运行于 AWS 上的 Ruby

AWS 云上用于开发应用程序的工具、文档和示例代码


下载在 AWS 上运行 Ruby 应用程序所需的工具
适用于 Ruby 的 SDK
此 SDK 为许多 AWS 服务提供 Ruby 类,包括 Amazon S3、Amazon EC2、DynamoDB 等。
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AWS Rails SDK 插件
Ruby on Rails 插件使用最新版“适用于 Ruby 的 AWS SDK”,将 AWS 服务与您的应用程序进行集成。
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AWS Record SDK 扩展
针对 Amazon DynamoDB,通过“适用于 Ruby 的 AWS SDK”客户端的数据映射抽象功能。
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Cloud9 IDE 中的 Ruby
AWS Cloud9 是一种基于云的 IDE,让您只要使用一个浏览器就能编写、运行和调试代码。它包括一个代码编辑器、调试程序和终端。
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Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 96
  • Matt Muller, 2024-01-30
    RBS is a language to describe the structure of Ruby programs. We are happy to announce that AWS SDK for Ruby V3 now supports RBS type signatures! RBS support is released in aws-sdk-core version 3.191.0 and in every service gem (such as aws-sdk-s3) that depends on this version of core. RBS signatures are currently code [...]
  • Matt Muller, 2023-11-01
    Starting November 22, 2023, AWS SDK for Ruby version 3 will no longer support these end of life (EOL) Ruby runtime versions: Ruby 2.3 – EOL began on 2019-03-31 Ruby 2.4 – EOL began on 2020-03-31 Since these versions are end-of-life, we have seen support drop within the Ruby community, including Bundler, Docker, and some [...]
  • Matt Muller, 2022-01-12
    What is this? The AWS SDK For Ruby team is happy to announce the developer preview of smithy-ruby, a toolchain that can be used to code generate a “white label” Ruby SDK for your service API using Smithy modeling. An upcoming future version of the AWS SDK For Ruby will use Smithy code generation. What [...]
  • Matt Muller, 2021-03-19
    Starting September 1, 2021, AWS SDK For Ruby will no longer support these end of life (EOL) Ruby runtime versions: Ruby 1.9.3 – EOL began on 2015-02-23 Ruby 2.0.0 – EOL began on 2016-02-24 Ruby 2.1 – EOL began on 2017-03-31 Ruby 2.2 – EOL began on 2018-03-31 Since these versions have long passed end-of-life, [...]
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使用 DynamoDB

只需几个简单的步骤即可使用“适用于 Ruby 的 AWS SDK”创建 DynamoDB 表,添加、读取和更新数据。

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使用 Ruby 管理 S3 存储桶

使用 S3 存储桶执行常见操作的简短教程集,如存储和读取 S3 存储桶、加密文件等。

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了解如何从 Ruby SDK 创建和运行 Lambda 函数。还可以了解如何配置 Lambda 函数以接收通知。

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