Amazon AppStream 2.0 Now Supports Microsoft Active Directory Domains

Posted on: Jul 24, 2017

Starting today you can connect your Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming instances to your Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domain. This new feature allows you to apply your existing AD policies to your streaming instances, and provides your users with single sign on access to Intranet sites, file shares, and network printers from within their applications. Your users are authenticated using a SAML 2.0 provider of your choice, and can access applications that require a connection to your AD domain.

To get started, create and store a Directory Config in the AppStream 2.0 management console by providing the details required to join instances to your AD domain. Each new image builder and fleet instance you create can then use the stored Directory Config to join to your AD domain in an Organizational Unit (OU) that you provide. To use this feature, you need to use an image that was created using an AWS published image dated July 24th, 2017 or later. To learn more, see Using Active Directory Domains with AppStream 2.0.

This feature is available in all AWS Regions where AppStream 2.0 is offered. If you are new to AppStream 2.0, you can try already-installed applications by visiting the AppStream 2.0 website.