AWS Training and Certification Blog
Category: Amazon Aurora
Press start on AWS Training for game development
Game developers face a common challenge: building cloud expertise while staying focused on game creation. This guide organizes essential training resources to help you build cloud expertise, from foundational courses to hands-on workshops and industry-recognized certifications.
Using Amazon Q to accelerate your cloud learning
Amazon Q is a generative-AI powered assistant that helps customers answer questions, provide summaries, generate content, and complete tasks based on data in their company repository. It also exists as a learning tool for AWS users who want to ask questions about services and best practices in the cloud. Learn how you can use it to accelerate your learning of AWS services.
New courses and updates from AWS Training and Certification in March 2023
In March 2023, AWS Training and Certification released 27 digital products including 14 AWS Builder Labs, an AWS Jam Journey (analytics), two courses for AWS Partners, three courses for c-suite leaders, and a classroom course on AWS security best practices. Exam labs have been temporarily removed from the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate exam. To help organizations scale skill-building with their teams, AWS Skill Builder Team subscription is now available in 50 countries.
New courses and updates from AWS Training and Certification in December 2022
AWS Training and Certification courses and offerings in December 2022 include AWS Industry Quest: Financial Services, a fourth learning path for AWS Jam Journey, a sixth role for AWS Cloud Quest, and 13 AWS Builder Labs. There are seven, free, fundamental-level digital courses; two classroom courses about planning and managing databases on AWS and Amazon SageMaker Studio; two AWS Partner courses about security essentials and AWS GovCloud (US); and an AWS Certification update about the availability of online Mandarin-speaking proctors in Mainland China.