2024 年

Highnote 通过 Visa 和 AWS 彻底改变支付方式

Highnote 正在通过由 Visa Cloud Connect 和 Amazon Web Services(AWS)提供支持的完全支持云的平台重新定义嵌入式金融。通过简化与传统解决方案的连接,Highnote 将集成时间从长达 18 个月缩短到仅 4 到 6 个月,从而缩短了上市时间。

这种与 VisaNet 的创新云连接可确保无缝且可扩展的交易处理,同时节省大量成本。Highnote 让客户能够以无与伦比的速度和可靠性处理全球付款,为其业务开辟了一个充满各种可能的世界。如果没有与 AWS 合作伙伴 Visa 和 AWS 的密切合作,推动支付领域的真正创新,这是不可能实现的。


由于我们与 Visa 和 AWS 的合作关系全方位支持云,Highnote 能够将我们的云平台与 Visa 和 AWS 连接起来,从而简化整个交易处理方案,使我们的客户能够快速启动并运行。”

John MacIlwine
Highnote 首席执行官

关于 Highnote

Highnote 创立于 2020 年,总部位于加利福尼亚州旧金山,致力于为世界各地的企业构建嵌入式金融体验的未来。他们以客户为中心,追求卓越表现,并营造信任、透明的环境。

关于 AWS 合作伙伴 Visa

Visa 是一个值得信赖的网络,也是数字支付领域的全球领导者,致力于消除障碍,让更多人融入全球经济网络。该公司旨在成为最佳支付和收款方式,从而提升全世界所有人的生活水平。


Showing results: 25-28
Total results: 62


  • Financial Services

    AB CarVal & Druva

    AB CarVal, an alternative investment fund management company, sought a cost-effective data storage and backup solution to enhance security and reduce growing expenses. The company’s legacy processes involved manual audits that left room for error and were an inefficient use of resources. AWS Partner Druva delivered a secure, scalable data backup solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that automated tasks, reduced costs, simplified compliance monitoring, and enhanced data recovery.

  • Financial Services

    Oneworld Group & Ralliton

    Cyprus-based financial services group Oneworld Global Business Services migrated to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to comply with strict industry regulations, cut its energy spending, and improve the security of its businesses. Beginning with investment firm One Plus Capital, it migrated its infrastructure from an on-premises data center to AWS with the help of AWS Partner Ralliton using AWS Migration Hub. The initial migration project was so successful that Oneworld replicated the solution for four other companies within its group.

  • Financial Services

    Esperanza & Mambu

    Esperanza, a non-profit microfinance organization based in the Dominican Republic, was struggling to provide loans efficiently due to a legacy system that was costly and outdated. The on-premises solution required transcribing content from physical loan files, and managing loans and reporting on customer data was manual, complicated, and time-consuming. To advance the capabilities of its organization, Esperanza turned to AWS Partner Mambu. Working with Mambu and Amazon Web Services (AWS), Esperanza migrated to digital, cloud-based operations to significantly improve their loan processing speed and agility. Moving to Mambu’s cloud banking platform led to dramatic improvements in management efficiency, access to data and reporting, and the ability to expand the breadth of their services.

  • Financial Services

    Bridge & Padok

    Bridge, a France-based company that specializes in enabling and initiating payments, chose AWS Partner Padok to help it maintain its open banking platform 24/7 while optimizing costs and complying with French employment laws that limit overnight working hours for developers. Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bridge’s infrastructure uses APIs to help customers’ systems connect with its platform in real time. Working with Padok, Bridge now has a platform that is secure and available, and the two companies have developed a trusted partnership.

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