AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: AWS Data Exchange

Scientist looks at an image of a brain scan on a computer.

34 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data: New data for land use, Alzheimer’s Disease, and more

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. This quarter, AWS released 34 new or updated datasets from Impact Observatory, The Allen Institute for Brain Science, Common Screens, and others, which are available now on the Registry of Open Data in the following categories.

22 new or updated open datasets on AWS: New polar satellite data, blockchain data, and more

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. The full list of publicly available datasets are on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and are now also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange. This quarter, AWS released 22 new or updated datasets including Amazonia-1 imagery, Bitcoin and Ethereum data, and elevation data over the Arctic and Antarctica. Check out some highlights.

OpenFold, OpenAlex catalog of scholarly publications, and Capella Space satellite data: The latest open data on AWS

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. Our full list of publicly available datasets are on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and are now also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange. This quarter, we released 15 new or updated datasets including OpenFold, OpenAlex, and radar data from Capella Space. Check out some highlights from the new or updated datasets.

image fo earth with digital blue lines encircling

AWS announces simpler access to sustainability data and launches hackathon to accelerate innovation for sustainability

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are critical tools being used in healthcare research, autonomous applications, predictive maintenance, and also a key tool used to advance sustainability solutions. However, to use AI and ML to solve sustainability problems, innovators need specific datasets that are prepared for analysis and training of the models. To help create and accelerate sustainability solutions, the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) today announced easier identification of sustainability datasets with integration in AWS Data Exchange and the launch of a sustainability hackathon.

Fighting fraud and improper payments in real-time at the scale of federal expenditures

Since 2003, the US federal government has made approximately $1.7 trillion in improper payments, with an estimated $206 billion made in FY 2020 alone. Improper payments are now anticipated to increase proportionally to new levels of federal spending. How can agencies fight improper payments at this scale? And what tools can agencies use to address fraud, erroneous data submission and other causes of this problem? Agencies can use AWS to solve the multi-sided issues of payment integrity.

AWS launching new Region in UAE in 2022

The new AWS Region in the Middle East brings new infrastructure to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and will consist of three Availability Zones, giving local customers more choice and flexibility to leverage advanced cloud technologies. Learn more about how organizations in the UAE public sector are already innovating with AWS at home and in space.