AWS Public Sector Blog
Category: AWS Database Migration Service
Near real-time dashboards from a source database to a cloud data warehouse on AWS
Organizations require solutions for real time or near real time dashboards that can be provided to their customers without impacting their database performance or service level agreements (SLAs) to their end users. In this post, we showcase the integration of Amazon Web Services (AWS) capabilities to present an end-to-end architecture for this data flow.
Singapore’s EVe harnesses the power of data with help from NTT DATA, AWS
In alignment with Singapore’s ambitious sustainability objectives, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore is intensifying its efforts to spur the adoption of electric vehicles. This contributes to the nation’s goal of achieving 100 percent cleaner energy vehicles by 2040, and the effort leverages Amazon Web Services (AWS). LTA has set up EV-Electric Charging Pte Ltd (EVe) to manage the deployment of up to 12,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging points distributed across 2,000 Housing Development Board (HDB) carparks.
Modern data strategy for government tax and labor systems
Introduction Government authorities such as tax, unemployment insurance, and other finance agencies across the US and globally are seeking ways to innovate. They are trying to unlock insights from their data, deliver better customer experiences, and improve operations using cutting-edge technologies such as generative artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and other data analytics tools. […]
The benefits of running controlled substance databases with AWS
Healthcare authorities and providers use state-run controlled substance databases (CSDs) to track prescriptions and identify patients for substance abuse. CSDs help evaluate treatment options, screen patients who may be at risk for drug abuse problems, and make informed decisions about prescribing medication. This post explains how healthcare authorities can leverage CSD data to enhance their decision-making processes within business operations by using Amazon Web Services (AWS).
How to scale and optimize Moodle LMS on AWS
Moodle is an open-source learning management system (LMS). Moodle has more than 300 million users worldwide across both academic and enterprise organizations, and is the world’s most widely used learning platform. There are many ways to get started with Moodle on AWS. In this blog post, I focus on how to scale and optimize Moodle once you are already serving students. In this case, you may need to deal with migrating data from an existing platform and making sure the new environment caters to thousands of students, and still be cost-effective — we cover additional considerations in this walkthrough.
A path to IT modernization with agility and scalability from cloud solutions
How can the cloud help modernize your organization? Members of the AWS Partner Network (APN), customers, and industry experts shared best practices on cloud migration, cloud adoption, and organizational transformation in a recent episode of Government Matters Industry Insider.