AWS 解决方案库



探索来自 AWS 和 AWS 合作伙伴的解决方案

当今的组织正在寻找经过审查的解决方案和架构指导,以快速解决业务挑战。 无论客户喜欢现成的部署还是可定制的架构,AWS 解决方案库都包含由 AWS 和 AWS 合作伙伴为广泛的行业和技术使用案例构建的解决方案。

AWS 服务


AWS 解决方案

组合 AWS 服务、代码和配置的现成解决方案


来自 AWS 合作伙伴的软件、软件即服务或托管型服务



7-9 (9)
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Total results: 9
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19-27 (1625)
Showing results: 19-27
Total results: 1625
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  • Guidance

    Collaborative, Unified Data and AI Development on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to use Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio to create a unified development experience for building, deploying, executing, and monitoring end-to-end workflows across AWS data, analytics, and AI/ML services. 

  • AWS 解决方案

    AWS 上的安全见解

    部署与 Amazon Security Lake 和 Amazon Q in QuickSight 集成的附加解决方案。该解决方案使用生成式商业智能创建自动化控制面板,使用户能够深入了解其安全数据,并增强其企业范围内的安全态势。

  • Guidance

    Automated Geospatial Insights Engine on AWS

    This Guidance shows how build an automated geospatial insights engine on AWS to improve supply and demand forecasting and risk management.
  • Guidance

    Retrieving Data Using Natural Language Queries on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to efficiently retrieve data by using the agent-driven framework of Amazon Bedrock to convert natural language queries (NLQ) into SQL queries.
  • Guidance

    Retail and Commerce Media Monetization on AWS

    This Guidance illustrates how retailers can setup a Media Insights platform that serves as a central hub for the retailer’s commerce and media monetization using their data and analytics.
  • Guidance

    Amazon DeepRacer Chatbot

    This Guidance illustrates how to deploy and use the AWS DeepRacer Chatbot, an intelligent virtual assistant powered by multimodal generative AI and domain adaptation techniques.
  • Guidance

    Deploying Rancher RKE2 at the Edge on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to deploy Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE2) at the edge with AWS services, enabling organizations to run mission-critical workloads in tactical edge environments with Denied, Disruptive, Intermittent, and Limited (DDIL) communication.
  • Guidance

    Multi-Account Machine Learning Model Governance on AWS

    This Guidance shows how to implement a centralized multi-account machine learning (ML) model governance strategy on AWS.
  • Guidance

    Tactical Edge Application Deployment on AWS

    This Guidance shows two architectural patterns for deploying applications in tactical edge environments on AWS using third-party hardware devices and platforms.
1 181