2024 年

BMO 和 FICO 利用 AWS 技术转变金融服务

蒙特利尔银行(BMO)是一家拥有 200 年历史的金融机构,也是美洲第八大银行,它选择了 AWS 合作伙伴 FICO 和 Amazon Web Services(AWS)来实现信贷决策的现代化。面对旧有的本地基础设施带来的挑战,BMO 通过 AWS 上的 FICO 平台过渡到了云服务。此举提供了一个安全、可扩展的环境,消除了更新问题,实现了无缝的无版本升级。此次合作加快了变更速度并降低了变更成本,缩短了数据处理时间,增强了数据集成,从而为 BMO 的 1200 万客户提供更好、更快的服务。


此番与 AWS 的合作使我们能够拥有一个真正安全的环境,再加上 FICO 平台的功能,带来了双赢的局面。”

Daniel Melo

关于客户 BMO

BMO 总部位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥,是北美资产排名第八的银行,为 1300 万客户提供个人银行业务、商业银行业务、全球市场和投资银行服务。我们很自豪能够为北美各地个人、家庭和企业的进步提供助力。

关于 AWS 合作伙伴 FICO

FICO 是一家领先的分析软件公司,帮助 90 多个国家/地区的企业做出更好的决策,推动更高的增长、盈利能力和客户满意度。


Showing results: 29-32
Total results: 62


  • Financial Services

    Bank Leumi & OpenLegacy

    Legacy technologies can be challenging to maintain and integrate with modern applications, channels, and architectures. To comply with open banking regulation, OpenLegacy helped Bank Leumi initiate a program that would transform it into an API-first organization by adapting its existing legacy mainframe systems.

  • Financial Services

    Profectus Capital & Noventiq

    Profectus Capital Private Limited, a financial institution that caters to small-and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), partners with many fintech organizations to make the loan disbursement journey digital, seamless, and quick. With its entire technology stack on AWS, the next step for Profectus was to consolidate data from multiple systems for a comprehensive view of loan applicants, business profiles, and loan collaterals. Working with AWS Partner Noventiq, Profectus developed a Data Lake on AWS that uses AWS Glue, Amazon S3, and Amazon Redshift. As a result, Profectus now has an instant, 360-degree view of insights across multiple systems to help streamline the decision-making process around loan sanction.

  • Financial Services

    Banco Master & Fortinet

    Banco Master, a Brazilian bank with zero onsite branch locations, is known for having a solution for every phase of a person’s life. With this in mind, a comprehensive solution for data protection, regulatory compliance, and threat visibility that would ensure continuous operations is of utmost importance. Collaborating with AWS Partner Fortinet, Banco Master integrated FortiGate Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) into its security environment for real-time threat detection and response. This resulted in reduced operational costs, 11 million threats blocked daily, and an assurance of uninterrupted service delivery.

  • Financial Services


    truID worked with AWS Partner Levi9 to modernize its cloud-based app. Using Amazon Web Services (AWS) it estimates it has cut cloud costs by 60 percent and reduced the development time for new features by 50 percent. The company, which provides financial services companies with authenticated consumer banking data to grant loans, can now provide customers with the exact set of financial data they require without having to manually reconfigure its application. Using AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge it can also scale easily when loan applications peak at the end of each month.

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