2024 年

BMO 和 FICO 利用 AWS 技术转变金融服务

蒙特利尔银行(BMO)是一家拥有 200 年历史的金融机构,也是美洲第八大银行,它选择了 AWS 合作伙伴 FICO 和 Amazon Web Services(AWS)来实现信贷决策的现代化。面对旧有的本地基础设施带来的挑战,BMO 通过 AWS 上的 FICO 平台过渡到了云服务。此举提供了一个安全、可扩展的环境,消除了更新问题,实现了无缝的无版本升级。此次合作加快了变更速度并降低了变更成本,缩短了数据处理时间,增强了数据集成,从而为 BMO 的 1200 万客户提供更好、更快的服务。


此番与 AWS 的合作使我们能够拥有一个真正安全的环境,再加上 FICO 平台的功能,带来了双赢的局面。”

Daniel Melo

关于客户 BMO

BMO 总部位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥,是北美资产排名第八的银行,为 1300 万客户提供个人银行业务、商业银行业务、全球市场和投资银行服务。我们很自豪能够为北美各地个人、家庭和企业的进步提供助力。

关于 AWS 合作伙伴 FICO

FICO 是一家领先的分析软件公司,帮助 90 多个国家/地区的企业做出更好的决策,推动更高的增长、盈利能力和客户满意度。


Showing results: 25-28
Total results: 62


  • Financial Services

    AB CarVal & Druva

    AB CarVal, an alternative investment fund management company, sought a cost-effective data storage and backup solution to enhance security and reduce growing expenses. The company’s legacy processes involved manual audits that left room for error and were an inefficient use of resources. AWS Partner Druva delivered a secure, scalable data backup solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that automated tasks, reduced costs, simplified compliance monitoring, and enhanced data recovery.

  • Financial Services

    Oneworld Group & Ralliton

    Cyprus-based financial services group Oneworld Global Business Services migrated to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to comply with strict industry regulations, cut its energy spending, and improve the security of its businesses. Beginning with investment firm One Plus Capital, it migrated its infrastructure from an on-premises data center to AWS with the help of AWS Partner Ralliton using AWS Migration Hub. The initial migration project was so successful that Oneworld replicated the solution for four other companies within its group.

  • Financial Services

    Esperanza & Mambu

    Esperanza, a non-profit microfinance organization based in the Dominican Republic, was struggling to provide loans efficiently due to a legacy system that was costly and outdated. The on-premises solution required transcribing content from physical loan files, and managing loans and reporting on customer data was manual, complicated, and time-consuming. To advance the capabilities of its organization, Esperanza turned to AWS Partner Mambu. Working with Mambu and Amazon Web Services (AWS), Esperanza migrated to digital, cloud-based operations to significantly improve their loan processing speed and agility. Moving to Mambu’s cloud banking platform led to dramatic improvements in management efficiency, access to data and reporting, and the ability to expand the breadth of their services.

  • Financial Services

    Bridge & Padok

    Bridge, a France-based company that specializes in enabling and initiating payments, chose AWS Partner Padok to help it maintain its open banking platform 24/7 while optimizing costs and complying with French employment laws that limit overnight working hours for developers. Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bridge’s infrastructure uses APIs to help customers’ systems connect with its platform in real time. Working with Padok, Bridge now has a platform that is secure and available, and the two companies have developed a trusted partnership.

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