products for the Accounts Payable (AP) team, from invoices to the pay process. Their suite of services handles the disbursement process, from invoice generation to payment creation, to make sure that payment beneficiaries receive their payments. Amazon Business makes payments to a very diverse range of […]

Remove temporal tables and history objects while migrating to Amazon DynamoDB using Amazon DynamoDB Streams

Customers at times use proprietary database features like Microsoft SQL Server temporal tables or Oracle Flashback to store and query historical data from important tables or to record a change trail of contents. Temporal tables are a database feature that brings built-in support for providing information about data stored in the table at any point […]

Handle conditional write errors in high concurrency scenarios with Amazon DynamoDB

We are excited to announce a new feature in Amazon DynamoDB that enhances the developer experience by simplifying the handling of ConditionalCheckFailedException. The new ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure parameter for single write operations lets you return a copy of an item as it was during a failed write attempt, reducing the need for a read request if you want to investigate […]

Generate a distinct set of partition keys for an Amazon DynamoDB table efficiently

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed, serverless NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. Every table in DynamoDB has a schema which specifies if it has a simple partition key (for pure key-value lookups), or a partition key and sort key both (for more complex query patterns). You use these […]

Rate limited bulk operations in DynamoDB Shell

DynamoDB Shell is (ddbsh) an open-source command line interface for Amazon DynamoDB. For a simple introduction, refer to Query data with DynamoDB Shell – a command line interface for Amazon DynamoDB. The ddbsh file has detailed command and usage examples. One of the objectives of ddbsh is to provide a simple and intuitive environment […]

Working with date and timestamp data types in Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB customers often need to work with dates and times in DynamoDB tables. Querying tables on the basis of year, month, day, or even hours and minutes for real-time workloads has become a necessity for organizations. Therefore, it’s important to be able to efficiently query date and time data inside a DynamoDB table. DynamoDB […]

Generate suggestions for leisure activities in real time with Amazon Neptune

DoGet App is a mobile application that connects friends for sharing in-person moments together. Suggestions for activities to engage in with friends are presented to users in card deck format: swiping up indicates no interest in an activity, and swiping down indicates interest and prompts a follow-up on when a user is available (such as […]

Cost-effective bulk processing with Amazon DynamoDB

Your Amazon DynamoDB table might store millions, billions, or even trillions of items. If you ever need to perform a bulk update action against items in a large table, it’s important to consider the cost. In this post, I show you three techniques for cost-effective in-place bulk processing with DynamoDB. Characteristics of bulk processing You […]

How Twilio modernized its Messaging Postflight service data store with Amazon DynamoDB

Twilio is a customer engagement platform that drives real-time, personalized experiences for leading brands. Twilio has democratized communications channels like voice, text, chat, and video by virtualizing the world’s telecommunications infrastructure through APIs that are simple enough for any developer to use, yet robust enough to power the world’s most demanding applications. Twilio supports an […]