客户案例 / 游戏 / 芬兰

2024 年
Supercell 徽标

Supercell 利用 AWS 打造无缝且可扩展的游戏体验

Amazon Aurora 是一项兼容 MySQL 的数据库服务,通过采用此服务,Supercell 显著减少了停机时间,确保为玩家提供不间断的游戏体验。

Supercell 是一家总部位于芬兰赫尔辛基的领先移动游戏公司,其分享了其在全球推出的六款*游戏中利用 Amazon Web Services(AWS)为 2 亿月活跃用户打造无缝且可扩展游戏体验的经验。Amazon Aurora 是一项兼容 MySQL 的数据库服务,通过采用此服务,Supercell 显著减少了停机时间,确保为玩家提供不间断的游戏体验。借助 AWS 处理大规模操作和测试环境的能力,Supercell 可以专注于开发功能,以便为《部落冲突》等游戏的玩家带来令人满意的体验,而无需花费时间解决硬件问题。

*完成这段视频的拍摄后,Supercell 推出了其全球发行的第六款游戏《爆裂小队》。



Stefan Hauk
Supercell 高级服务器工程师

使用的 AWS 服务

Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora 在全球范围内提供无与伦比的高性能和可用性,完全兼容 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL,而成本仅为商业数据库的十分之一。

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Showing results: 9-12
Total results: 155


  • Israel

    Reducing Anzu’s Cloud Costs by 50% on AWS

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  • Ukraine

    GR8 Tech Achieves High Performance and Scalability with Data Center Migration to AWS

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  • Malta

    The Mill Adventure Delivers Personalized iGaming Using AWS

    Based in Malta, The Mill Adventure provides comprehensive and customizable, turnkey iGaming solutions. Its functionality includes everything from licenses and support for meeting compliance demands, to operations and business intelligence. Using AWS, the company built a serverless, business-to-business iGaming platform that can deliver a personalized and responsible experience for players. Since its inception, The Mill Adventure is on track to double its customer base year-on-year and has reduced the time it usually takes to onboard customers from months to weeks. Innovation happens quickly at the company with over 10,000 product updates released in just 3 years.
  • Sweden

    Kambi Increases Operational Efficiency by 50% Using AWS Cloud WAN

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1 39


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