
2016 年
mcdonalds 徽标

麦当劳在 AWS 上推动基于云的数字化转型

麦当劳公司是一家美国汉堡包和快餐连锁店,每天为 6900 万顾客提供服务。借助 Amazon Web Services(AWS),该公司把自己转型成为一家数字技术公司,业绩远超目标 66%,现在通过其销售点(POS)系统每秒能完成 8600 笔交易。

2016 年,在 re:Invent 上,麦当劳公司 CTO Tom Gergets 上台与 Andy Jassy 讨论了如何成为一家先进的现代化汉堡公司,为客户提供更个性化、更便捷的体验。他还谈到选择 AWS 和 AWS Professional Services,以帮助麦当劳构建可扩展的安全数字化平台。

自此以后,麦当劳通过自助服务终端、数字菜单显示屏、移动下单与支付以及送餐功能,在全球范围内扩展了其数字功能。2019 年,麦当劳收购了 Dynamic Yield,并使用先进的决策引擎功能(包括机器学习和预测算法)帮助在其得来速中实现个性化客户体验。此外,该公司还正使用 Amazon RedshiftAmazon AthenaAmazon EMR 在 AWS 上构建全球数据平台,并已开始使用 Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(Amazon EKS)进行试点。


在云方面,我们在 AWS 找到了合作伙伴。我们知道他们具有满足我们数字平台需求的可靠性和 CAT 容量。”

Tom Gergets

使用的 AWS 服务

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift 使用 SQL 在数据仓库、运营数据库和数据湖间分析结构化和半结构化数据,使用 AWS 设计的硬件和机器学习在任意规模提供最佳性价比。

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Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena 是一项基于开源框架的无服务器交互式分析服务,支持开源表和文件格式。Athena 提供了一种简化、灵活的方法来分析包含它的 PB 级数据。

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Amazon EMR

Amazon EMR 是行业领先的云大数据解决方案,适用于使用开源框架(如 Apache Spark、Apache Hive、Presto)进行 PB 级数据处理、交互分析和机器学习。

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Amazon EKS

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(Amazon EKS)是一项托管 Kubernetes 服务,用于在 AWS Cloud 和本地数据中心上运行 Kubernetes。在云中,Amazon EKS 可自动管理负责安排容器、管理应用程序可用性、存储集群数据和其他关键任务的 Kubernetes 控制面板节点的可用性和可扩展性。

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Showing results: 5-8
Total results: 128


  • North America

    Airbnb on AWS

    A year after Airbnb launched, the company decided to migrate nearly all of its cloud computing functions to AWS. As the company has grown, it has adopted almost all of the features AWS provides.

  • Brazil

    iFood: an Artificial Intelligence (AI) journey with AWS

    One of the largest Brazilian delivery marketplaces, with deliveries from more than 330,000 partner establishments, iFood used generative artificial intelligence (AI) on two fronts considered crucial to its business. The first concerns the customer experience personalization, where those customers are responsible for more than 80 million orders per month. The other is aimed at optimizing the work of its internal developers. Thiago Cardoso, iFood data and AI director, explains that, given the company's scale of operation, artificial intelligence (AI) is the only efficient way to deliver personalized experiences for each user.
  • United States

    Deloitte and Marriott Reinvent the Hotel Experience with Generative AI on AWS

    This case study provides insights into how Deloitte and Marriott collaborated to showcase their use of AWS technologies, including generative AI, at the AWS Reinvent 2023 conference.
  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    Delivery Hero’s Global Success Relies on Local Data Compliance Using AWS

    An online food delivery firm spanning 70 countries across 4 continents, Delivery Hero needs to handle data in accordance with legislation in the regions where it operates. Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), says director of site reliability engineering Shery Brauner, gives Delivery Hero a range of tools and technologies to help it manage data securely and deliver the customer-centric service the company is famous for.
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