
与拥有深厚技术知识和久经考验的客户成功案例的 AWS 专业化合作伙伴一起推动创新并释放更大的商业价值

AWS 智能制造工业软件能力合作伙伴可提供支持产品设计、智能工厂、制造中的SAP和供应链的智能制造解决方案。这些 AWS 合作伙伴的智能工厂解决方案使流程和离散型制造行业领域中的公司能够提高智能制造产品创新的速度,同时降低生产和运营成本。

AWS 能力合作伙伴智能工厂解决方案和来自AWS及AWS合作伙伴的智能产品,允许您将资源集中投入到优化生产、创造智能产品的新商机上,并提高整个价值链的运营效率,而不是专注于实现它的基础设施。

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AWS 智能制造工业软件能力分类



此类别的解决方案侧重于使用硬件和软件(通常称为工业控制系统)来监视和控制物理过程、设备和基础设施。运营技术解决方案执行监控关键基础设施、控制制造车间的机器人等任务。此类别的解决方案可能与 SCADA(监督控制和数据采集)和 PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)等控制系统、OPC(用于过程控制的 OLE)或 PROFINET 等通信网络、HMI(人机接口)、数据采集系统、分析软件和安全解决方案相关。支持远程控制和管理制造车间操作技术系统的云托管应用程序也属于此类别。 

该类别包括优化车间运营、最大限度提高生产率、提高质量以及提高员工工作效率和安全性的解决方案。解决方案利用方法和技术将数据从运营技术 (OT) 系统中提取出来,并使用机器学习 (ML) 和人工智能 (AI) 等新的边缘和云功能,从数据中收集新的见解。机器人和工业自动化是当今智能工厂的关键组成部分,对于提高运营效率和降低成本至关重要。解决方案可帮助制造商确保产品质量和减少不合格品,并推动流程改进和资产绩效提升。工业数据运营、云托管制造执行系统(MES)、制造运营管理(MOM)和工厂信息管理系统(PIMS)解决方案属于此类别。

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    与 AWS 合作伙伴一起构建和部署创新解决方案,以提高运营效率、质量、敏捷性和安全性。

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      48 Hours, 0 Unplanned Downtime: How Tech Mahindra and AWS Helped RS Group Migrate to the Cloud

      United Kingdom

      RS Group, a global product and service solutions provider for industrial customers, faced challenges with its on-premises infrastructure, which limited its ability to scale and innovate. RS Group partnered with AWS Partner Tech Mahindra and Amazon Web Service (AWS) for a full lift-and-shift migration to the cloud. The migration, of which the digital production platform move was completed in only 48 hours without any unplanned downtime, has improved RS Group’s performance up to 150 percent. It has accelerated the time it takes to make infrastructure changes up to 95 percent and lowered technical debt by 12 percent. Operating on AWS has also empowered RS Group to scale efficiently, enhance resilience, and continuously innovate with AWS services.

    • Manufacturing

      Kärcher Works with Zoi to Launch Cloud-Native Manufacturing Facility on AWS


      Kärcher, based in Germany, is a global manufacturer of cleaning equipment. It operates with more than 160 subsidiaries in 82 countries worldwide. The company wanted to ensure that it could deliver products to its customers on time and at competitive costs. Given the disruptions in global supply chains since the COVID-19 pandemic, the company has undertaken to optimize the responsiveness of its supply chain with a cloud-first approach to operations. It also decided to build a new manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Kärcher wanted this greenfield facility to be cloud-native to provide flexibility while eliminating hardware purchases, reducing efforts needed for maintenance, and improving insights into operations. It worked with AWS Partner Zoi to build that solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS), eliminating an initial six-digit investment in hardware, license, and maintenance costs and ready to start production in just 11 months.

    • Manufacturing

      DS Smith Enhances Procurement Spending Insights Using ML-powered Solution from on AWS

      United Kingdom

      DS Smith is a London-based supplier of paper and packaging solutions with 2024 revenues of £6.8 billion and is a FTSE 100 company. It has facilities in more than 30 countries employing more than 30,000 staff. Over the last several decades, much of its growth has come from acquisitions, leading to a complex mix of disparate legacy systems. To help it get better insights on how it was spending its procurement budget, it connected with AWS Partner to create a procurement spend analytics (PSA) solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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    • AWS 工业软件咨询合作伙伴重点介绍的客户使用案例
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      • Rick Burke、Scott Robertson、Rajesh Gomatam, Invalid date
        制造仿真软件使组织能够模拟产品制造过程的每个步骤,包括主要和次要操作。aPriori 的数字制造仿真平台直接连接到业界领先的产品生命周期管理(PLM)系统。每次将新的或修改过的数字孪生 CAD 模型检入 PLM 库时,它都会自动触发详细的可制造性和成本分析,而最终用户只需进行最少量的互动。
      • Marcia Villalba, 2020-12-08
        今天,我很高兴宣布推出 Amazon Lookout for Vision,这是一项新的机器学习 (ML) 服务,可帮助工业环境中的客户以简单且经济高效的方式检测生产单元和设备上的视觉缺陷。


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