AWS Service Ready Program

验证并推广您可与 AWS 服务一起使用的软件产品

什么是 AWS Service Ready Program?

AWS Service Ready Program 是一项 AWS 专业认证计划,旨在验证由 AWS 合作伙伴构建、与特定 AWS 服务结合使用的软件产品。这些软件产品经过 AWS 合作伙伴解决方案架构师的技术验证,证明其体系结构健全、符合 AWS 最佳实践且在市场上获得认可(包括客户成功案例)。

获得 AWS Service Ready 专业认证有助于 AWS 合作伙伴在全球范围内推广其软件产品。通过此 AWS 专业认证,您可以向客户证明您的工具或应用程序有助于降低技术风险。

在下文中探索权益成功案例如何开始使用,以及 AWS Service Ready 专业认证

Service Ready 徽章



的客户将 AWS 专业化认证列为选择合作伙伴的三大标准之一。




的合作伙伴目前拥有或正在积极建立特定于行业的 IP,以解决客户的问题。


Showing results: 6-10
Total results: 29


  • Software & Internet

    Roper Improves Visibility into Its Environments with CrowdStrike on AWS

    Roper Technologies operates market leading businesses that design and develop vertical software and technology-enabled products to serve customers in a variety of niche markets. Roper wanted to enhance and unify visibility into the digital environments across the portfolio of companies it had acquired over the years. To take a more proactive approach against ransomware and modernize its cybersecurity efforts, Roper implemented CrowdStrike Falcon Cloud Security and CrowdStrike Falcon Complete managed detection and response (MDR) across its subsidiaries. This allows teams to monitor environments around the clock in real time, gain comprehensive visibility into their infrastructures, and centralize security through a single pane of glass. Roper is now better able to stop malicious activity before it affects its businesses, identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, and maximize the efficiency of its cybersecurity teams.

  • Software & Internet

    Siteimprove Helps Customers Analyze Website User Behavior Faster with SingleStore on AWS

    Siteimprove worked with SingleStore, an AWS Partner, to implement SingleStoreDB Cloud, a fully managed database solution that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Using SingleStoreDB Cloud, Siteimprove has reduced database query return time from minutes to under 1 second, helping its customers analyze website user behavior faster. Additionally, Siteimprove can scale its database on demand to meet growth, and it spends at least 10 percent more time creating high-value business projects.

  • Transport & Logistics

    Omni Logistics Cuts Costs by 35% While Driving Innovation and Scalability Through AWS Migration

    Omni Logistics, a global 3PL provider, needed to enhance legacy applications for agility, scalability, and real-time insights. Aging equipment, colocation space issues, and the pandemic compounded their challenges. AWS Partner BizCloud Experts helped them successfully migrate to Amazon Web Services (AWS), transforming their IT infrastructure into an agile, cost-effective, and innovative environment.

  • Construction & Real Estate

    Streamlining Quext IoT Infrastructure with Klika Tech to Enhance Operations

    By collaborating with AWS Advanced Tier Partner Klika Tech, Quext reduced operational complexity to speed up processes and reduce costs. As a software and services company pioneering the next generation of smart products and services for apartments and multifamily environments, Quext needed to optimize its backend infrastructure when business growth demanded scaling. Klika Tech helped Quext map out and implement a solution incorporating AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN and AWS Control Tower. These solutions streamlined Quext’s infrastructure and processes, enhancing operations while maintaining developer flexibility.

  • Travel & Hospitality

    Marriott, Deloitte & Palo Alto Networks

    Marriott manages cybersecurity through a “human-centered, data-driven, technology-enabled” approach aimed at making security frictionless. Critical partnerships with AWS, Deloitte, and Palo Alto Networks leverage AI/ML to share threat data and empower “impossible” autonomous security. Together, their tri-party services provide an end-to-end platform unifying business and security data to detect threats and enable quick response.

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AWS Service Ready 专业认证

确定最适合您软件产品的 AWS Service Ready 专业认证。您可以申请一项或多项专业认证,具体取决于您的软件产品所使用的 AWS 服务。AWS Service Ready 专业认证的选择基于各种因素,包括客户对使用经过验证的 AWS 合作伙伴软件产品帮助解决 AWS 上的业务挑战的高需求。

Amazon CloudFront Ready 合作伙伴

Amazon CloudFront Ready 合作伙伴在端到端媒体管理、安全性、监控和分析以及内容加速领域,为 AWS 客户提供以解决方案为中心的产品。其产品和服务有助于补充和强化现有的 AWS 服务,以帮助客户优化其对 Amazon CloudFront 的使用。

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AWS Graviton Ready 软件产品

AWS Graviton Ready 软件产品在基于 AWS Graviton 的 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(Amazon EC2)实例上受支持,可帮助集成、部署、监控和保护您的工作负载。AWS Graviton Ready 产品经过审查和优化,可在基于 AWS Graviton 的实例上运行。

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AWS Lambda Ready 软件产品

AWS Lambda Ready 软件产品为 AWS Lambda 提供了工具和集成,使客户能够轻松构建无服务器应用程序。它们提供了应用程序定义、管理和部署方面的解决方案,以及扩展函数运行时和 API 并与之集成的解决方案。

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Amazon Linux Ready 软件产品在 Amazon Linux 上运行并受其支持。通过运行 Amazon Linux Ready 产品,客户可以充分利用 AWS 提供的低成本企业级 Linux 操作系统。
AWS Outposts Ready 软件产品与 AWS Outposts 部署相集成,可帮助客户发现在 AWS Outposts 上测试的产品,并遵循 AWS 安全和架构最佳实践。
AWS PrivateLink Ready 软件产品与 AWS PrivateLink 相集成,允许客户私密且安全地使用服务,确保他们的流量不会暴露在公共互联网上。可以跨账户、VPC 边界和通过本地网络安全地访问 PrivateLink Ready 产品,从而简化网络基础设施并增强安全性。

Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS)Ready 软件产品

Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS)Ready 软件产品包括与 Amazon RDS 集成的工具解决方案,旨在管理复杂而耗时的管理任务。RDS Ready 产品还支持使用 Amazon RDS 平台作为部署在七个 RDS 数据库引擎上的业务应用程序的后端,这些引擎包括 Aurora PostgreSQL、Aurora MySQL、PostgreSQL、MySQL、MariaDB、Oracle 和 SQL Server。

Amazon Redshift Ready 软件产品与 Amazon Redshift 集成,用以加载、转换和分析数据;分享见解;以及构建和实施分析平台。
AWS Control Tower 合作伙伴提供的软件解决方案可补充 Control Tower 功能,包括身份管理、多账户环境安全、集中联网、运营情报、安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)以及成本管理。 

Amazon EC2 Spot Ready 软件产品

Amazon EC2 Spot Ready 软件产品不仅使客户能够利用 Amazon EC2 竞价型实例,还能根据需要节省高达 90% 的费用。Amazon EC2 Spot Ready 产品集成经过是否遵循 AWS Spot 最佳实践的审查,并且支持在 Amazon EC2 竞价型实例上部署工作负载。

Amazon SageMaker Ready 软件产品

Amazon SageMaker Ready 软件产品可帮助客户在整个机器学习生命周期中无缝执行使用案例。这些软件产品已经过是否遵循 AWS 最佳实践的验证,为客户带来简单易用的使用体验。 

AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) Ready 产品 

AWS Web Application Firewall(WAF)Ready 产品为客户提供了一种简单的解决方案来部署和维护其应用程序层安全解决方案。AWS WAF Ready 软件产品提供强大的 WAF 规则集和缓解工具,客户可以根据自身的特定应用程序使用场景进行选择。   

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Amazon Connect Ready 合作伙伴

Amazon Connect Ready 合作伙伴已证明自己是创新联络中心体验的行业领导者。事实证明,通过 Amazon Connect Ready Partners 实施软件解决方案可以专注于全渠道客户体验/座席赋权和生产力解决方案/分析、见解和优化,并提供支持业务灵活性和创新的自助配置和管理工具,从而减轻客户联络中心的压力。 

Amazon EKS Ready 合作伙伴

Amazon EKS Ready 合作伙伴提供包括成本管理、监控和日志记录、安全或联网在内的软件解决方案,因此客户可以充分利用 Amazon EKS 的优势,在混合用例中运行其云容器化工作负载。

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Amazon Security Lake Ready 专业化合作伙伴

Amazon Security Lake Ready 专业化合作伙伴包括自动集成,可以将安全数据按照所需的格式放入 Amazon Security Lake,并提供可以访问客户安全湖中的数据的网络安全产品,从而带来积极的安全结果。 

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具备 AWS 安全事件响应能力的合作伙伴

具备 AWS 安全事件响应能力的合作伙伴可帮助客户为安全事件做好准备、应对安全事件并从中恢复。经过验证的合作伙伴使用安全事件响应服务,并与 AWS 协同工作,以减轻对客户环境的威胁。