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AWS 解决方案

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100-108 (1617)
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  • AWS 解决方案

    Virtual Waiting Room on AWS

  • Guidance

    Contextual Intelligence Advertising Using Generative AI on AWS

    This Guidance shows how to use generative AI to derive contextual insights from multimedia assets and identify relevant audience segments for targeted advertising placements. By analyzing video, audio, and text, you can identify the most relevant audience segments and deliver personalized advertising experiences. Moreover, the use of multimodal large language models (LLMs) facilitates the extraction of insights from both visual and transcript components so you can align your media with the right advertising opportunities and monetize content more effectively.
  • AWS 解决方案

    适用于 AWS Transit Gateway 的网络编排

    在分布式 AWS 环境中自动执行设置和管理传输网络流程。通过 AWS 管理控制台中的单个控制面板可视化和监控您的全球网络,以便控制、审计和批准(传输)网络变更。
  • Guidance

    Migrating VMware Virtual Machines to Nutanix Cloud Clusters on AWS

    This implementation guide provides a detailed process for migrating VMware virtual machines to Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) using the Nutanix Move tool.

  • Guidance

    Deploying Smart Cameras Using Amazon Kinesis Video Streams with WebRTC

    This Guidance demonstrates how to use Amazon Kinesis Video Streams with WebRTC to enable low-latency, bi-directional, peer-to-peer video streaming from home surveillance cameras.
  • Guidance

    Analyzing Customer Conversations on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to use voice analytics to uncover insights from customer phone conversations and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Guidance

    Deduplicating Syndicated Data on AWS

    This Guidance shows how large enterprise customers can efficiently identify and manage duplicate datasets distributed across multiple AWS accounts.
  • Guidance

    Virtual Personal Stylist on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how an AI-generated virtual personal stylist can provide a convenient and personalized styling experience for retail consumers.
  • Guidance

    Location-Based Customer Engagement on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how leaders in the travel and hospitality industry can use the capabilities of Amazon Location Service to enhance their applications with location-based functionalities.
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