2025 年 2 月

使用 AWS 和 Visa Cloud Connect 实现支付转型

Moov 是一家直接连接主要信用卡网络和支付系统的支付处理商,可确保从政治竞选到独家产品投放等高需求场景的可扩展性和可用性。以 AWS 为支柱,Moov 的解决方案实现了无缝连接,从而实现了更快、更具可扩展性的资金流动。借助 AWS 合作伙伴 Visa 和 AWS 上的 Visa Cloud Connect,Moov 消除了对传统数据中心和基础设施的需求,简化了对支付网络的访问。这项创新为已经使用 AWS 的客户提供了即时的交易洞察,增强了最终用户体验并重新定义了支付处理。


借助 Amazon Web Services 上的 VISA Cloud Connect 产品,我们能够做到这一点,无需配置服务器和搭建传统基础设施即可利用云。”

Wade Arnold
Moov 首席执行官兼创始人

关于 Moov

Moov 是一家新兴的支付处理商,在云端从头开始构建,旨在使开发人员和企业更轻松地进行支付。借助 Moov,企业可以通过一个简单的集成来接受、存储、汇款和花钱。Moov 由“付出为先”的思维模式驱动,通过开源库和不断壮大的社区为蓬勃发展的开发人员网络提供支持。

关于 AWS Visa

Visa 是一个值得信赖的网络,也是数字支付领域的全球领导者,致力于消除障碍,让更多人融入全球经济网络。该公司旨在成为最佳支付和收款方式,从而提升全世界所有人的生活水平。


Showing results: 21-24
Total results: 62


  • Financial Services

    Muthoot Fincorp Reduces Platform Costs by 61% with Ganit and AWS

    Muthoot Fincorp, one of India’s leading non-bank financial companies, provides a wide array of financial services to its customers. It was transforming, reading, and storing the data related to these services in a way that was inefficient and costly, causing a strain on the company’s resources. With a solution from AWS Partner Ganit, Muthoot Fincorp was able to optimize its data storage setup and workflows to improve processing speeds and significantly lower costs.

  • Financial Services

    SwissCaution Migrates to Innovative Insurance Platform with msg on AWS

    Switzerland-based insurance company SwissCaution consolidated around 25 on-premises databases and its back-office insurance applications into a single platform called msg Unified Administration Platform (msg.UAP) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). SwissCaution can now deliver new insurance products faster and at less cost. The scalable and extensible cloud-based solution supports SwissCaution’s future growth and allows its partners to connect to its back-office processes and gain added-value functionality for the first time. The platform also complies with relevant security and financial sector regulations.

  • Financial Services

    Capitalize & Thoropass

    Capitalize, a Fintech startup, worked with Thoropass, an AWS Global Security & Compliance Acceleration Program Partner, to quickly achieve SOC 2 compliance. As a result, Capitalize can demonstrate a commitment to security and data protection and earn trust with its customers. Thoropass is an end-to-end compliance automation platform that includes both software and audit services for customers looking to achieve and maintain compliance.

  • Financial Services

    Proof & SingleStore

    SingleStoreDB Cloud on AWS provides private connectivity using AWS PrivateLink integration and automatically manages data across a three-tiered storage architecture comprised of memory, persistent cache, and storage. Proof is a FinTech SaaS compnay that connects to SingleStoreDB Cloud using AWS PrivateLink.

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