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AWS re:Invent 2023

辉瑞参加 AWS re:Invent 2023

在这段 AWS re:Invent 2023 视频中,辉瑞首席数字和技术官 Lidia Fonseca 讨论了该公司如何利用人工智能(AI)和 Amazon Web Services(AWS)在 2022 年向超过 13 亿人大规模提供药物和疫苗治疗。Fonseca 展示了辉瑞如何集中数据、培养优秀的人工智能人才并在云中建立安全的全球基础,同时每年节省数千万美元。辉瑞和 AWS 创建了科学数据云,该云汇总了来自数百台实验室仪器的数据,使科学家能够更简单、更快速地搜索数据。辉瑞在 AWS 上构建了 VOX,这是一种生成式人工智能解决方案,使用 Amazon SageMakerAmazon Bedrock 的大型语言模型来加速研究、预测产品产量,以及推进向患者提供更多药物。 

与 AWS 的密切合作,为辉瑞快速应对新冠肺炎疫情带来了很大帮助。在最初的几周里,AWS 按需提供额外的计算容量,以加速生产和临床试验。了解辉瑞如何在短短几个月内迁移成千上万的应用程序、数据库和服务器,从一家只有 10% 基础设施在云端的公司转变为 80% 基于云的公司。


对于我们在短短 18 个月内推出 19 种药物和疫苗的宏伟目标,数据和人工智能至关重要。我们的成功取决于我们为技术和人工智能的蓬勃发展奠定了基础。我们集中了数据,创建了标准平台,建立了安全的基础,所有这些都是为了通过创新实现最大影响力。如果没有与 AWS 的密切关系,我们不可能实现如此庞大的影响力。”

Lidia Fonseca


辉瑞公司是世界上最大的制药公司之一。2019 年,即将上任的首席执行官兼首席技术官决定辉瑞将成为数字领导者。应对新冠肺炎疫情需要快速迁移的能力,辉瑞对云的投资在这方面发挥了关键作用。辉瑞的目标是在不到一年的时间内将其 1 万台服务器迁移到 AWS。

客户演讲者:Lidia Fonseca

辉瑞 Lidia Fonseca

Lidia Fonseca 是辉瑞首席数字和技术官,负责企业范围的数字、数据和技术战略及解决方案,以支持实现“为患者带来改变其生活的突破创新”的目标。她还领导学习与发展和卓越业务流程。Lidia 之前曾担任全球领先的诊断信息服务提供商 Quest Diagnostics 的首席信息官。她拥有加州大学伯克利分校的学士学位以及鹿特丹管理学院伊拉斯姆斯商学院的工商管理硕士学位和商业信息学硕士学位。


Showing results: 5-8
Total results: 216


  • Germany

    Cambrium Advances Protein Design and Develops Sustainable Materials 5 Times Faster Using AWS

    Cambrium combines biotech and AI on AWS to create sustainable materials. They process millions of proteins quickly using AWS services, developing alternatives. This approach is 5x faster and 20x more cost-effective than traditional methods.
  • United Kingdom

    Norstella Builds an Enterprise Cloud Environment on AWS in under 5 Months

    When pharma intelligence company Norstella was created from the merger of five pharmaceutical solution providers, it used Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build a scalable enterprise cloud environment from scratch. Using AWS Control Tower, where organizations can set up and govern a secure, multiaccount AWS environment, Norstella completed its migration in less than 5 months and paved the way for increased productivity and innovation.
  • Americas

    Reducing Processing Time by 11x and Cost by 90% Using AWS Step Functions at Vertex Pharmaceuticals

    To boost drug discovery, Vertex Pharmaceuticals redesigned its image segmentation solution with AWS serverless technologies, using AWS Step Functions Distributed Map to improve processing speed by 11 times and reduce costs by 90%. Previously, scientists sometimes waited up to 4 hours for images to be processed; now they receive results in minutes and only pay for the compute they use, eliminating the need for constantly running servers while enhancing durability across multiple Availability Zones.
  • United States

    Amazon Pharmacy created a LLM-based chat-bot using Amazon SageMaker

    Amazon Pharmacy built a generative AI question and answering (Q&A) chatbot assistant to empower agents to retrieve information with natural language searches in real time, while preserving the human interaction with customers.
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