AWS Security Blog
Delegating permission set management and account assignment in AWS IAM Identity Center
January 31, 2024: Updated IAM policy for use case 3 to allow the actions sso:CreateAccountAssignment and sso:ProvisionPermissionSet for resources of type permissionSet
In this blog post, we look at how you can use AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) to delegate the management of permission sets and account assignments. Delegating the day-to-day administration of user identities and entitlements allows teams to move faster and reduces the burden on your central identity administrators.
IAM Identity Center helps you securely create or connect your workforce identities and manage their access centrally across AWS accounts and applications. Identity Center requires accounts to be managed by AWS Organizations. Administration of Identity Center can be delegated to a member account (an account other than the management account). We recommend that you delegate Identity Center administration to limit who has access to the management account and use the management account only for tasks that require the management account.
Delegated administration is different from the delegation of permission sets and account assignments, which this blog covers. For more information on delegated administration, see Getting started with AWS IAM Identity Center delegated administration. The patterns in this blog post work whether Identity Center is delegated to a member account or remains in the management account.
Permission sets are used to define the level of access that users or groups have to an AWS account. Permission sets can contain AWS managed policies, customer managed policies, inline policies, and permissions boundaries.
Solution overview
As your organization grows, you might want to start delegating permissions management and account assignment to give your teams more autonomy and reduce the burden on your identity team. Alternatively, you might have different business units or customers, operating out of their own organizational units (OUs), that want more control over their own identity management.
In this scenario, an example organization has three developer teams: Red, Blue, and Yellow. Each of the teams operate out of its own OU. IAM Identity Center has been delegated from the management account to the Identity Account. Figure 1 shows the structure of the example organization.

Figure 1: The structure of the organization in the example scenario
The organization in this scenario has an existing collection of permission sets. They want to delegate the management of permission sets and account assignments away from their central identity management team.
- The Red team wants to be able to assign the existing permission sets to accounts in its OU. This is an accounts-based model.
- The Blue team wants to edit and use a single permission set and then assign that set to the team’s single account. This is a permission-based model.
- The Yellow team wants to create, edit, and use a permission set tagged with Team: Yellow and then assign that set to all of the accounts in its OU. This is a tag-based model.
We’ll look at the permission sets needed for these three use cases.
Note: If you’re using the AWS Management Console, additional permissions are required.
Use case 1: Accounts-based model
In this use case, the Red team is given permission to assign existing permission sets to the three accounts in its OU. This will also include permissions to remove account assignments.
Using this model, an organization can create generic permission sets that can be assigned to its AWS accounts. It helps reduce complexity for the delegated administrators and verifies that they are using permission sets that follow the organization’s best practices. These permission sets restrict access based on services and features within those services, rather than specific resources.
In the preceding policy, the principal can assign existing permission sets to the three AWS accounts with the IDs 112233445566, 223344556677 and 334455667788. This includes administration permission sets, so carefully consider which accounts you allow the permission sets to be assigned to.
The arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-<sso-ins-id> is the IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN. It can be found using either the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) v2 with the list-instances API or the AWS Management Console.
Use the AWS CLI
Use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to run the following command:
You can also use AWS CloudShell to run the command.
Use the AWS Management Console
Use the Management Console to navigate to the IAM Identity Center in your AWS Region and then select Choose your identity source on the dashboard.

Figure 2: The IAM Identity Center instance ID ARN in the console
Use case 2: Permission-based model
For this example, the Blue team is given permission to edit one or more specific permission sets and then assign those permission sets to a single account. The following permissions allow the team to use managed and inline policies.
This model allows the delegated administrator to use fine-grained permissions on a specific AWS account. It’s useful when the team wants total control over the permissions in its AWS account, including the ability to create additional roles with administrative permissions. In these cases, the permissions are often better managed by the team that operates the account because it has a better understanding of the services and workloads.
Granting complete control over permissions can lead to unintended or undesired outcomes. Permission sets are still subject to IAM evaluation and authorization, which means that service control policies (SCPs) can be used to deny specific actions.
Here, the principal can edit the permission set arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/ps-1122334455667788 and assign it to the AWS account 445566778899. The editing rights include customer managed policies, AWS managed policies, and inline policies.
If you want to use the preceding policy, replace the missing and example resource values with your own IAM Identity Center instance ID and account numbers.
In the preceding policy, the arn:aws:sso:::permissionSet/ssoins-<sso-ins-id>/ps-1122334455667788 is the permission set ARN. You can find this ARN through the console, or by using the AWS CLI command to list all of the permission sets:
This permission set can also be applied to multiple accounts—similar to the first use case—by adding additional account IDs to the list of resources. Likewise, additional permission sets can be added so that the user can edit multiple permission sets and assign them to a set of accounts.
Use case 3: Tag-based model
For this example, the Yellow team is given permission to create, edit, and use permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow. Then they can assign those tagged permission sets to all of their accounts.
This example can be used by an organization to allow a team to freely create and edit permission sets and then assign them to the team’s accounts. It uses tagging as a mechanism to control which permission sets can be created and edited. Permission sets without the correct tag cannot be altered.
In the preceding policy, the principal is allowed to create new permission sets only with the tag Team: Yellow, and assign only permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow to the AWS accounts with ID 556677889900, 667788990011, and 778899001122.
The principal can only edit the inline policies of the permission sets tagged with Team: Yellow and cannot change the tags of the permission sets that are already tagged for another team.
If you want to use this policy, replace the missing and example resource values with your own IAM Identity Center instance ID, tags, and account numbers.
Note: The policy above assumes that there are no additional statements applying to the principal. If you require additional allow statements, verify that the resulting policy doesn’t create a risk of privilege escalation. You can review Controlling access to AWS resources using tags for additional information.
This policy only allows the delegation of permission sets using inline policies. Customer managed policies are IAM policies that are deployed to and are unique to each AWS account. When you create a permission set with a customer managed policy, you must create an IAM policy with the same name and path in each AWS account where IAM Identity Center assigns the permission set. If the IAM policy doesn’t exist, Identity Center won’t make the account assignment. For more information on how to use customer managed policies with Identity Center, see How to use customer managed policies in AWS IAM Identity Center for advanced use cases.
You can extend the policy to allow the delegation of customer managed policies with these two statements:
Note: Both statements are required, as only the resource type PermissionSet supports the condition key aws:ResourceTag/${TagKey}, and the actions listed require access to both the Instance and PermissionSet resource type. See Actions, resources, and condition keys for AWS IAM Identity Center for more information.
Best practices
Here are some best practices to consider when delegating management of permission sets and account assignments:
- Assign permissions to edit specific permission sets. Allowing roles to edit every permission set could allow that role to edit their own permission set.
- Only allow administrators to manage groups. Users with rights to edit group membership could add themselves to any group, including a group reserved for organization administrators.
If you’re using IAM Identity Center in a delegated account, you should also be aware of the best practices for delegated administration.
Organizations can empower teams by delegating the management of permission sets and account assignments in IAM Identity Center. Delegating these actions can allow teams to move faster and reduce the burden on the central identity management team.
The scenario and examples share delegation concepts that can be combined and scaled up within your organization. If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section. If you have questions, start a new thread on AWS Re:Post with the Identity Center tag.
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