2024 年

BMO 和 FICO 利用 AWS 技术转变金融服务

蒙特利尔银行(BMO)是一家拥有 200 年历史的金融机构,也是美洲第八大银行,它选择了 AWS 合作伙伴 FICO 和 Amazon Web Services(AWS)来实现信贷决策的现代化。面对旧有的本地基础设施带来的挑战,BMO 通过 AWS 上的 FICO 平台过渡到了云服务。此举提供了一个安全、可扩展的环境,消除了更新问题,实现了无缝的无版本升级。此次合作加快了变更速度并降低了变更成本,缩短了数据处理时间,增强了数据集成,从而为 BMO 的 1200 万客户提供更好、更快的服务。


此番与 AWS 的合作使我们能够拥有一个真正安全的环境,再加上 FICO 平台的功能,带来了双赢的局面。”

Daniel Melo

关于客户 BMO

BMO 总部位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥,是北美资产排名第八的银行,为 1300 万客户提供个人银行业务、商业银行业务、全球市场和投资银行服务。我们很自豪能够为北美各地个人、家庭和企业的进步提供助力。

关于 AWS 合作伙伴 FICO

FICO 是一家领先的分析软件公司,帮助 90 多个国家/地区的企业做出更好的决策,推动更高的增长、盈利能力和客户满意度。


Showing results: 21-24
Total results: 62


  • Financial Services

    Muthoot Fincorp Reduces Platform Costs by 61% with Ganit and AWS

    Muthoot Fincorp, one of India’s leading non-bank financial companies, provides a wide array of financial services to its customers. It was transforming, reading, and storing the data related to these services in a way that was inefficient and costly, causing a strain on the company’s resources. With a solution from AWS Partner Ganit, Muthoot Fincorp was able to optimize its data storage setup and workflows to improve processing speeds and significantly lower costs.

  • Financial Services

    SwissCaution Migrates to Innovative Insurance Platform with msg on AWS

    Switzerland-based insurance company SwissCaution consolidated around 25 on-premises databases and its back-office insurance applications into a single platform called msg Unified Administration Platform (msg.UAP) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). SwissCaution can now deliver new insurance products faster and at less cost. The scalable and extensible cloud-based solution supports SwissCaution’s future growth and allows its partners to connect to its back-office processes and gain added-value functionality for the first time. The platform also complies with relevant security and financial sector regulations.

  • Financial Services

    Capitalize & Thoropass

    Capitalize, a Fintech startup, worked with Thoropass, an AWS Global Security & Compliance Acceleration Program Partner, to quickly achieve SOC 2 compliance. As a result, Capitalize can demonstrate a commitment to security and data protection and earn trust with its customers. Thoropass is an end-to-end compliance automation platform that includes both software and audit services for customers looking to achieve and maintain compliance.

  • Financial Services

    Proof & SingleStore

    SingleStoreDB Cloud on AWS provides private connectivity using AWS PrivateLink integration and automatically manages data across a three-tiered storage architecture comprised of memory, persistent cache, and storage. Proof is a FinTech SaaS compnay that connects to SingleStoreDB Cloud using AWS PrivateLink.

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