Swift on AWS

AWS Cloud 上用于开发应用程序的工具、文档和示例代码


下载工具和示例项目以在 AWS 上运行 Swift 应用程序
适用于 Swift 的 SDK
此 SDK 为许多 AWS 服务(包括 Amazon S3、Amazon EC2、DynamoDB 等)提供类。
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Swift 演示项目
下载演示项目以快速入门 AWS Amplify,从而部署 Swift 应用程序。
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Swift 与 Apple CarPlay
演练应用程序,展示将 Swift 用于 UI 和后端服务的全栈式 Apple CarPlay 应用程序。
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Swift AWS Lambda 运行时
Swift AWS Lambda 运行时经过精心设计,皆在帮助 Swift 开发人员为 AWS Lambda 构建无服务器功能。
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Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 15
  • Josh Elkins, 2024-09-17
    We are excited to announce the General Availability of the AWS SDK for Swift, the AWS solution for accessing Amazon Web Services from applications built with the Swift programming language. AWS SDK for Swift provides a modern, user-friendly, and native Swift interface for accessing Amazon Web Services from Apple platforms, AWS Lambda, and Linux-based Swift [...]
  • Brian Bernstein, 2024-07-11
    Connectivity to the FIX and Swift networks have traditionally required on-prem appliances or connectivity solutions which have been roadblocks for companies looking to migrate some of their workloads to the cloud. With the service offerings provided by Bloomberg on AWS for these critical services, those roadblocks are now removed and the cloud journey can continue.
  • Harshita Daddala, 2023-06-27
    June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. We are excited to announce that Amplify Library for Swift now supports watchOS and tvOS platforms! Amplify Library for Swift allows developers building [...]
  • Abdallah Shaban, Ashish Nanda, 2023-04-19
    June 27, 2024: This blog post covers Amplify Gen 1. For new Amplify apps, we recommend using Amplify Gen 2. You can learn more about Gen 2 in our launch blog post. AWS Amplify is announcing push notifications support for Android, Swift, Flutter, and React Native. Push notifications are an essential component of modern mobile [...]
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使用 Swift 和 Amazon Chime SDK 消息收发创建 iOS 和 Android 应用程序,Amazon Chime SDK 消息收发可为开发人员提供构建基块,从而更轻松地使用安全、可扩展和持久的消息收发来连接用户社区。 

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构建 IoT 移动应用程序

使用 AWS Amplify、AWS IoT 和 Swift 创建低功耗蓝牙(BLE)IoT 移动应用程序。开启为 BLE 设备构建互联平台之旅。

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快速 iOS 应用程序原型制作

了解如何使用 Amplify 和 Swift 进行快速原型制作。构建示例原型制作应用程序,快速创建强大的演示应用程序。 

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