Following, you can find release notes for current and previous versions of AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS).
AWS DMS doesn't differentiate between major and minor versions when you enable Automatic version upgrade for your replication instance. DMS automatically upgrades the replication instance's version during the maintenance window if the version is deprecated.
Note that to upgrade your replication instance's version manually (using the API or CLI) from version 3.4.x to 3.5.x, you must set
the AllowMajorVersionUpgrade
parameter to true
. For information about the
ModifyReplicationInstance in the DMS API documentation.
The current default engine version for AWS DMS is 3.5.3.
The following table shows the following dates for active DMS versions:
The version's release date
The date after which you can't create new instances with the version
The date when DMS automatically updates instances of that version (the EOL date)
Version | Release date | No new instance date | EOL date |
3.6.0 | Dec 27, 2024 | Apr 27, 2026 | June 27, 2026 |
3.5.4 | Nov 15, 2024 | Mar 15, 2026 | May 15, 2026 |
3.5.3 | May 17, 2024 | Aug 31, 2025 | Oct 31, 2025 |
3.5.2 | Oct 29, 2023 | Mar 30, 2025 | Apr 29, 2025 |
3.5.1 | Jun 30, 2023 | Nov 30, 2024 | Mar 15, 2025 |
3.4.7 | May 31, 2022 | Sep 30, 2024 | Oct 31, 2024 |
3.4.6 | Nov 30, 2021 | Sep 30, 2024 | Oct 31, 2024 |
The AWS DMS Version 3.6.0 is currently available in Asia Pacific (Sydney): ap-southeast-2 region.
AWS Database Migration Service 3.6.0 release notes
New feature or enhancement | Description |
New metadata variables for transformations | Introduced two new metadata variables for transformation rules: $AR_M_MODIFIED_SCHEMA and $AR_M_MODIFIED_TABLE_NAME . These variables allow you to create more dynamic and flexible transformations that can adapt to schema or table name changes during your migration process. |
Support for LOB Column Replication in UPSERT Error-Handling Mode |
Introduced support for replication of Large Object (LOB) columns when using the "No record found for applying an UPDATE: Insert the missing target record" error-handling option. With this enhancement, you can now accurately replicate LOB columns, ensuring complete and accurate data replication. |
AWS DMS version 3.6.0 includes the following resolved issues:
Resolved Issue | Description |
PostgreSQL Memory Issue |
Resolved excessive memory consumption when using PostgreSQL as a source. Fixed an issue where the Write-Ahead Log (WAL) slot would continuously grow, leading to degraded performance. This update enhances the stability and efficiency of PostgreSQL migrations, especially for large databases or long-running tasks. |
Oracle Character Large Object (CLOB) and Character (CHAR) issue | Addressed the issue where wide Character Large Object (CLOB) and Character (CHAR) values containing non-ASCII characters (e.g., special symbols or international characters) were not replicated correctly. This fix ensures accurate replication of large text data, reducing errors, and maintaining data consistency. |
Microsoft SQL Server Incorrect Latency Issue | Resolved an issue where the Microsoft SQL Server source endpoint would incorrectly report very high latency. This fix provides more accurate performance metrics, allowing you to better monitor and optimize your SQL Server migration tasks. |
Microsoft SQL Server Metadata Issue | Fixed an issue with redundant calls to retrieve other tables' metadata, which resulted in degraded performance and latency after a table's metadata had been altered. This optimization improves overall task performance, especially for databases with frequent schema changes. |
Microsoft SQL Server UPDATE Issue |
Fixed an issue where non-standard UPDATE operations caused tasks to terminate unexpectedly without generating error messages. This fix ensures that such operations are processed correctly, avoiding task failures during complex update scenarios. |
Batch Apply Large Object (LOB) issue | Fixed an issue in Batch Optimized Apply mode where Large Object (LOB) lookup would fail to find a record when a DELETE operation and an INSERT operation were combined into a single UPDATE operation. This fix improves data consistency and integrity during migrations involving LOB data and complex Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations. |
Transformations Task Start Issue | Addressed an issue where tasks involving numerous transformations would crash during startup. This fix ensures stability and reliability for tasks with complex transformation logic, enabling you to confidently execute data processing tasks. |
MySQL Data Definition Language (DDL) Issue | Fixed a failure to capture special format Data Definition Language (DDL) changes during the Change Data Capture (CDC) phase. This fix ensures that all schema changes are properly replicated, maintaining schema consistency between source and target databases throughout the migration process. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.5.4 release notes
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Data masking | Introduced data masking, allowing transforming sensitive data with options for digit randomization, masking, or hashing at the column level. |
Enhanced Data Validation Performance | Introduced enhanced data validation performance, enabling faster processing for large datasets during full load and CDC migration tasks across select migration paths. |
PostgreSQL source unicode issue | Fixed an issues for PostgreSQL source where degraded migration performance was observed while using filtering. Introduced disableUnicodeSourceFilter ECA to control this behavior. |
Transformation support for enhanced throughput feature | Introduce support for all transformation rules for the enhanced throughput feature. |
MySQL migration performance issue | Fixed an issue for MySQL target where migration would experience poor performance for target collations other than UTF8MB4. Introduced new endpoint setting to control this behavior: "temporaryTableCollation". |
AWS DMS version 3.5.4 includes the following resolved issues:
Resolved Issue | Description |
PostgreSQL, test_decoding issue | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source where certainevents would not be replicated while using the test_decoding plugin. |
MySQL to Redshift timestamp issue | Fixed an issue for MySQL to Redshift migrations where a timestamp column would not be defined correctly on the target. |
Oracle July 2024 PSU issue | Fixed an issue for Oracle source with binary reader where DMS task would crash after applying Oracle July 2024 PSU. |
MySQL secrets manager issue | Fixed an issue for MySQL endpoint where credentials would become corrupted when using secrets manager. |
Amazon DocumentDB/MongoDB data record handling issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon DocumentDB/MongoDB endpoints where some records would be sent to the target twice causing duplicate key exception and AWS DMS task failure. |
Relational to noSQL migration issue | Fixed an issue for RDS for SQL Server to noSQL migrations where the document structure was incorrect due to incorrect PK handling. |
Data validation issue with Oracle endpoint | Fixed an issue for Oracle source where data validation would report false positives for null or empty LOBs. |
Uniqueidentifier PK issue with Babelfish target. | Fixed and issue for PG - Babelfish target where AWS DMS task would fail while replicating tables with PK defined as uniqueidentifier. |
PostgreSQL source issue with MAZ. | Fixed and issue for PostgreSQL source where AWS DMS MAZ failover would cause a fatal AWS DMS task failure. |
Column order issue | Fixed an issue where LOB data was not replicated correctly when the column order differed between the source and target. |
Internal AWS DMS database contention issue | Fixed an issue for internal DMS database where the AWS DMS task would fail due to internal AWS DMS database concurency issues. |
Internal AWS DMS database structure issue | Fixed an issues for internal AWS DMS database where the AWS DMS task would fail due to the lack of presence of certain internal database objects. |
Oralce source data validaiton issue | Fixed an issue for Oracle source where data validation would return false positives for certain rare types of replicated events. |
Data validation issue for unicode data types | Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where ceratin unicode data types were not compared properly which resulted in false positives. |
Parquet target timestamp issue | Fixed an issue for parquet target where zero-timestamp was replicated as null. |
Babelfish target GeoSpacial data type issue. | Fixed an issue for Babelfish target where the GeoSpacial data type was not supported. |
Amazon S3 target issue with columns being added during CDC | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target where new column additions were not handeled properly when the before image setting was enabled. |
SQL Server 2022 CU12 issue | Fixed an issue for SQL Server source where AWS DMS could not automatically implement MS Replication prerequisites on sources using SQL Server 2022 with CU12 or above. |
PostgreSQL boolean issue | Fixed and issue for PostgreSQL source where boolean data type would not be migrated correctly while MapBooleanAsBoolean was set to true and pglogical plugin was used. |
TaskrecoveryTableEnabled setting issue |
Fixed an issue for the TaskrecoveryTableEnabled setting, where the AWS DMS task would fail upon task stop when set to true. |
Data duplication with TaskrecoveryTableEnabled setting |
Fixed and issue where some transactions would be replicated twice when the TaskrecoveryTableEnabled setting was enabled. |
MySQL 5.5 source issue | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where AWS DMS task would fail due to inability to read the BINLOG from MySQL v5.5. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.5.3 release notes
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Enhanced PostgreSQL source endpoint for Babelfish support | AWS DMS has enhanced its PostgreSQL source endpoint to support Babelfish datatypes. For more information, see Using a PostgreSQL database as an AWS DMS source. |
Support for S3 Parquet as a source | AWS DMS supports S3 Parquet as a source. For more information, see Using Amazon S3 as a source for AWS DMS |
Support for PostgreSQL 16.x | AWS DMS supports PostgreSQL version 16.x. For more information, see Using a PostgreSQL database as an AWS DMS source and Using a PostgreSQL database as a target for AWS Database Migration Service. |
Enhanced Throughput for Full-Load Oracle to Amazon Redshift Migrations | AWS DMS Serverless provides significantly improved throughput performance for full-load migrations from Oracle to Amazon Redshift. For more information, see Enhanced Throughput for Full-Load Oracle to Amazon Redshift Migrations. |
Support for RDS for SQL Server Log backups | AWS DMS supports ongoing replication from transaction log backups for RDS for SQL Server sources. This feature is available only to new and modified AWS DMS source endpoints reading from RDS for SQL Server. For more information, see Setting up ongoing replication on a cloud SQL Server DB instance. |
AWS DMS version 3.5.3 includes the following resolved issues:
Resolved Issue | Description |
Data Validation override function | Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where AWS DMS would not honor
source filtering when a rule action was set to override-validation-function
in table mappings. |
MySQL source CDC errors | Fixed an issue for MySQL as a source where CDC migration would fail with UTF16 encoding. |
Data validation collation differences | Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where AWS DMS would not properly apply the
HandleCollationDiff task setting when column filtering was used. |
Data validation task hanging. | Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where the AWS DMS task would hang
with a target is null" error. |
Task failures in PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL replication. | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL migrations where a AWS DMS task would fail while inserting LOB data into the target during CDC replication. |
Data loss with PostgreSQL as a source | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source where data loss occurring in certain edge-case scenarios. |
MySQL 5.5 source CDC errors | Fixed an issue for MySQL as a source where CDC replication would fail with MySQL verion 5.5. |
Oracle source IOT table issue. | Fixed an issue for Oracle as a source where AWS DMS wouldn't replicate UPDATE statements
correctly for IOT tables with supplemental logging enabled on all columns. |
MySQL source LOBS | Fixed an issue for MySQL to Amazon Redshift migrations where the AWS DMS task would fail due to LOBs exceeding the maximum size allowed by Amazon Redshift. |
Validation issue with SkipLobColumns |
Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where the AWS DMS task would fail with SkipLobColumns = true
when a primary key was on the last column in the source table. |
Skip validation where the unique key is null |
Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where AWS DMS doesn't skip rows with null unique keys properly. |
Data validation improvements for Oracle COLLATE operator. |
Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where the validation would fail with a syntax error on Oracle versions prior to 12.2. |
Error handling during full load | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a target where the task would hang during the full-load phase after a table error caused by invalid data. |
Revalidation of CDC validation-only tasks | Enhanced the data validation feature to allow revalidation on a CDC validation-only task. |
S3 as a target CdcMaxBatchInterval Out of Memory issue |
Fixed an issue for S3 as a target where the AWS DMS task would fail with an Out of Memory condition with CdcMaxBatchInterval set. |
Oracle source driver | Upgraded the AWS DMS Oracle source driver from v12.2 to v19.18. |
LOB truncation warning with SQL Server source | Enhanced logging for SQL Server as a source to show warnings on LOB truncation during CDC. |
Oracle binary reader enhancements | Enhanced the Oracle source binary reader to support the following:
Skip cached changes issue after interruptions | Fixed an issue for skipping cached changes in case of an unexpected interruption while applying those changes. |
MongoDB AWS DMS swap file issue | Fixed an issue for MongoDB source where AWS DMS task would fail to resume after AWS DMS upgrade when AWS DMS swap file was present. |
MySQL to Amazon Redshift JSON migration issue. | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where the JSON data type was not being hadled propely with Batch Apply enabled. |
Data validation issue for SQL Server to APG migrations. | Fixed an issue for SQL Server to PostgreSQL migration where data validaiton would report false positives in certain situations. |
EmptyAsNull ECA issue for Amazon Redshift target CDC | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where the EmptyAsNull ECA would not work correctly. |
Logging enhancement for SQL Server source | Enhanced logging for SQL Server source to unclude the storage unit value. |
Memory leak issue | Fixed an issue where for targets using CSV files to load data AWS DMS task was showing a memory leak. |
Amazon S3 target issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target where CdcMaxBatchInterval and CdcMinFileSize were not respected when cdcInsertAndUpdateOnly setting was enabled. |
Logging enhancement for Kafka target | Enhanced logging for Kafka target |
Logging enhancement for Oracle source. | Enhanced logging for Oracle source with binary reader to properly indicate tables being skipped due to missing primary keys. |
Logging Enhancement for SQL Server source | Enhanced logging for SQL Server source in AlwaysOn configuration to properly indicate missing permissions. |
Logging Enhancement for migrations with disabled DDL | Enhanced logging for migrations with disabled DDL replication to indicate unexpected target table structure after its modified outside of AWS DMS. |
Db2 target issue | Fixed an issue for Db2 target where the task would fail when the AWS DMS status table is enabled. |
MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB Secret Manger issue. | Fixed an issue for MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB endpoints where the credentials could not be retrieved from Secret Manager which resulted in an error. |
MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB endpoint issue | Fixed an issue for MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB where the task would fail with ParallelApply enabled while replicating certain sequence of events. |
Logging enhancement for Amazon Redshift target | Enhanced logging for Amazon Redshift target to include more detailed information in default logging level. |
Amazon S3 target task crash issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 taget where DMS task would crash after receiving alter table DDL when GlueCatalogGeneration is enabled. |
Data validation issue | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where validation would fail on NUL (0x00) characters. |
Babelsifh endpoint issue | Fixed an issue for babelfish endpoint where tables names with mixed case would be suspended. |
Amazon S3 source issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 source where files were not process due to a file name validation issue. |
Db2 LUC source issue with selection rules. | Fixed an issue for Db2 LUW source where "table-type" option in selection rules was being ignored. |
Amazon Redshift target missing data issue. | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where data loss would occur when ParallelLoadThreads was >0 under certain conditions. |
Data validation enhancement for Amazon Redshift target | Enhanced the data validation feature for Amazon Redshift target to support HandleCollationDiff setting. |
Amazon S3 target data validation issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target data validation where validation would fail when there were no other columns than the PK in the table. |
Data validation CloudWatch metrics | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the CloudWatch metrics would be missing for validation which took a short amount of time to complete. |
Data validation re-validate option unavailable | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the re-validation option was unavailable in certain situations. |
Large tranasction replication issue | Fixed an issue where the maximum number of events per transaction was limited to 201,326,592 under certain conditions. |
MySQL source data loss issue | Fixed an issue for MySQL to Amazon S3 migration where first DML executed after "add column" DDL would be missed resulting in data loss. |
Memory leak issue in batch apply | Fixed a memory leak issue for batch apply feature which would occur under certain conditions. |
DMS task start issue | Fixed an issue where AWS DMS task start woudl take a very long time and never complete. |
MySQL source data validation issue. | Fixed an issue for MySQL source data validation where auto-incremented columns were not handled properly. |
Oracle endpoint Kerberos authentication issue | Fixed an issue with Oracle endpoint where connectivity would not work with Kerberos authentication. |
Babelfish target uniqueidentifier issue | Fixed an issue for Babelfish target where replication would fail for tables with primary keys defined as uniqueidentifier. |
PostgreSQL souce missing data issue | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source where data loss would occur due to unknown events in the replication slot. |
Data validation issue for unicode data types. | Fixed an issue for the data validation feature where ceratin unicode data types were not compared properly which resulted in false positives. |
Redshift Target Timestamp Column | Fixed an issue with ColumnType definition where timestamp column types were not set correctly |
S3 Target Timestamp Conversion | Fixed an issue with S3 target parquet file format by handling zero timestamp values (these values should be converted to NULL on the target) |
MySQL source and target LOB columns order | Fixed an issue with MySQL source and target migrating Lob columns. Now DMS uses the column id from the target table instead of source table when deciding to which column we need to write the LOB Data |
Babelfish target Datetime data types | Fixed an issue with Babelfish target where we have restricted the fractional seconds precision for Datetime and Time types to solve rounding errors. |
MySQL 5.5 task failures while reading binglog during on going replication (CDC). | Fixed an issue with MySQL 5.5 source, we have added retry mechanism to prevent task failure when DMS would fail to read binary log events during on going replication (CDC). |
PostgreSQL Source segfault and memory leak issue while using test decoding plugin. | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL source where certain onging replication (CDC) events failed to be parsed correctly when using the test_decoding plugin for Postgres. |
DocoumentDB Target parallel apply settings | Fixed an issue with DocumentDB target with parallel apply setting which was preventing the use of multiple threads while using this feature. |
Oracle HCC Compression DIRECT INSERT | Fixed an issue with Oracle HCC compression DIRECT INSERT with parallel DML hint causing missing and duplicate data. |
Oracle Binary Reader issue with Oracle July 2024 CPU | Fixed an issue with Oracle source, DMS task with binary reader were failing due to Oracle July 2024 CPU |
Babebfish Target UUID Primary Keys | Fixed an issue with Babelfish target where DMS task were failing while replicating tables with Primary Key defined as UUID. |
DMS ongoin replication (CDC) tasks failing with TaskRecoveryTableEnabled | Fixed an issue with TaskRecoveryTableEnabled enabled,
where DMS attempts to update the target system table
awsdms_txn_state after the target connection is
terminated. |
PostgreSQL source duplicate records | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL source where some transactions would be replicated twice when the TaskrecoveryTableEnabled setting was enabled. |
DMS S3 source/target replication issue | Fixed an issue with S3 source to S3 target where DMS task was not replicating data during full load and on going replication. |
DMS S3 source task failure during on going replication | Fixed an issue for S3 source where DMS task was seg faulting during on going replication for DMS vesion 3.5.3 |
DMS DB2 source CcsidMapping ECA | Fixed an issue with DB2 soruce with CcsidMapping, CCSID mappin ECA is now properly applied to task when code page is 0 and data is migrated properly |
DMS Aurora PostgreSQL to Redshift Serverless Boolean Value replication. | Fixed an issue where DMS migration from Aurora PostgreSQL to Redshift Serverless was seeing issue with Boolean value. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.5.2 release notes
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Amazon Redshift data validation | AWS DMS now supports validating data in Amazon Redshift targets. |
Support for Microsoft SQL Server version 2022 as a source and target. | AWS DMS now supports using Microsoft SQL Server version 2022 as a source and target. |
IBM Db2 LUW as a target | AWS DMS now supports IBM Db2 LUW as a target. Using AWS DMS, you can now perform live migrations from IBM Db2 LUW to IBM Db2 LUW. |
AWS DMS version 3.5.2 includes the following resolved issues:
Resolved Issue | Description |
IBM Db2 target segmented full load | Added support for segmented full load with IBM Db2 as a target. |
Amazon Timestream as a target settings | Enhanced the handling of invalid timestamp settings and unsupported table operations for Timestream as a target. |
Task crash with column filter | Fixed an issue where a task was crashing while using a filter on a column that DMS added dynamically using a transformation rule. |
Logging transaction swap file reading | Added logging to show when DMS is reading from transaction swap files. |
S3 as a target with CdcInsertsAndUpdates |
Fixed an issue for S3 as a target where a task would crash when CdcInsertsAndUpdates
is true and PreserveTransactions is true . |
Source filter negative operators | Fixed an issue where the source filter-operator when set to a negative operator had incorrect behavior if the same column had a transformation rule defined. |
Added logging for when DMS pauses reading from the source | Enhanced logging to show when DMS temporarily pauses reading from the source to improve performance. |
Source filters with escaped characters | Fixed an issue for source filters where DMS applies escaped characters to newly created tables during CDC. |
PostgreSQL as a target, incorrectly replicated deletes | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a target where DMS replicates deletes as null values. |
Oracle as a source logging improvements | Enhanced logging for Oracle as a source to remove extraneous error codes. |
Improved logging of XMLTYPE limitations | Improved logging for Oracle as a source to show DMS' lack of support for full LOB mode for the
XMLTYPE data type. |
MySQL data loss | Fixed an issue for MySQL as a target where corrupted column metadata could cause task crashes or data loss. |
Filter applied to a new column | Fixed an issue during full load where DMS ignores a filter that a transformation rule adds to a new column. |
S3 as a target: Validation issue | Fixed an issue for S3 as a target where data validation would fail while migrating multiple tables with different validation partitioning definitions. |
CDC-only task crash | Fixed an issue for CDC-only tasks where the task would crash when TaskRecoveryTableEnabled
is true . |
MySQL to MariaDB incompatible collations | Fixed an issue for MySQL to MariaDB migrations where DMS doesn't migrate MySQL v8 tables with tf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
collation. |
Task crashes with BatchApplyEnabled |
Fixed an issue for the Batch Apply feature where the task would fail under certain conditions. |
Non UTF-8 characters in Amazon DocumentDB | Added support for non UTF-8 characters for Amazon DocumentDB endpoints. |
Batch Apply task crash | Fixed an issue for the Batch Apply feature where the DMS task crashes while replicating large transactions. |
Db2 transaction rollback handling | Fixed an issue for Db2 as a source where DMS would replicate an INSERT to the target, despite being
rolled back on the source. |
Validation with source filters | Fixed an issue where validation was not respecting source filters. |
MongoDB AWS DMS swap file issue | Fixed an issue for MongoDB source where DMS task would fail to resume after AWS DMS upgrade when AWS DMS swap file was present. |
MySQL to Amazon Redshift JSON migration issue. | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where the JSON data type was not being hadled propely with Batch Apply enabled. |
MySQL 5.5 source CDC errors | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where CDC replicaiton would fail with MySQL verion 5.5. |
LOB migration issue | Fixed an issue for LOB migration where the AWS DMS task would crash while processing certain event types. |
Data validation issue | Fixed an issue for Data Validation feature where the Validation-only task would hang on certain DDL events. |
Data validation issue with filters. | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the the HandleCollationDiff setting was not applied when filters were present |
MySQL SourceEnum encoding issue. | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where UTF-16 encoded enum values were not migrated correctly. |
LOB truncation warning with SQL Server source | Enhanced logging for SQL Server source to show warning on LOB truncation during CDC. |
Data validation issue for SQL Server to APG migrations. | Fixed an issue for SQL Server to PostgreSQL migration where data validaiton would report false positives in certain situations. |
EmptyAsNull ECA issue for Amazon Redshift target CDC |
Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where the EmptyAsNull ECA would not work correctly. |
Logging enhancement for SQL Server source | Enhanced logging for SQL Server source to unclude the storage unit value. |
Memory leak issue | Fixed an issue where for targets using CSV files to load data AWS DMS task was showing a memory leak. |
Amazon S3 target issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target where CdcMaxBatchInterval and CdcMinFileSize were not respected when cdcInsertAndUpdateOnly setting was enabled. |
Logging enhancement for Kafka target | Enhanced logging for Kafka target |
Logging enhancement for Oracle source. | Enhanced logging for Oracle source with binary reader to properly indicate tables being skipped due to missing primary keys. |
Logging Enhancement for SQL Server source | Enhanced logging for SQL Server source in AlwaysOn configuration to properly indicate missing permissions. |
Logging Enhancement for migrations with disabled DDL | Enhanced logging for migrations with disabled DDL replication to indicate unexpected target table structure after its modified outside of AWS DMS. |
Db2 target issue | Fixed an issue for Db2 target where the task would fail when the DMS status table is enabled. |
MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB Secret Manger issue. | Fixed an issue for MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB endpoints where the credentials could not be retrieved from Secret Manager which resulted in an error. |
MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB endpoint issue | Fixed an issue for MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB where the task would fail with ParallelApply enabled while replicating certain sequence of events. |
MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB data validation issue | Fixed an issue for MongoDB / Amazon DocumentDB data validation where an error would occur after detecting data differences. |
Logging enhancement for Amazon Redshift target | Enhanced logging for Amazon Redshift target to include more detailed information in default logging level. |
Amazon S3 target task crash issue | FIxed an issue for Amazon S3 taget where AWS DMS task would crash after receiving alter table DDL when GlueCatalogGeneration is enabled. |
Data validation issue | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where validation would fail on NUL (0x00) characters. |
Babelsifh endpoint issue | Fixed an issue for babelfish endpoint where tables names with mixed case would be suspended. |
Db2 LUC source issue with selection rules. | Fixed an issue for Db2 LUW source where "table-type" option in selection rules was being ignored. |
Amazon Redshift target missing data issue. | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where data loss would occur when ParallelLoadThreads was >0 under certain conditions. |
Data validation enhancement for Amazon Redshift target | Enhanced the data validation feature for Amazon Redshift target to support HandleCollationDiff setting. |
Amazon S3 target data validation issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target data validation where validation would fail when there were no other columns than the PK in the table. |
Data validation CloudWatch metrics | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the CloudWatch metrics would be missing for validation which took a short amount of time to complete. |
Data validation re-validate option unavailable | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the re-validation option was unavailable in certain situations. |
Large tranasction replication issue | Fixed an issue where the maximum number of events per transaction was limited to 201,326,592 under certain conditions. |
Table reload issue | Fixed an issue where a reload of multiple tables was canceled when at least one of the table was invalid. |
MySQL source data loss issue | Fixed an issue for MySQL to S3 migration where first DML executed after "add column" DDL would be missed resulting in data loss. |
Memory leak issue in batch apply | Fixed a memory leak issue for batch apply feature which would occur under certain conditions. |
AWS DMS task start issue | Fixed an issue where AWS DMS task start woudl take a very long time and never complete. |
PostgreSQL souce missing data issue | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source where data loss would occur due to unknown events in the replication slot. |
MySQL source and target LOB columns order | Fixed an issue with MySQL source and target migrating Lob columns. Now DMS uses the column id from the target table instead of source table when deciding to which column we need to write the LOB Data. |
MySQL 5.5 task failures while reading binglog during on going replication (CDC). | Fixed an issue with MySQL 5.5 Source, added retry mechanism to prevent task failure when DMS would fail to read binary log events during on-going replication (CDC). |
PostgreSQL Source segfault and memory leak issue while using test decoding plugin. |
Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL Source where certain onging replication (CDC) events failed to be parsed correctly when using the test_decoding plugin for Postgres. |
DocoumentDB Target parallel apply settings | Fixed an issue with DocumentDB target with parallel apply setting which was preventing the use of multiple threads while using this feature. |
Oracle HCC Compression DIRECT INSERT | Fixed an issue with Oracle HCC compression DIRECT INSERT with parallel DML hint causing missing and duplicate data. |
Oracle Binary Reader issue with Oracle July 2024 CPU | Fixed an issue with Oracle Source, DMS task with binary reader were failing due to Oracle July 2024 CPU. |
DMS ongoin replication (CDC) tasks failing with TaskRecoveryTableEnabled | Fixed an issue with TaskRecoveryTableEnabled enabled,
where DMS attempts to update the target system table
awsdms_txn_state after the target connection is
terminated. |
PostgreSQL source duplicate records | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL source where some transactions would
be replicated twice when the TaskrecoveryTableEnabled
setting was enabled. |
DMS S3 source/target replication issue | Fixed an issue with S3 source to S3 target where DMS task was not replicating data during full load and on going replication. |
DMS DB2 source CcsidMapping ECA | Fixed an issue with DB2 soruce with CcsidMapping, CCSID mappin ECA is now properly applied to task when code page is 0 and data is migrated properly. |
DMS Aurora PostgreSQL to Redshift Serverless Boolean Value replication. | Fixed an issue where DMS migration from Aurora PostgreSQL to Redshift Serverless was seeing issue with Boolean value. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.5.1 release notes
Change in Handling of Large Numeric Values for Streaming Targets
In AWS DMS version 3.5.1, there is a change in how large integer and high-precision numeric values are handled
when streaming data to targets like Kafka and Kinesis. Specifically, AWS DMS changed its internal data type
representation, handling these values as INT64
instead of INT8
This shift can result in different data formats on the streaming endpoints, particularly when the values
exceed the limits of INT8
. Consequently, the representation of these numeric types may differ
from their previous formatting when streamed to destinations like Kafka and Kinesis, potentially impacting
downstream systems and processes that consume the data from these targets.
Summary of Change:
In previous versions (e.g., 3.4.7/3.4.6), large integer values were represented as integers.
Starting with version 3.5.1, these values may appear in scientific notation (e.g.,
), potentially leading to precision and formatting differences.
Affected Data Types
The recent change affects the representation of several numeric types when streamed to endpoints like Kafka and Kinesis. The impacted types are:
Large integer types (e.g.,
)Floating-point types (
)High-precision decimal types (
Affected Scenarios:
Full load migrations to streaming targets
Change Data Capture (CDC) to streaming targets
This change specifically impacts streaming endpoints such as Kafka and Kinesis, while non-streaming targets remain unaffected.
To mitigate this change, you can implement a data type transformation that reverts to the previous formatting, representing large numbers as integers. However, it's important to note that this workaround may not be suitable for all scenarios, as it could potentially introduce limitations or compatibility issues.
Test your specific use case in a non-production environment before deploying AWS DMS version 3.5.1 or later to identify and address any impacts of this change.
Affected customers can implement the change-data-type transformation workaround, if applicable, to revert to the previous formatting for large numbers as integers. However, this approach may not suit all scenarios.
We are reviewing this behavior to ensure consistent data type handling across endpoints in future releases.
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) version 3.5.1.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Support for PostgreSQL 15.x | AWS DMS version 3.5.1 supports PostgreSQL version 15.x. For more information, see Using PostgreSQL as a source and Using PostgreSQL as a target. |
Support for Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters with sharded collections | AWS DMS version 3.5.1 supports Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters with sharded collections. For more information, see Using Amazon DocumentDB as a target for AWS Database Migration Service. |
Amazon Redshift Serverless as a Target | Support for using Amazon Amazon Redshift Serverless as a target endpoint. For more information, see Using an Amazon Redshift database as a target for AWS Database Migration Service. |
Babelfish Endpoint Settings | Enhanced PostgreSQL target endpoint settings for providing Babelfish support. For more information, see Using a PostgreSQL database as a target for AWS Database Migration Service. |
Oracle Source Open Transactions | AWS DMS 3.5.1 improves the methodology of handling open transactions when starting a CDC-Only task from the Start Position for an Oracle source.
For more information, see OpenTransactionWindow in the Endpoint settings
when using Oracle as a source for AWS DMS
Amazon Timestream as a Target | Support for using Amazon Timestream as a target endpoint. For more information, see Using Amazon Timestream as a target for AWS Database Migration Service. |
AWS DMS version 3.5.1 includes the following resolved issues:
Resolved Issue | Description |
Large numeric value handling change | The representation of large numeric values on streaming targets has been updated. Review the 'Handling of Large Numeric Values in Streaming Targets' documentation for details on potential impacts. |
Oracle as a source growing inactive sessions | Fixed an issue for Oracle source where CDC-only tasks had continuously growing
inactive sessions, resulting in the following exception: ORA-00020: maximum number
of processes exceeded on the source database . |
Replicating UPDATE changes to DocumentDB | Fixed an issue for DocumentDB as a target where UPDATE statements were not properly replicated in some scenarios. |
Validation-only task | Improved error handling for the data validation feature to properly fail the task when data validation is disabled for validation-only tasks. |
Amazon Redshift replication after connection termination | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where the DMS task would not retry applying changes
on the target when the target has ParallelApplyThreads set greater than zero
after connection termination, which would result in data loss. |
MySQL text to mediumtext replication | Fixed an issue for MySQL to MySQL replication of mediumtext data types with full-LOB mode. |
CDC task not replicating with rotated secret | Fixed an issue for DMS tasks with BatchApplyEnabled set to true where
DMS would stop replicating data after Secrets Manager rotated the password. |
MongoDB/DocumentDB segmentation issue | Fixed an issue for MongoDB / DocDB source where range segmentation would not work properly when the primary key column contained a large value. |
Oracle data validation of unbound numeric values | Fixed an issue for Oracle target where DMS would recognize
a value of unbound data type NUMERIC as a STRING during data validation. |
SQL Server data validation | Fixed an issue for SQL Server endpoints where DMS data validation constructed an invalid SQL statement. |
MongoDB Auto-Segementation | Improved the functionality of automatic partitioning of data when migrating documents in parallel from MongoDB as a source. |
Amazon S3 Apache Parquet format | Fixed an issue so that Apache Parquet files written to S3 as a target can be viewed with Python with Apache Arrow C++. |
PostgreSQL as a source DDL handling | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL source where unsupported DDL operations were not properly ignored. |
PostgreSQL timestamptz data error |
Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL migrations where timestamp with time zone data was not migrated properly with Batch apply enabled during CDC. |
Oracle to PostgreSQL validation failure | Fixed an issue with Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations where data validation was failing for the NUMERIC(38,30) data type. |
Oracle extended data type error | Fixed an issue with Oracle source where extended varchar data type was being truncated. |
Combining filter operators | Fixed an issue for the column filtering functionality where the null column operator could not be combined with other types of operators. |
CDC latency resulting from excessive logging. | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL source where excessive logging of pglogical plug-in warnings was causing source CDC latency. |
Bi-directional replication handling of Create Table DDL | Fixed an issue for bi-directional replication from PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL where the Create Table DDL change was not replicated properly. |
CDC failure while using filters | Fixed an issue for the filtering feature where CDC replication was failing. |
Certificate authority hostname validation for Kafka endpoints | Enhanced the functionality of Kafka endpoints by adding the option to disable hostname
validation of the certificate authority (SslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm ). |
IBM Db2 LUW validation | Fixed an issue where Db2 LUW source date, timestamp, and time data types were not handled properly during data validation. |
S3 validation | Fixed an issue with Db2 LUW to S3 migrations where the validation fuctionality was not handling the timestamp(0) datatype properly. |
DMS task restart failure | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL source where the AWS DMS task was failing to restart and could not consume relational events when using the pglogical plugin. |
SQL Server validation of HIERARCHY data type | Fixed an issue for SQL Server source where validation of HIERARCHY data type would fail. |
SQL Server strings with control characters | Fixed an issue for SQL Server soruce where strings with control characters were not replicated correctly. |
Amazon Redshift with Secrets Manager | Fixed an issue with Amazon Redshift target where testing the endpoint would fail when using Secrets Manager. |
MySQL ParallelLoadThreads setting inconsistency | Fixed an issue with MySQL target where the ParallelLoadThreads setting
was not properly retained after task settings changes. |
Error with PostgreSQL to Oracle data type mapping | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL to Oracle migrations where the task would fail when replicating from data type TEXT to data type VARCHAR2(2000). |
Oracle to PostgreSQL data validation | Fixed an issue with Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations where data validation reported false positives when NULL characters were replicated as SPACE characters. |
SQL Server source in AlwaysOn configuration | Fixed an issue with SQL Server source in AlwaysOn confuguration where the AWS DMS task would fail when the replica name didn't match the actual server name exactly. |
Oracle source endpoint test failure | Fixed an issue with Oracle source where the AWS DMS endpoint connection test would fail due to insufficient priveleges while retrieving the Oracle session ID (SID). |
CDC not picking up new tables | Fixed an issue with CDC-only tasks where tables created on the source after the task was started were not replicated in some cases. |
Open transactions in Oracle as a source | Improved the methodology of handling open transactions when starting a CDC-Only task from the Start Position for an Oracle source. |
Missing data issue | Fixed an issue of missing data when resuming a task if it was stopped after cached changes were applied
(StopTaskCachedChangesApplied option set to true). This issue could occur rarely if AWS DMS
persists cached changes
to the AWS DMS replication instance disk due to a high volume of changes on the source. |
Data validation issue on extended datatype | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL to Oracle data validation where validation was failing for extended data types. |
Data validation issue on inconsistent character encoding | Fixed an issue for SQL Server to PostgreSQL data validation where validation was failing when character encoding was inconsistent between source and target. |
Data validation issue ORA-01455 | Fixed an issue where an ORA-01455 error occurs during validation when a PostgreSQL integer maps to
an Oracle number(10) . |
SQL Server IDENTITY support |
Fixed an issue for SQL Server to SQL Server data replication where migrating identity columns fails when the
target column had the IDENTITY property. |
Character set issue with ALTER statements | Fixed an issue for MySQL to MySQL replication where AWS DMS changes the character set to UTF16 when migrating an ALTER
statement during CDC. |
PostgreSQL to Amazon Redshift Spatial data type support | Added support for the spatial datatype when migrating from PostgreSQL to Amazon Redshift. |
GZIP compression of .parquet files | Fixed an issue where AWS DMS fails to generate .parquet files with GZIP compression with S3 as a target. |
MongoDB/DocDB source migration | Fixed an issue where AWS DMS doesn't migrate some of the partitions from a MongoDB source. |
Table statistics issue | Fixed an issue where table statistics were not shown when at least one of the tasks on the replication instance contained more than 1001 tables. |
Table suspended for IBM Db2 LUW versions 10.1.0 and lower | Fixed an issue for Db2 LUW source where table migration was suspended with the error
TYPESTRINGUNITS is not valid when the source database version is 10.1.0 or lower. |
MongoDB partitioning issue | Fixed an issue for MongoDB/DocDB where one or more segments of the source partition are missing. |
MongoDB partitioning issue | Fix an issue where segmentation based on a column with the NumberLong() type fails due to type conversion bug. |
MongoDB partitioning issue | Improved autosegmentation performance for large data sets with MongoDB as a source. |
MongoDB driver version | Downgraded the MongoDB driver to 1.20.0 to continue support for MongoDB versions 3.6 and lower. |
Amazon S3 Apache Parquet timestamp datatype | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 parquet target. AWS DMS now sets the format parameter isAdjustedToUTC to true to match the behavior in previous versions of AWS DMS. |
Amazon Redshift as a target copy command | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift as a target where the copy command failed for large tables when copying data from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift. |
PostgreSQL geometry datatypes | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL migrations where migration failed on large geometry datatypes. |
Oracle to PostgreSQL XML | Fixed an issue where migration added an extra space on XML when replicating from Oracle to PostgreSQL. |
Updating target checkpoint in supported engines | AWS DMS now updates the target checkpoint in the awsdms_txn_state table in the target database. |
MongoDB/DocDB records sent to wrong collection | Fixed an issue for MongoDB/DocDB where data gets sent to the wrong target collection. |
Oracle source new table selection with EscapeCharacter endpoint setting | Fixed an issue for Oracle source where AWS DMS was only picking up new tables for replication
when the task was stopped and resumed while the EscapeCharacter endpoint setting was set. |
CDC recovery checkpoint | Fixed an inconsistency in the CDC recovery checkpoint observed between the target datastore and AWS DMS console. |
CDC validation-only tasks | Fixed an issue with CDC validation-only tasks where the task would not fail, even if all tables in the task encountered failures. |
Validation behavior with source or target connection issues | Fixed an issue with data validation where AWS DMS would suspend tables on the source or target when the connection dropped. |
Oracle to PostgreSQL data validation false positives | Fixed an issue with Oracle to PostgreSQL data validation where AWS DMS reported false positives. This is because the differences in the representation of source NULL characters on the target were not accounted for with text-based datatypes other than VARCHAR. |
Oracle to PostgreSQL data truncation | Fixed an issue with Oracle as a source and PostgreSQL as a target where AWS DMS
was truncating data for NVARCHAR columns with the Oracle NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET
setting set to AL16UTF16 . |
Data validation error | Fixed an issue with data validation where an unable to create where filter clause
error was thrown when both source filtering and an add-column transformation rule were in use. |
Amazon Redshift target error handling | Fixed an issue with Amazon Redshift as a target where error handling did not function
as configured when the CDC task had the ParallelApplyThreads task setting
set to a value greater than zero. |
Oracle as a source communication failure | Fixed an issue with Oracle as a source where the task remained in the RUNNING
state, but was unable to migrate any data after a communication failure. |
CDC table suspended with column filters | Fixed an issue with Full Load + CDC tasks where a table would be suspended during the CDC phase when column filters were applied. |
S3 as a target data validation failure for special characters | Fixed an issue with S3 target data validation where the task would fail if the table name included a special character other than an underscore. |
MongoDB source Full Load and CDC failure | Fixed an issue with MongoDB as a source where a Full Load + CDC task would fail during handling of cache events while migrating a large collection. |
Upgrade issue with BatchApplyEnabled set to true |
Fixed an issue where a task with the BatchApplyEnabled task setting
set to true would fail after migrating from AWS DMS version 3.4.6 to 3.5.1 in some cases. |
SQL Server AlwaysOn source with case-sensitive collation | Fixed an issue with SQL Server AlwaysOn as a source where a task would fail with case-sensitive collation. |
MySQL source task hanging | Fixed an issue with MySQL as a source where a task would hang instead of failing when the source was not properly configured. |
S3 source full load task failure | Fixed an issue with S3 as a source where a task would fail on resume after upgrading from AWS DMS version 3.4.6 or 3.4.7 to version 3.5.1. |
PostgreSQL source with CaptureDDLs set to false | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL as a source where DDLs were not properly
handled with the CaptureDDLs endpoint setting set to false. |
Oracle source task crash during resume | Fixed an issue with Oracle as a source where a task would crash on resume due to incorrect data in the column name. |
MySQL source LOB lookup failure | Fixed an issue with MySQL as a source where an LOB lookup would fail when
the ParallelApplyThreads task setting was set to a value greater than zero. |
SQL Server source illogical LSN error | Fixed an issue with SQL Server as a source where a task would fail with
an illogical LSN sequencing state error error after upgrading from AWS DMS version
3.4.7 to version 3.5.1. |
PostgreSQL source with pglogical | Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL as a source where a task using the pglogical plugin would fail when the task was stopped, a table was removed from selection rules, the task was resumed, and changes were made to the removed table. |
Aurora MySQL incorrect recovery checkpoint. | Fixed an issue for Aurora MySQL as a source where an incorrect recovery checkpoint would be saved as a result of an Aurora failover or Aurora source stop and start. |
SQL Server as a source task crash. | Fixed an issue for SQL Server as a source where a task would crash when SafeguardPolicy
Incorrect data type casting with MySQL as a target | Fixed an issue for MySQL as a target there where CDC replication would fail as a result of incorrect data type casting in the batch-apply phase. |
Task failure with CaptureDDLs set to false for PostgreSQL as a source. | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source where a task would fail due to a DDL
being treated as a DML when the CaptureDDLs endpoint setting was set to false . |
MongoDB empty collection crash | Fixed an issue for MongoDB as a source where the task would crash due to an empty collection. |
Amazon Redshift as a target full load task crash | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift as a target where a task would crash during the full load phase when the recovery checkpoint control table was enabled. |
S3 to S3 - no data movement. | Fixed an issue for S3 to S3 replication where AWS DMS would not replicate the data if the
bucketFolder was not specified. |
CDC latency with GlueCatalogGeneration set to true |
Fixed an issue for S3 as a target where excessive latency would occur when
GlueCatalogGeneration was set to true . |
Oracle as a target data truncation | Fixed an issue with Oracle as a target where AWS DMS truncates data in VARCHAR2 columns. |
PostgreSQL underscore wildcard behavior | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source where the behavior of the '_' wildcard in the selection rules was not working as documented. |
PostgreSQL as a source empty WAL header issue. | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source where the task would fail due to an empty WAL header received from the replication slot. |
MySQL or MariaDB as a source with compressed binary logs | Fixed an issue for MySQL and MariaDB as sources where a proper error message was not emitted when AWS DMS detected BINLOG compression. |
S3 data validation special characters | Improved S3 data validation to handle special characters in primary and non-primary key columns. |
Misleading task log entries with Amazon Redshift as a target. | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift as a target where misleading entires were present in the task log reporting batch-apply statement failures on UPDATES and DELETES. |
SQL Server to S3 migration task crash. | Fixed an issue for SQL Server to S3 migrations where the task would crash while applying cached changes. |
Missing data on batch-apply errors. | Fixed an issue for the batch-apply feature where an error in applying a batch would result in missing data. |
Logging enhancement for SQL Server source | Improved logging for SQL Server source to unclude the storage unit value. Enhanced logging for SQL Server source in AlwaysOn configuration to properly indicate missing permissions. |
Logging enhancement for Kafka target | Several loggin enhancements introduced to provide better visiblitiy and troubleshooting capalities for the Kafka target. |
Logging enhancement for Oracle source. | Enhanced logging for Oracle source with binary reader to properly indicate tables being skipped due to missing primary keys. |
Logging Enhancement for migrations with disabled DDL | Enhanced logging for migrations with disabled DDL replication to indicate unexpected target table structure after its modified outside of AWS DMS. |
Logging enhancement for paused source capture. | Enhanced logging to better explain paused source capture situation. |
Logging enhancement for AWS DMS swap | Enhanced logging to indicate when AWS DMS is reading from internal swap files. |
Logging enhancement for Amazon Redshift target | Enhanced logging for Amazon Redshift target to include more detailed information in default logging level. |
Logging improvement for metadata manager | Enhanced logging to report issues with table matadata under info logging level to simplify troublshooting. |
Data validation enhancement for Amazon Redshift target | Enhanced the data validation feature for Amazon Redshift target to support HandleCollationDiff setting. |
Data validation re-validate option unavailable | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the re-validation option was unavailable in certain situations. |
Table reload issue | Fixed an issue where a reload of multiple tables was canceled when at least one of the table was invalid. |
MySQL to Amazon Redshift JSON migration issue. | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where the JSON data type was not being hadled propely with Batch Apply enabled. |
Column filtering issue | Fixed an issue for the column filtering feature where filters were not applied correctly to newly added columns during FL. |
Db2 LUC source issue with selection rules. | Fixed an issue for Db2 LUW source where "table-type" option in selection rules was being ignored. |
Data validation issue with filtered tasks. | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where filters were not respected while validating data. |
LOB migration issue | Fixed an issue for LOB migration where the AWS DMS task would crash while processing certain event types. |
Data validation issue | Fixed an issue for Data Validation feature where the Validation-only task would hang on certain DDL events. |
Data validation issue with filters | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the the HandleCollationDiff setting was not applied when filters were present |
MySQL SourceEnum encoding issue. | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where UTF-16 encoded enum values were not migrated correctly. |
Data validation issue for SQL Server to APG migrations. | Fixed an issue for SQL Server to PostgreSQL migration where data validaiton would report false positives in certain situations. |
EmptyAsNull ECA issue for Amazon Redshift target CDC | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where the EmptyAsNull ECA would not work correctly. |
Memory leak issue | Fixed an issue where for targets using CSV files to load data DMS task was showing a memory leak. |
Transformation rules with data validation | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where transformation rules were ignored when override rules existed. |
S3 target issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target where CdcMaxBatchInterval and CdcMinFileSize were not respected when cdcInsertAndUpdateOnly setting was enabled. |
MySQL target issue | Fixed an issue for MySQL target where corrupted column metadata could potentially cause AWS DMS task crash and/or data loss. |
Data validation issue | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the validation process would be terminated prematurely on any table supsension. |
Oracle target batch apply issue | Fixed an issue for Oracle target where AWS DMS task would crash with Batch Apply enabled. |
Amazon S3 target data validation issue. | FIxed an issue for Amazon S3 target data validation where the taks would fail due to the Athena not storing the table names correctly. |
MongoDB and Amazon DocumentDB Secret Manger issue. | Fixed an issue for MongoDB and Amazon DocumentDB endpoints where the credentials could not be retrieved from Secret Manager which resulted in an error. |
Oracle data validation never completing issue. | Fixed an issue for Oracle data validation where validation of certain tables would never complete. |
Data validation hanging issue | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where validation of certain tables would hang due to insufficient memory allocation. |
Amazon S3 target task crash issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 taget where AWS DMS task would crash after receiving alter table DDL when GlueCatalogGeneration is enabled. |
Data validation issue | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where validation would fail on NUL (0x00) characters. |
Babelsifh endpoint issue | Fixed an issue for babelfish endpoint where tables names with mixed case would be suspended. |
Amazon Redshift target missing data issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where data loss would occur when ParallelLoadThreads was >0 under certain conditions. |
Amazon S3 target data validation issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target data validation where validation would fail when there were no other columns than the PK in the table. |
Data validation CloudWatch metrics | Fixed an issue for data validation feature where the CloudWatch metrics would be missing for validation which took a short amount of time to complete. |
Memory leak issue in batch apply | Fixed a memory leak issue for batch apply feature which would occur under certain conditions. |
AWS DMS task start issue | Fixed an issue where AWS DMS task start woudl take a very long time and never complete. |
PostgreSQL souce missing data issue | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source where data loss would occur due to unknown events in the replication slot. |
Amazon S3 target data loss issue | Fixed an issue for Amazon S3 target where failed LOB lookup would result in data loss. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.5.0 Beta release notes
AWS DMS 3.5.0 is a beta version of the replication instance engine. AWS DMS supports this version the same as all previous releases. But we recommend that you test AWS DMS 3.5.0 Beta before using it for production purposes.
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) version 3.5.0 Beta.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Time Travel for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server | You can now use Time Travel in all AWS Regions with DMS-supported Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL source endpoints, and DMS-supported PostgreSQL and MySQL target endpoints. |
S3 validation | AWS DMS now supports validating replicated data in Amazon S3 target endpoints. For information about validating Amazon S3 target data, see Amazon S3 target data validation. |
Glue Catalog Integration | AWS Glue is a service that provides simple ways to categorize data, and consists of a metadata repository known as AWS Glue Data Catalog. You can now integrate an AWS Glue Data Catalog with your Amazon S3 target endpoint and query Amazon S3 data through other AWS services such as Amazon Athena. For more information, see Using AWS Glue Data Catalog with an Amazon S3 target for AWS DMS. |
Parallel apply for DocumentDB as a target | Using DocumentDB as the target with new ParallelApply* task settings, AWS DMS now supports a
maximum of 5000 records per second during CDC replication.
For more information, see Using Amazon DocumentDB as a target for AWS Database Migration Service.
Customer Centric Logging | You can now examine and manage task logs more effectively with AWS DMS version 3.5.0. For information about viewing and managing AWS DMS task logs, see Viewing and managing AWS DMS task logs. |
SASL_PLAIN mechanism for Kafka target endpoints | You can now use SASL_PLAIN authentication to support Kafka MSK target endpoints. |
Replication of XA transactions in MySQL | You can now use XA transactions on your MySQL DMS source. Prior to DMS 3.5.0, DML changes applied as part of XA transactions weren’t replicated correctly. |
Oracle Extended Data Types | AWS DMS now supports replication of extended data types in Oracle version 12.2 and higher. |
Db2 LUW PureScale Environment | AWS DMS now supports replication from a Db2 LUW PureScale environment. This functionality is only supported using the Start processing changes from source change position option. |
SQL Server source with READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option |
When using a Microsoft SQL Server source database with the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT
option set to TRUE , you can replicate DML changes correctly by setting the
forceDataRowLookup connection attribute.
AWS DMS 3.5.0 includes the following resolved issues:
Topic | Resolution |
Oracle—comparing special case for string that was converted from numeric | Fixed an issue for Oracle source where filtering rules weren't working as expected for a numeric column when data type transformation to string existed for the same column. |
On-premises SQL Server AG enhancements | Improved efficiency of connection handling with SQL Server source in AlwaysOn configuration by eliminating unnecessary connections to replicas that aren't used by DMS. |
SQL Server HIERARCHYID internal conversion | Fixed an issues with SQL Server Source where HIERARCHYID data type was replicated as VARCHAR(250) instead of HIERARCHYID to SQL Server target. |
S3 target move task fix | Fixed an issue when moving a task with an S3 target would take a very long time, appear frozen or never complete. |
SASL Plain mechanism of Kafka | Introduced support for SASL Plain authentication method for Kafka MSK target endpoint. |
Parallel Load/Apply fails due to _type parameter with Opensearch 2.x | Fixed an issue for Opensearch 2.x target where parallel load or parallel apply would fail due to lack of support for _type parameter. |
Support table mapping filter with mixed operators | Removed a limitation where only one filter could be applied on a column. |
S3, Kinesis, Kafka endpoints — alter-based lob columns migration in CDC phase | Fixed an issue for Kinesis, Kafka and S3 targets where data in LOB columns added during CDC wasn't replicated. |
MongoDB driver upgrade | Upgraded the MongoDB driver to v1.23.2. |
Kafka driver update | Upgraded the Kafka driver from 1.5.3 to 1.9.2. |
S3 endpoint setting was not working properly | Fixed an issue for S3 target where the
AddTrailingPaddingCharacter endpoint setting was not
working when data contained the character specified as the delimiter for
the S3 target. |
Kinesis target task would crash | Fixed an issue for Kinesis target where a task would crash when PK value was empty and detailed debug was enabled. |
When S3 targets' column names were shifted by one position | Fixed an issue for an S3 target where column names where shifted by one
position when AddColumnName was set to true and TimestampColumnName
was set to "" . |
Improved logging LOB truncation warning | Improved warning logging for LOB truncation for SQL Server source to include the select statement used to retrieve the LOB. |
Add Fatal error to avoid DMS task crashes if TDE password is wrong. | Introduced meaningful error message and eliminated task crash issue in situations where DMS task was failing with no error message due incorrect TDE password for Oracle as a source. |
Allows PostgreSQL CTAS(Create table as selected) DDL's migration during CDC. | Removed limitations of DMS not being able to replicate PostgreSQL CTAS (create table as selected) DDLs during CDC. |
Fix pg_logical task crash when table columns are dropped in CDC. | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source with S3 target where columns were misaligned on the target when support for LOBs was disabled and LOBs were present. |
Fix memory leak in MySQL connection handling | Fixed an issue for MySQL source where task memory consumption was increasing continuously. |
Oracle source endpoint setting – ConvertTimestampWithZoneToUTC |
Set this attribute to true to convert the timestamp value of 'TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE'
and 'TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE' columns to UTC. By default the value of this attribute is 'false'
and data is replicated using the source database timezone. |
Oracle source - DataTruncationErrorPolicy to
SUSPEND_TABLE not working |
Fixed an issue for Oracle source with S3 target where tables were not
suspended while the DataTruncationErrorPolicy task setting
was set to SUSPEND_TABLE. |
SQL Server fail on long schema/table while building query clause | Fixed an issues for SQL Server source where task would fail or become unresponsive when selection rule contained comma separated list of tables. |
Secret Manager authentication with MongoDB endpoint | Fixed an issue for MongoDB and DocumentDB endpoints where secret manager based authentication wasn't working. |
DMS truncating the data during CDC for a multi-byte varchar column when NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET is set to UTF8 | Fixed an issues for Oracle source with Oracle target where data was being truncated for multi-byte VARCHAR columns with NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET set to UTF8. |
filterTransactionsOfUser ECA for Oracle LogMiner |
Added an Extra Connection Attribute (ECA)
filterTransactionsOfUser to allow DMS to ignore
transactions from a specified user when replicating from Oracle using
LogMiner. |
SQL Server Setting recoverable error when lsn missing from backup | Fixed an issue for SQL Server where a task would not fail on missing LSN. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.7 release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) version 3.4.7.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Support Babelfish as a target |
AWS DMS now supports Babelfish as a target. Using AWS DMS, you can now migrate live data from any AWS DMS supported source to a Babelfish, with minimal downtime. For more information, see Using Babelfish as a target for AWS Database Migration Service. |
Support IBM Db2 z/OS databases as a source for full load only |
AWS DMS now supports IBM Db2 z/OS databases as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can now perform live migrations from Db2 mainframes to any AWS DMS supported target. For more information, see Using IBM Db2 for z/OS databases as a source for AWS DMS. |
Support SQL Server read replica as a source |
AWS DMS now supports SQL Server read replica as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can now perform live migrations from SQL Server read replica to any AWS DMS supported target. For more information, see Using a Microsoft SQL Server database as a source for AWS DMS. |
Support EventBridge DMS events |
AWS DMS supports managing event subscriptions using EventBridge for DMS events. For more information, see Working with Amazon EventBridge events and notifications in AWS Database Migration Service. |
Support VPC source and target endpoints |
AWS DMS now supports Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints as sources and targets. AWS DMS can now connect to any AWS service with VPC endpoints when explicitly defined routes to the services are defined in their AWS DMS VPC. NoteUpgrades to AWS DMS versions 3.4.7 and higher require that you first configure AWS DMS to use VPC endpoints or to use public routes. This requirement applies to source and target endpoints for Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, AWS Secrets Manager, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. For more information, see Configuring VPC endpoints as AWS DMS source and target endpoints. |
New PostgreSQL version | PostgreSQL version 14.x is now supported as a source and as a target. |
Support Aurora Serverless v2 as a target |
AWS DMS now supports Aurora Serverless v2 as a target. Using AWS DMS, you can now perform live migrations to Aurora Serverless v2. For information about supported AWS DMS targets, see Targets for data migration. |
New IBM Db2 for LUW versions |
AWS DMS now supports IBM Db2 for LUW versions 11.5.6 and 11.5.7 as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can now perform live migrations from the latest versions of IBM DB2 for LUW. For information about AWS DMS sources, see Sources for data migration. For information about supported AWS DMS targets, see Targets for data migration. |
AWS DMS 3.4.7 includes the following new or changed behavior and resolved issues:
You can now use a date format from the table definition to parse a data string into a date object when using Amazon S3 as a source.
New table statistics counters are now available:
, andAppliedUpdates.
You can now choose the default mapping type when using OpenSearch as a target.
The new
endpoint setting for Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer sources allows you to specify whether to trim data on CHAR and NCHAR data types. -
The new
endpoint setting for Amazon S3 prevents sniping when using S3 as a source or target. -
For RDS SQL Server, Azure SQL Server, and self-managed SQL Server — DMS now provides automated setup of MS-CDC on all tables selected for a migration task that are with or without a PRIMARY KEY, or with a unique index considering the enablement priority for MS-REPLICATION on self-managed SQL Server tables with PRIMARY KEY.
Added support for replication of Oracle Partition and sub-partition DDL Operations during Oracle homogenous migrations.
Fixed an issue where a data validation task crashes with a composite primary key while using Oracle as a source and target.
Fixed an issue with correctly casting a varying character type to a boolean while the target column was pre-created as a boolean when using Amazon Redshift as a target.
Fixed an issue that was causing data truncation for
data types migrated asvarchar(255)
due to a known ODBC issue when using PostgreSQL as a target. -
Fixed an issue where Parallel Hint for the DELETE operation wasn't respected with
set totrue
set tofalse
when using Oracle as a target. -
The new
endpoint setting for an Amazon S3 adds padding on string data when using S3 as a target. -
The new
task setting extends the default timeout of endpoint queries. This setting is currently used by MySQL endpoint metadata queries. -
When using PostgreSQL as a target, fixed an issue where a CDC task wasn't properly utilizing the error handling task settings.
Fixed an issue where DMS was unable to correctly identify Redis OSS mode for a Redis OSS Enterprise instance.
Extended the support of
extra connection attribute (ECA) for the S3 target parquet format. -
Introduced a new PostgreSQL endpoint setting
. When this setting is set totrue
for a PostgreSQL to Amazon Redshift migration, a boolean will be migrated as varchar(1). When it is set tofalse
, a boolean is migrated as varchar(15), which is the default behavior. -
When using SQL Server source, fixed a migration issue with
datatype. This fix addresses the issue of insertingNull
when precision is in milliseconds. -
For PostgresSQL source with PGLOGICAL, fixed a migration issue when using pglogical and removing a field from the source table during the CDC phase, where the value after the removed field wasn't migrated to the target table.
Fixed a SQL Server Loopback migration issue with Bidirectional replication getting repeated records.
Added a new ECA
for PostgresSQL as a source. Using this extra connection attribute , you can override default data type mapping of a PostgresSQL Boolean to a RedShift Boolean data type. -
Fixed a migration issue when using SQL Server as source that addresses the ALTER DECIMAL/NUMERIC SCALE not replicating to targets.
Fixed connection issue with SQL Server 2005.
As of October 17, 2022, DMS 3.4.7 now supports Generation 6 Amazon EC2 instance classes for replication instances.
As of November 25, 2022, with DMS 3.4.7 you can convert database schemas and code objects using DMS Schema Conversion, and discover databases in your network environment that are good candidates for migration using DMS Fleet Advisor.
As of November 25, 2022, DMS Studio is retired.
As of January 31, 2023, DMS Schema Conversion supports Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL as a target data provider.
As of March 6, 2023, you can generate right sized target recommendations for your source databases with DMS Fleet Advisor.
As of March 6, 2023, AWS DMS supports the AWS managed policy that allows publishing metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
Topic | Resolution |
PostgreSQL source task failure | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source where tasks were failing when exceeding the maximum allowed DDL operations in a single event. |
PostgreSQL source data validation false positives | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source with Oracle target where incorrect casting of timestamp field resulted in false positive data validation errors. |
MySQL source error handling | Fixed an issues for a MySQL source where the DMS task wasn't failing when the next BIN log was unavailable. |
MySQL source ROTATE_EVENT logging | Improved logging for MySQL source related to ROTATE_EVENT – included the BIN log name being read. |
Data validation timeout issue | Fixed an issue for Data Validation feature where the
executeTimeout endpoint setting wasn't being
respected for queries related to data validation. |
PostgreSQL target parallel full load issue | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL target where segmented (parallel) full load was failing due to "connection down" error. |
DMS task move issue | Fixed an issue for S3 target where a DMS task move operation was taking a very long time or never completing. |
PostgreSQL source duplicate record issue | Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL source where a DMS task would throw errors related to duplicates on the target after a task stop and resume. |
Oracle target data validation false positives | Fixed an issue for Oracle target where data validation would report false positive errors due to incorrectly replicated timezone for timestamp fields. |
Topic | Resolution |
SQL Server AG replicas as a source | Added support for SQL Server source in AlwaysOn configuration where the listener TCP port differed from replica TCP port. |
Data loss with Amazon Redshift as a target | Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift target where in some rare cases unexpected Amazon Redshift restart could have caused missing data on target. |
SQL Server source safeguard support | Fixed an issue for SQL Server source where the DMS task could fail
with an error indicating inability to read transaction log backups when
Endpoint Setting "SafeguardPolicy":
Data validation task failure for Oracle as a source | Fixed an issue for Oracle source where DMS task could fail on data validation due to incorrectly identified Primary Key values. |
Kinesis before image data issue | Fixed an issue for streaming targets (Kinesis, Kafka) where the "EnableBeforeImage"
task setting was working only for character data types. |
Time Travel log files | Fixed an issue for the Time Travel feature where DMS was creating zero byte time travel log files when the source is idle. |
Topic | Resolution |
BatchApplyEnabled | Fixed an issue of excessive logging when BatchApplyEnabled is set to True. |
New MongoDB endpoint setting–FullLoadNoCursorTimeout | MongoDB endpoint setting FullLoadNoCursorTimeout specifies NoCursorTimeout for the full load cursor. NoCursorTimeout is a MongoDB connection setting that prevents the server from closing the cursor if idle. |
MongoDB—Filter function for single column segmentation | New filter function improves performance for migrating MongoDB databases using a single column for segmentation. |
MongoDB to Amazon Redshift | When migrating from MongoDB to Amazon Redshift, if the MongoDB collection has binary data type, fixed an issue where DMS was not creating the target table on Amazon Redshift. |
New MongoDB SocketTimeoutMS connection attribute | New MongoDB SocketTimeoutMS extra connection attribute configures the connection timeout for MongoDB clients in units of milliseconds. If the value is less than or equal to zero, then the MongoDB client default is used. |
Fixed issue causing an Amazon Kinesis task to crash | When migrating to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a target, fixed an issue handling null values if a primary key wasn't present in the table. |
Oracle NULL PK/UK data validation supported | Removed the limitation that data validation of NULL PK/UK values aren't supported. |
Oracle to Amazon S3 | When migrating from Oracle to Amazon S3, fixed an issue where a few records were incorrectly migrated as NULL. |
Oracle Standby | When using Oracle Standby as a source, added the ability for DMS to handle open transactions. |
Oracle to Oracle migration with SDO_GEOMETRY spatial data type | When migrating from Oracle to Oracle, fixed an issue where the task failed if the table had an SDO_GEOMERY column present in the DDL. |
Oracle as source | When using Oracle as a source, fixed an issue where DMS occasionally skips an Oracle redo log sequence number. |
Oracle as source—missing archive/online redo logs | When using Oracle as a source, fixed an issue so that the DMS task fails when archive logs are missing. |
Fixed—DMS occasionally skips Oracle standby redo log | When using Oracle as a source, fixed an issue where DMS occasionally skips an Oracle redo log sequence number. |
Fixed—Oracle to Oracle spatial datatypes not replicating during CDC | When replicating from Oracle to Oracle, fixed an issue where spatial datatypes were not replicating during CDC. |
Oracle as target | When using Oracle as a target, fixed an issue where the target apply was failing with an ORA-01747 error. |
Amazon S3—Fixed reload table data loss | When using Amazon S3 as a target, fixed an issue where a table reload operation wasn't generating CDC files. |
Fixed—SQL Server Always On context initialization in case primary server as a source | When using SQL Server Always On as a source, fixed an issue to not initialize Availability Groups (AG) if the source is primary and AlwaysOnSharedSyncedBackupIsEnabled is set to true. |
Updated SQL Server endpoint setting | When a source endpoint is SQL Server Always On Availability Group and is a secondary replica, fixed an issue where the replication task fails if AlwaysOnSharedSynchedBackupsIsEnabled is set to True. |
PostgreSQL as source | Fixed an issue where CDC fails to migrate delete/update operations on the PostgreSQL source, which was introduced in 3.4.7 in supporting mapBooleanAsBoolean. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.6 release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) version 3.4.6.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
AWS DMS Time Travel | AWS DMS introduces Time Travel, a feature granting customers flexibility on their logging capabilities, and enhancing their troubleshooting experience. With Time Travel, you can store and encrypt AWS DMS logs using Amazon S3, and view, download and obfuscate the logs within a certain time frame. |
Support Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance as a source | AWS DMS now supports Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can now perform live migrations from Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance to any AWS DMS supported target. For information about AWS DMS sources, see Sources for data migration. For information about supported AWS DMS targets, see Targets for data migration. |
Support Google Cloud SQL for MySQL as a source | AWS DMS now supports Google Cloud SQL for MySQL as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can now perform live migrations from Google Cloud SQL for MySQL to any AWS DMS supported target. For information about AWS DMS sources, see Sources for data migration. For information about supported AWS DMS targets, see Targets for data migration. |
Support parallel load for partitioned data to S3 | AWS DMS now supports parallel load for partitioned data to Amazon S3, improving the load times for migrating partitioned data from supported database engine source data to Amazon S3. This feature creates Amazon S3 sub-folders for each partition of the table in the database source, allowing AWS DMS to run parallel processes to populate each sub-folder. |
Support multiple Apache Kafka target topics in a single task | AWS DMS now supports Apache Kafka multi-topic targets with a single task. Using AWS DMS, you can now replicate multiple schemas from a single database to different Apache Kafka target topics using the same task. This eliminates the need to create multiple separate tasks in situations where many tables from the same source database need to be migrated to different Kafka target topics. |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.4.6 include the following:
Fixed an issue where columns from UPDATE statements were populated to incorrect columns if the primary key column is not the first column when using Amazon S3 as a target with CSV format.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks might crash when using the pglogical plugin with
values inBYTEA
columns under limited LOB mode when using PostgreSQL as a source. -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks might crash when a large number of source tables are deleted when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Improved Amazon S3 date-based folder partitioning by introducing a new Amazon S3 setting
to allow partitioning on non-UTC dates. -
Supported the mapping between data type
from sources toTIMESTAMPTZ
when using Amazon Redshift as a target -
Improved the performance of CDC for tasks without wildcard selection rules when using MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB as a source.
Fixed an issue where schema names with underscore wildcard and length less than 8 were not captured by AWS DMS tasks when using Db2 LUW as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS instances ran out of memory under large data volume when using OpenSearch Service as a target.
Improved the performance of data validation by supporting full load validation only tasks.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks failed to resume after forced failover when using Sybase as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS sent warning
Invalid BC timestamp was encountered in column
Issues resolved in the DMS 3.4.6 maintenance release include the following:
Fixed an issue of a task crashing when bulk apply mode is enabled when using Oracle as the source and target.
Fixed an issue so that a full load task properly uses the
endpoint setting with PostgreSQL as source. -
Fixed an issue with migrating Array data type columns when the task is set to limited LOB mode while using PostgreSQL as a source.
Fixed an issue with migrating timestamps with time zone before 1970-01-01 when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where DMS was treating an empty string as null during replication when using SQL Server as a source and target.
Fixed an issue to honor session read and write timeout endpoint settings when using MySQL source/target.
Fixed an issue where a DMS CDC task was downloading full load related files when using Amazon S3 as a source.
Fixed a log crashing issue when
are both set totrue
when using Amazon S3 as a target. -
Fixed an issue where a task crashed when the ParallelApply* feature is enabled, but some tables don't have a default primary key when using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a source.
Fixed an issue where an error wasn't given for an incorrect StreamArn when using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a source.
Fixed an issue where a primary key value as an empty string would cause a task to crash when using OpenSearch as a target.
Fixed an issue where too much disk space was used by data validation.
Topic | Resolution |
SAP ASE odbc driver | Fixed an issue for SAP ASE as a source so that the ODBC driver can support character sets. |
Sqlserver datetime primary key bug for lob lookup |
Fixed an issue for SQL Server as a source where LOB lookup was not working properly, when primary key has a datetime datatype, with precision in milliseconds. |
SQL Server to Amazon Redshift–'datetimeoffset' mapped to 'timestamptz' |
For migrations from SQL Server to Amazon Redshift, improved mapping so that the SQL Server 'datetimeoffset' format is mapped to the Amazon Redshift 'timestamptz' format. |
Data Validation - SkipLobColumns is True |
Fixed an issue where DMS task crashes when SkipLobColumns is True, there is a LOB on the source, the Primary Key is on the last column, and a data difference is detected by validation. |
Data Validation with MySQL as source |
Fixed an issue for MySQL as a source with data validation enabled, where a DMS task crash occurs while using a table that has a composite unique key that has null values. |
MySQL as source |
Fixed an issue for MySQL as a source, where a table is getting suspended with Overflow error when the columns are altered to add precision. |
Upgrade MySQL ODBC driver to 8.0.23 |
Fixed an issue for MySQL as a source, where the collation ‘utf8mb4_0900_bin' was incompatible with the mysql driver used by DMS. |
MySQL–support DDL changes for partitioned tables |
Introduced a new MySQL endpoint setting skipTableSuspensionForPartitionDdl to allow the user to skip table suspension for partition DDL changes during CDC, so that DMS can now support DDL changes for partitioned MySQL tables. |
MongoDB to Amazon Redshift migration |
Fixed an issue for MongoDB to Amazon Redshift migrations, where DMS fails to create the target table on Amazon Redshift if the MongoDB collection has binary data type. |
Amazon Redshift target–Time Travel Segfault in Bulk Apply |
Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift as a target, where DMS task crashes with BatchApplyEnabled set to true. |
Amazon Redshift as target |
Fixed an issue for Amazon Redshift as a target, where with parallel-load set to type=partitions-auto, parallel segments were writing bulk CSV files to the same table directory and interfering with each other. |
Amazon Redshift as target |
Fixed an issue with Amazon Redshift as a target, where during CDC the target column is of type boolean while the source is of type character varying. |
Amazon Redshift as target |
Improved the task log to identify a DDL change that fails to replicate to Amazon Redshift as a target. |
Data validation with PostgreSQL |
Fixed an issue for validation with PostgreSQL, where the validation fails when boolean data types are present. |
PostgreSQL as source |
Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source, so that the full load uses the ExecuteTimeout field in Extra connection attributes. |
PostgreSQL as source |
Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source, so that a task will fail if it's reading LSNs which are greater than the requested task resume LSN for more than 60 min to indicate that the is a problem with the replication slot being used. |
PostgreSQL as a source–timestamptz before 1970-01-01 |
Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source, where timestamptz before 1970-01-01 were not migrated correctly during CDC. |
PostgreSQL as source |
Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source, where DMS was truncating character varying datatype values during CDC. |
PostgreSQL as a source–resuming stopped task |
Fixed an issue for PostgreSQL as a source where resuming a previously stopped task replay misses one or more transactions during CDC. |
Amazon S3 as target |
Fixed an issue for S3 as a target, where the resultant CSV file header is off by one column when AddColumnName is true and TimestampColumnName is "". |
Amazon S3 as source–memory usage behavior in full load phase for task |
Fixed an issue for S3 as a source, where a DMS task in full load was only releasing the used memory after the entire table was loaded to the target database. |
Amazon S3 as target–table reload operation |
Fixed an issue for S3 as a target, where a table reload operation missed generating CDC files. |
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.5 release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) version 3.4.5.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Support for Redis OSS as a target | AWS DMS now supports Redis OSS as a target. Using AWS DMS, you can now migrate live data from any AWS DMS supported source to a Redis OSS data store, with minimal downtime. For information about AWS DMS targets, see Targets for data migration. |
Support for MongoDB 4.2 and 4.4 as sources | AWS DMS now supports MongoDB 4.2 and 4.4 as sources. Using AWS DMS, you can now migrate data from MongoDB 4.2 and 4.4 clusters to any AWS DMS supported target including Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), with minimal downtime. For information about AWS DMS sources, see Sources for data migration. |
Support for multiple databases using MongoDB as a source | AWS DMS now supports migrating multiple databases in one task using MongoDB as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can now group multiple databases of a MongoDB cluster, and migrate them using one database migration task. You can migrate to any AWS DMS supported target, including Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), with minimal downtime. |
Support for automatic segmentation using MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source | AWS DMS now supports automatic segmentation using MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB as a source. Using AWS DMS, you can configure database migration tasks to segment the collection of a MongoDB or DocumentDB cluster automatically. You can then migrate the segments in parallel to any AWS DMS supported target, including Amazon DocumentDB, with minimal downtime. |
Amazon Redshift full load performance improvement | AWS DMS now supports using parallel threads when using Amazon Redshift as a target during full load. By taking advantage of the multithreaded full load task settings, you can improve the performance of your initial migration from any AWS DMS supported source to Amazon Redshift. For information about AWS DMS targets, see Targets for data migration. |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.4.5 include the following:
Fixed an issue where data could potentially be missing or duplicated after resuming, when using PostgreSQL as a source with high transaction concurrency.
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks fail with error Could not find relation id … when using PostgreSQL as a source, with the pglogical plugin enabled.
Fixed an issue where
columns are not replicated correctly when using PostgreSQL as a source and Oracle as a target. -
Fixed an issue where delete operations are not properly captured when the primary key is not the first column in the table definition, when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks miss LOB updates in a special metadata setting when using MySQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where
columns are treated asDATETIME
in full LOB mode when using MySQL version 8 as a source. -
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks fail when parsing
records when using MySQL 5.6.4 and higher as a source. -
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks get stuck after encountering a Thread is exiting error when using Amazon Redshift as a target with parallel apply.
Fixed an issue where data could potentially be lost, when database migration tasks disconnect with a Amazon Redshift target endpoint during batch-apply CDC.
Improved the performance of full load by calling
when using Amazon Redshift as a target. -
Fixed an issue where duplicated records are replicated when reverting from one-by-one mode to parallel apply mode using Amazon Redshift as a target.
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks do not switch Amazon S3 object ownership to bucket owner with
when using Amazon S3 as a target. -
Improved AWS DMS by supporting multiple archive destinations with ECA
when using Oracle as a source. -
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks fail with error
while updating a LOB column in full LOB mode. -
Fixed an issue where
columns are not migrated properly during CDC when using Oracle as a source. -
Improved AWS DMS by enabling
when using RDS for SQL Server as a source. -
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks report error on
when using a non-RDS SQL Server source. -
Fixed an issue where data validation fails with UUID as the primary key in a partition setting when using SQL Server as a source.
Fixed an issue where full load plus CDC tasks might fail if the required LSN cannot be found in the database log when using Db2 LUW as a source.
Improved AWS DMS by supporting custom CDC timestamps when using MongoDB as a source.
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks get stuck when stopping, using MongoDB as a source, when the MongoDB driver errors on
. -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS fails to update non-primary fields when using DynamoDB as a target
Fixed an issue where data validation reports false positive mismatches on
columns. -
Fixed an issue where data validation fails on whitespace-only records when using Oracle as a source.
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks crash when truncating a partitioned table.
Fixed an issue where database migration tasks fail when creating the
control table. -
Extended support of the
authentication plugin when using MySQL version 8.
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.4 release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS DMS version 3.4.4.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Support TLS encryption and TLS or SASL authentication using Kafka as a target | AWS DMS now supports TLS encryption and TLS or SASL authentication using Amazon MSK and on-premises Kafka cluster as a target. For more information on using encryption and authentication for Kafka endpoints, see Connecting to Kafka using Transport Layer Security (TLS). |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.4.4 include the following:
Improved AWS DMS logging on task failures when using Oracle endpoints.
Improved AWS DMS task execution continues processing when Oracle source endpoints switch roles after Oracle Data Guard fail over.
Improved error handling treats ORA—12561 as a recoverable error when using Oracle endpoints.
Fixed an issue where
columns are migrated as null when using Oracle as a source. -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks fail to update records after add column DDL changes when using SQL Server as a source.
Improved PostgreSQL as a source migration by supporting the
data type. -
Fixed an issue where the
setting does not work during a full load when using PostgreSQL as a target. -
Introduced a new
setting to better handle theNUMERIC
date type without precision and scale when using PostgreSQL endpoints. -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks fail with “0 rows affected” after stopping and resuming the task when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS fails to migrate the
data type with theBC
suffix when using PostgreSQL as a source. -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS fails to migrate the
value “±infinity” when using PostgreSQL as a source. -
Fixed an issue where empty strings are treated as
when using S3 as a source with thecsvNullValue
setting set to other values. -
Improved the
extra connection attribute in a full load with CDC to be sortable during CDC when using S3 as a target. -
Improved the handling of binary data types in hex format such as
, andBLOB
when using S3 as a source. -
Fixed an issue where deleted records are migrated with special characters when using S3 as a target.
Fixed an issue to handle empty key values when using Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a target.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS fails to replicate
columns when using MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source. -
Fixed an issue to allow CDC tasks to retry when there is a fail over on MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source.
Added an option to remove the hexadecimal “0x” prefix to
data type values when using Kinesis, Kafka, or OpenSearch as a target. -
Fixed an issue where validation fails on fixed length character columns when using Db2 LUW as a source.
Fixed an issue where validation fails when only the source data type or the target data type is
. -
Fixed an issue where validation fails on
characters when using Oracle as a source. -
Fixed an issue where validation fails on XML columns when using Oracle as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks crash when there are nullable columns in composite keys using MySQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS fails to validate both
columns from SQL Server source endpoints and UUID columns from PostgreSQL target endpoints. -
Fixed an issue where a CDC task does not use an updated source table definition after it is modified.
Improved AWS DMS fail over to treat task failures caused by an invalid user name or password as recoverable errors.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks fail because of missing LSNs when using RDS for SQL Server as a source.
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.3 release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS DMS version 3.4.3.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
New Amazon DocumentDB version | Amazon DocumentDB version 4.0 is now supported as a source. |
New MariaDB version | MariaDB version 10.4 is now supported as both a source and target. |
Support for AWS Secrets Manager integration | You can store the database connection details (user credentials) for supported endpoints securely in AWS Secrets Manager. You can then submit the corresponding secret instead of plain-text credentials to AWS DMS when you create or modify an endpoint. AWS DMS then connects to the endpoint databases using the secret. For more information on creating secrets for AWS DMS endpoints, see Using secrets to access AWS Database Migration Service endpoints. |
Larger options for C5 and R5 replication instances | You can now create the following larger replication instance sizes: C5 sizes up to 96 vCPUs and 192 GiB of memory and R5 sizes up to 96 vCPUs and 768 GiB of memory. |
Amazon Redshift performance improvement | AWS DMS now supports parallel apply when using Amazon Redshift as a target to improve the performance of on-going replication. For more information, see Multithreaded task settings for Amazon Redshift. |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.4.3 include the following:
Fixed an issue where commit timestamp became “1970-01-01 00:00:00” for deferred events when using Db2 LUW as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks failed with an
column as primary key when using SQL Server as a source with Full LOB mode. -
Fixed an issue of missing records during cached changes phase when using SQL Server as a source.
Fixed an issue where records were skipped after AWS DMS tasks were resumed when using RDS for SQL Server as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS ASSERTION logging component generates large logs for SQL Server.
Fixed an issue where data validation failed during CDC phase due to column parsing overflow when using MySQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks crashed due to a segmentation fault during data validation when using PostgreSQL as a target.
Fixed an issue where data validation failed on DOUBLE data type during CDC when using PostgreSQL as a source and a target.
Fixed an issue where records inserted by copy command were not replicated correctly when using PostgreSQL as a source and Amazon Redshift as a target.
Fixed a data loss issue during cached changes phase when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Fixed an issue which could potentially cause either data loss or record duplicates when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where schemas with mixed cases failed to migrate with pglogical when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where the Last Failure Message did not contain the ORA error when using Oracle as a source.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks failed to build UPDATE statements when using Oracle as a target.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks did not replicate data when using Oracle 12.2 as a source with ASM and Pluggable Database configuration.
Improved record parsing by preserving quotes to be compliant with RFC 4180 when using S3 as a source.
Improved the handling of
so that the column from Full Load is sortable with that from CDC. -
By introducing a new endpoint setting
, fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks failed when there are LOB elements larger than 1MB . -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks crashed due to a segmentation fault when using Amazon Redshift as a target.
Improved error logging for Amazon Redshift test connection.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS did not transfer all documents from MongoDB to DocumentDB during Full Load.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS tasks reported fatal error when no tables were included in the table mapping rules.
Fixed an issue where schemas and tables created before restarting AWS DMS tasks did not replicate to the target when using MySQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where wildcard escape [_] cannot escape wildcard “_” in exclude rule when using MySQL as a source.
Fixed an issue where column of data type UNSIGNED BIGINT did not replicate correctly when using MySQL as a source.
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.2 release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS DMS version 3.4.2.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
Support for privately connecting your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) without requiring an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection. | You can now connect to and access AWS DMS from your Amazon VPC through a VPC
interface endpoint that you create. This interface endpoint allows you
to isolate all network activity of your AWS DMS replication instance
within the Amazon network infrastructure. By including a reference to
this interface endpoint in all API calls to AWS DMS using the AWS CLI or an
SDK, you ensure that all AWS DMS activity remains invisible to the public
Internet. For more information, see Infrastructure security in
AWS Database Migration Service.NoteThis feature is available using all supported AWS DMS engine versions. |
CDC date-based folder partitioning using Amazon S3 as a target |
AWS DMS now supports date-based folder partitioning when replicating data using S3 as a target. For more information, see Using date-based folder partitioning. |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.4.2 include the following:
Added a
option when performing a migration using Amazon Redshift as a target. -
Improved validation tasks by introducing a new setting.
delays the first validation query on both source and target endpoints to help reduce resource contention when migration latency is high. -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS took a long time to start validation tasks.
Fixed an issue where empty records were generated when starting or stopping replication tasks using S3 as a target.
Fixed an issue where tasks got stuck after a full load completed.
Fixed an issue where tasks got stuck when a source table has data errors while using S3 as a source .
Fixed an issue where tasks got stuck while starting when the user account of the source endpoint is disabled.
Fixed an issue where tasks crashed when using PostgreSQL as a source with
. -
Fixed an issue where tasks missed transactions when using PostgreSQL as a source with pglogical plugin.
Fixed an issue when AWS DMS didn't delete compressed source files when using Amazon Redshift as a target.
Fixed an issue where validation tasks reported false negatives when using MySQL as both source and target with data type
. -
Fixed an issue where validation tasks reported false positives when using SQL Server as a source with a primary key column as CHAR type.
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS doesn't clear target objects when using
to start replication tasks using S3 as a target. -
Fixed several issues on data validation when using Db2 as a source.
Fixed an issue where validation tasks got stuck when using SQL Server as a source with VARCHAR column as primary key.
Added support for data type TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE when using PostgreSQL as a source
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.1 Beta release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS DMS version 3.4.1 Beta.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
New MongoDB version |
MongoDB version 4.0 is now supported as a source. |
TLS 1.2 support for SQL Server |
AWS DMS now supports TLS 1.2 for SQL Server endpoints. |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.4.1 Beta include the following:
Improved Oracle 19c TDE support.
Improved support of utf8mb4 character set and identity data type using Amazon Redshift as a target.
Improved replication task failure handling when using MySQL as a source and binary log is not present.
Improved data validation support on various data types and character sets.
Improved null value handling with a new endpoint setting
when using Kinesis and Kafka as a target. -
Improved error logging and handling when using Kafka as a target.
Improved DST time offset when using SQL Server as a source.
Fixed an issue where replication tasks try to create existing tables for Oracle as a target.
Fixed an issue where replication tasks get stuck after the database connection is killed when using Oracle as a source.
Fixed an issue where replication tasks failed to detect and reconnect to the new primary when using SQL Server as a source with AlwaysON setting.
Fixed an issue where replication tasks do not add a
column under certain conditions for S3 as a target.
AWS Database Migration Service 3.4.0 Beta release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS DMS version 3.4.0
New feature or enhancement | Description |
New MySQL version |
AWS DMS now supports MySQL version 8.0 as a source, except when the transaction payload is compressed. |
TLS 1.2 support for MySQL |
AWS DMS now supports TLS 1.2 for MySQL endpoints. |
New MariaDB version |
AWS DMS now supports MariaDB version 10.3.13 as a source. |
Non-SysAdmin access to self-managed Microsoft SQL Server sources |
AWS DMS now supports access by non-SysAdmin users to on-premise and EC2-hosted SQL Server source endpoints. NoteThis feature is currently in Beta. If you want to try it out, contact AWS support for more information. |
CDC tasks and Oracle source tables created using CREATE TABLE
AS |
AWS DMS now supports both full-load and CDC and CDC-only tasks
running against Oracle source tables created using the |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.4.0 include the following:
Improved premigration task assessments. For more information, see Enabling and working with premigration assessments for a task.
Improved data validation for float, real, and double data types.
Improved Amazon Redshift as a target by better handling this error: "The specified key does not exist."
Supports multithreaded CDC load task settings, including
, andParallelApplyQueuesPerThread
, for Amazon OpenSearch Service (OpenSearch Service) as a target. -
Improved OpenSearch Service as a target by supporting its use of composite primary keys.
Fixed an issue where test connection fails when using PostgreSQL as a source and the password has special characters in it.
Fixed an issue with using SQL Server as a source when some
columns are truncated. -
Fixed an issue where AWS DMS does not close open transactions when using Amazon RDS SQL Server as a source. This can result in data loss if the polling interval parameter is set incorrectly. For more information on how to setup a recommended polling interval value, see Using a Microsoft SQL Server database as a source for AWS DMS.
Fixed an issue for Oracle Standby as source where CDC tasks would stop unexpectedly when using Binary Reader.
Fixed an issue for IBM DB2 for LUW where the task failed with the message "The Numeric literal 0 is not valid because its value is out of range."
Fixed an issue for a PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL migration when a new column was added on the PostgreSQL source and the column was created with a different data type than the data type for which the column was originally created on the source.
Fixed an issue with a MySQL source the migration task stopped unexpectedly when it was unable to fetch binlogs.
Fixed an issue related to an Oracle target when
was being used. -
Fixed an issue for MySQL and MariaDB when migrating the
data type. -
Fixed an issue for an IBM DB2 LUW source where migrating tables with LOBs fail when the tables don't have a primary key or unique key.
AWS Database Migration Service 3.3.4 release notes
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.3.4 include the following:
Fixed an issue where transactions are dropped or duplicated when using PostgreSQL as a source.
Improved the support of using dollar sign ($) in schema names.
Fixed an issue where replication instances do not close open transactions when using RDS SQL Server as a source.
Fixed an issue where test connection fails when using PostgreSQL as a source and the password has special characters in it.
Improved Amazon Amazon Redshift as a target by better handling this error: "The specified key does not exist."
Improved data validation support on various data types and character sets.
Fixed an issue where replication tasks try to create existing tables for Oracle as a target.
Fixed an issue where replication tasks do not add a
column under certain conditions for Amazon S3 as a target.
AWS Database Migration Service 3.3.3 release notes
The following table shows the new features and enhancements introduced in AWS DMS version 3.3.3.
New feature or enhancement | Description |
New PostgreSQL version |
PostgreSQL version 12 is now supported as a source and target. |
Support for composite primary key with Amazon OpenSearch Service as target |
As of AWS DMS 3.3.3, use of a composite primary key is supported by OpenSearch Service targets. |
Support for Oracle extended data types |
Oracle extended data types for both Oracle source and targets are now supported. |
Increased number of AWS DMS resources per account | The limit on the number of AWS DMS resources you can create has increased. For more information, see Quotas for AWS Database Migration Service. |
The issues resolved in AWS DMS 3.3.3 include the following:
Fixed an issue where a task crashes using a specific update statement with Parallel Apply in Amazon Kinesis.
Fixed an issue where a task crashes on the ALTER TABLE statement with Amazon S3 as a target.
Fixed an issue where values on polygon columns are truncated when using Microsoft SQL Server as a source.
Fixed an issue on Unicode converter of JA16SJISTILDE and JA16EUCTILDE when using Oracle as a source.
Fixed an issue where MEDIUMTEXT and LONGTEXT columns failed to migrate from MySQL to S3 comma-separated value (CSV) format.
Fixed an issue where boolean columns were transformed to incorrect types with Apache Parquet output.
Fixed an issue with extended varchar columns in Oracle.
Fixed an issue where data validation tasks failed due to certain timestamp combinations.
Fixed an issue with Sybase data definition language (DDL) replication.
Fixed an issue involving an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) source crashing with Oracle Binary Reader.
Fixed an issue with validation for Oracle targets with schema names' case.
Fixed an issue with validation of IBM Db2 versions 9.7 and 10.
Fixed an issue for a task not stopping two times with