2025 年 2 月

Presidio 将 Q2, Inc.数字银行产品迁移至 AWS 以加速创新,同时降低成本

金融体验公司 Q2, Inc. 与 AWS 合作伙伴 Presidio 合作,将其最大的创收性数字银行产品迁移至 AWS,从而避免了昂贵的本地硬件投资。Q2 制定了将成本降低 25% 的雄伟目标,以更好地为每位客户提供服务。事实证明,向 AWS 迁移是实现这一目标不可或缺的一部分。为了满足紧迫的时间表和严格的正常运行时间要求,Presidio 开发了一个名为“Q2 迁移管理器”(Q2MM) 的自动化并行迁移平台,以加速项目进度。


从 FinOps 到专业服务,再到市场采购合作伙伴,Presidio 已成为所有 AWS 相关事项的“一站式商店”。我们相互促进成功的潜力是无限的,我期待着 Q2、AWS 和 Presidio 在未来几年的持续发展和合作。”

Jordan Hager
Q2, Inc. 全球技术与运营高级副总裁


  • 为了支持不断扩大的业务,Q2, Inc. 面临着数百万美元的本地硬件资本支出。迁移到 AWS 有助于经济有效地实现其增长目标。
  • Q2 旨在将其服务成本削减 25%,并为未来人工智能驱动的创新奠定基础。
  • 正常运行时间关系重大,因为可用性低于 99.95% 会招致经济处罚。但是由于时间限制,人工迁移是无法完成的。因此,一个安全、可靠的自动化选项将是理想之选。


  • Presidio 利用 AWS MAP 计划资金,对 Q2 的部分数字银行平台技术堆栈进行试点迁移。这场迁移取得了成功,这证明了 Presidio 的方法可行性,并确定了加速全面迁移的机会领域。
  • Presidio 创新地实现了大规模迁移的自动化。Q2 迁移管理器 (Q2MM) 是一个运行在 Presidio 定制工具上的自动迁移平台,可迅速加快迁移,在满足正常运行时间要求的同时赶上紧迫的最后期限。
  • Q2MM 确保具有强大的安全性,提供实时监控和报告,产生行业标准的可扩展性和灵活性,优化资源利用率,并记录合规/审计文档以备将来使用。


  • Presidio 的 POC 迁移了一个大型子集 (2,000+) 的客户容器进行初步测试。其成功率达 95%,迁移时间从两小时缩短到 14 分钟,且人工干预也减少了 96.3%。
  • Q2MM 正将 Q2 数字支持平台技术堆栈的其余部分迁移至 AWS。包括大约 300,000 个容器和 500 太字节的 SQL 数据,这些都在预算范围之内,而且大大提前了计划。
  • Presidio 和 AWS 主导了 Day 2 现代化工作,他们在新的云环境基础上为 Q2 客户提供下一代功能,包括人工智能。

使用的 AWS 服务

使用 AWS PrivateLink 在 VPC 与 AWS 服务之间建立连接,而不会使数据暴露在互联网上。

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AWS Transit Gateway

使用 AWS Transit Gateway 将 Amazon VPC、AWS 账户和本地网络连接到一个网关中。

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AWS Direct Connect

AWS Direct Connect 云服务是通往 AWS 资源的最短路径。传输时,您的网络流量保持在 AWS 全球网络上,不会接触公共互联网。

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Amazon EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 提供最广泛、最深入的计算平台,拥有超过 750 个实例,可选择最新的处理器、存储、网络、操作系统和购买模型,以帮助您最好地满足工作负载的需求。

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Showing results: 5-8
Total results: 62


  • Financial Services

    Affirm Reduces Manual Security Response Efforts by 50% with AWS Partner Expel

    Affirm is a payment network that empowers consumers and helps merchants drive growth through flexible and transparent financing options. The company wanted to streamline its security operations program to address manual triage, decentralized tooling, and increasing alert fatigue. AWS Partner Expel offered a managed detection and response (MDR) service that integrated seamlessly with Affirm’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. Expel MDRTM centralizes monitoring, automates routine tasks, and enhances detection and response workflows Expel reduced the volume of security alerts fielded by engineers by 50 percent and helped Affirm scale the foundations of its security operations program efficiently.

  • Financial Services

    Mortgage Advice Bureau and BJSS Accelerate Complaints Process Using AWS

    Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB) is an established, multi-award winning, UK mortgage intermediary that provides advice, both through its own branded brokers and through other brokers. It processes about 12,000 mortgages a month and receives around 400 complaints per year. Those complaints, however, are a serious matter, because MAB is regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), whose Financial Ombudsman is the last resort for disputes. MAB wanted to ensure that it could resolve complaints in a timely manner and before they were escalated to the Financial Ombudsman. It engaged AWS Partner BJSS to help build a solution using AI on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to speed up the processing of complaints, reducing initial response times by 75 percent.

  • Financial Services

    Presidio Migrates Q2, Inc. Digital Banking Product to AWS to Accelerate Innovation While Reducing Costs

    Q2, Inc., a financial experience company, partnered with AWS Partner Presidio to migrate its largest revenue-generating digital banking product to AWS, avoiding a costly on-premises hardware investment. Q2 set an ambitious goal to decrease costs by 25% to better serve each customer. The AWS migration would prove integral to achieving this goal. To satisfy a tight timeline and rigid uptime requirements, Presidio developed an automated, parallel migration  platform called “Q2 Migration Manager” (Q2MM) to accelerate the project.

  • Financial Services

    Capitalizing on AWS with Harness: Trust Bank Reduces Lead Times by about 90% With Automated CI/CD Processes

    Launched in September of 2022, Trust Bank is the first of Singapore’s new wave of digital banks. It is also one of the fastest growing digital banks in the world with 16 percent of Singapore’s market share, or more than 800,000 customers. To keep pace with its rapid growth, Trust Bank needed an agile continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) solution that could seamlessly integrate with its Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments at scale. Following a careful evaluation, Trust Bank turned to AWS Partner Harness. With Harness fully integrated, Trust Bank reduced its lead time for deployment from two weeks to 24 hours and achieved continuous compliance through implementing all controls required to align with industry standards.

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