2025 年 1 月

Paynela 在 Mission 的帮助下使用生成式人工智能改善数据可访问性

总部位于波多黎各的医疗融资创新者 Paynela 通过由 AWS 合作伙伴 Mission 提供支持的尖端解决方案,彻底改变了患者的经济援助。Paynela 致力于提供更便捷的医疗服务,帮助患者有尊严、轻松地管理自付医疗费用。通过 Amazon Web Services(AWS)和 Mission 的专业知识,Paynela 利用生成式人工智能的力量来分析复杂的医疗保健数据,从而获得更深入的见解并扩展患者支持能力。


借助我们使用 Mission 和 AWS 构建的解决方案,Paynela 能够将重点更多地放在战略上,而不是手动流程上。”

Mary-Beth Macaluso
Paynela 首席执行官


  • 在医学裁定领域,一切都需要手动操作。这给 Paynela 造成了大量积压工作。
  • 手动程序也会影响患者,因为他们无法及时获得付款。
  • Paynela 需要找到一种方法来自动执行这些付款裁定。


  • Mission 就 Paynela 面临的挑战提供了专业知识,并帮助他们找到了正确的方向。Mission 和 AWS 有着悠久的合作历史。
  • Mission 和 Paynela 共同决定将 OCR 与 Amazon Textract 和 LLM 进行结合。选择了 Amazon Bedrock 来提供高性能的基础模型。
  • 所有的 AWS 部件都有助于打造高效的管道。


  • 更注重战略,而非手动流程。
  • 使用生成式人工智能,Paynela 得以深入研究数据,帮助获得更多洞察力。
  • Paynela 利用这些数据与客户制定了战略路线图,以帮助更多患者。

关于 Paynela

Paynela 公司的使命是帮助患者支付高成本特种产品的自付费用。Paynela 是一家总部位于波多黎各的医疗融资公司,致力于利用技术、人工智能和创新举措来创建或加强药品制造商提供的患者援助计划。这些计划旨在将患者与他们所需的护理联系起来,而 Paynela 的创新解决方案则支持患者申请、获得和使用这些资金来获得医疗服务。

关于 AWS 合作伙伴 Mission

CDW 公司旗下的 Mission 是一家领先的云端托管服务和咨询提供商,为 AWS 客户提供端到端的云服务、创新的人工智能解决方案和软件。作为 AWS 核心级合作伙伴,Mission 可帮助管理技术投资、改善绩效和治理水平、扩展规模以满足需求、保护数据和无所畏惧地进行创新。Mission 的 AWS 专家团队帮助企业加速采用生成式人工智能等新技术,并迁移、管理和现代化其云环境,从而确保云端未来的成功。 


Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 62


  • Financial Services

    Crece Más Drives 45% Sales Growth for Small Businesses with Facele and AWS

    Crece Más, a company devoted to helping entrepreneurs thrive, wanted to develop a platform to give small businesses tools to automate operations and grow—but struggled to secure funding. With the help of AWS Partner Facele and Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, Crece Más secured funding to develop a platform to manage inventory, sales, deliveries, and more. With an impressive new application, Crece Más has grown its customer base by 45 percent in just six months. The platform allows small businesses to scale, increase sales by up to 45 percent, and reduce operational costs by 25 percent, helping them expand into new markets and contribute to regional economic growth.

  • Financial Services

    Capital Express Reduce los Costos Operativos Mensuales en un 94% con NetRed y AWS

    La compañía de servicios de factoring Capital Express quería mejorar las evaluaciones de los clientes y hacer crecer su negocio, pero tenía un sistema obsoleto que dificultaba el acceso a los datos. La compañía recurrió al socio de AWS, NetRed, para migrar sus datos utilizando los servicios de Amazon Web Services (AWS). Gracias a la migración, Capital Express pudo crear Advance, una innovadora herramienta de gestión financiera que ofrece un procesamiento de datos en tiempo real. La implementación de Advance redujo los costos operativos mensuales en un 94 por ciento. También disminuyó el tiempo necesario para la inscripción de clientes y las consultas de TI a solo cinco minutos. Estas mejoras han agilizado las operaciones y permiten una prestación de servicios más rápida, lo que aumenta drásticamente el potencial de crecimiento de Capital Express y ayuda a satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes con mayor rapidez.

  • Financial Services

    Capital Express Reduces Monthly Operating Costs by 94% with NetRed and AWS

    Factoring services company Capital Express wanted to improve client evaluations and grow its business, but it had an outdated system that made accessing data difficult. The company teamed up with AWS Partner NetRed to migrate its data using capabilities from Amazon Web Services (AWS). Migrating helped Capital Express create Advance, an innovative financial management tool that offers real-time data processing. Implementing Advance cut monthly operating costs by 94 percent. It also reduced the time needed for client enrollment and IT consultations to just five minutes. These improvements streamlined operations and enabled faster service delivery, dramatically increasing the growth potential of Capital Express and helping it meet customer needs faster.

  • Financial Services

    MarketReader Launches Its Real-Time Market Analysis Platform and AI Newsletter in Eight Months Using Nasdaq® and AWS

    MarketReader is an artificial intelligence (AI) analytics platform providing the financial sector with data-driven explanations of real-time asset movement. During development, MarketReader experienced delays in data delivery and received incomplete datasets from its initial data provider—which reduced the quality of the platform’s insights. To launch its differentiated product, the MarketReader team moved to cloud-based data solutions from AWS Partner Nasdaq, hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), to obtain direct access to high-quality, real-time market data for all US-listed securities. This approach elevated MarketReader’s US market coverage, increased data delivery time by 98 percent, and helped the platform go live within eight months. MarketReader now delivers timely, accurate insights. It publishes a daily newsletter in only seven minutes, driving customer engagement and expanding the newsletter’s reach up to 400 percent beyond MarketReader’s current client base.

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