
2024 年

Harbor Lab 使用 AWS 帮助客户转变支付流程,实现费用处理的数字化

Harbor Lab 与船东、管理公司和租船人合作,简化世界各地港口的来往船舶的费用管理。

Harbor Lab 与船东、管理公司和租船人合作,简化世界各地港口的来往船舶的费用管理。软件即服务提供商全力支持 Amazon Web Services (AWS)。首席技术官 Christina Kaskoura 表示,AWS Managed Services 使技术变得简单,并帮助她和她的团队专注于为 Harbor Lab 客户解决复杂的业务问题。通过实时记录成本的数字化支付流程,港口运营商可以更为高效且具成本效益地管理与港口相关的费用。


Sed nec leo vel dui feugiat auctor.Etiam id turpis nec ante vestibulum eleifend quis feugiat diam.Mauris vel ultrices risus.Mauris aliquet sapien id magna ultrices aliquet.”


使用的 AWS 服务

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3)是一项对象存储服务,在可扩展性、数据可用性、安全性和能效方面业界领先。

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Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker 建立在 Amazon 二十年来开发现实世界 ML 应用程序的经验之上,这些应用程序包括产品推荐、个性化、智能购物、机器人技术和语音辅助设备。

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Amazon SageMaker Studio

Amazon SageMaker Studio 提供一个基于网络的可视化界面,您可以在该界面中执行所有的机器学习开发步骤,将数据科学团队的生产率提高 10 倍。

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Amazon SageMaker Pipelines

Amazon SageMaker Pipelines 是首个专为机器学习(ML)构建的易用的持续集成和持续交付(CI/CD)服务。 

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AWS 客户成功案例

各种规模的企业均使用 AWS 来提高敏捷性、降低成本并加速云创新。


Showing results: 21-24
Total results: 93


  • Americas

    National Instruments Case Study

    National Instruments has reduced testing costs by more than $1 million and shaved months off its software development process by using AWS. National Instruments is a global company that provides advanced technology to engineers and scientists, with systems-design software that accelerates productivity and innovation in cutting-edge fields such as healthcare technology, mobile computing, and space research.
  • Americas

    Herd Case Study

    Using Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon.com lowered workflow-execution overhead by 90 percent, decommissioned hundreds of Oracle hosts, and reduced time needed to scale for large events by 90 percent. Amazon's internal workflow-orchestration engine—known as Herd—powers the business logic for processing worldwide Amazon.com customer orders.
  • Korea

    Woowa Brothers Operate Self-Driving Delivery Robots with AWS Wavelength

    Woowa Brothers has achieved ultra-low latency and real-time control of self-driving robots by developing its Dilly Drive service on AWS. Woowa Brothers is a food technology company that operates the leading delivery application Baedal Minjok (Baemin) in Korea. In collaboration with SK Telecom, the company uses AWS Wavelength to power autonomous smart delivery robots for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Japan

    Toyota Builds Shared Mobility Platform on AWS

    In this re:Invent 2019 presentation, Brian Kursar, CTO of Toyota Motor North America and Toyota Connected North America, discusses how Toyota created a secure, cloud-native solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to analyze billions of messages per day, using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) encryption to provide granular access and keep corporate assets secure with data segregation.
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无论行业无论规模,每天都有各种机构在使用 AWS 实现自身业务转型、实现企业愿景。欢迎您联系我们的专家,立即踏上您的 AWS 之旅。