2025 年 2 月

Eficode 和 AWS 帮助图尔库大学扩大规模以提高可持续性

位于芬兰的图尔库大学构建了一个商业模拟器,帮助学生了解有关可持续发展问题的决策。为了促进增长,该大学与 Amazon Web Services(AWS)和 AWS 合作伙伴 Eficode 合作,提高了该软件的可扩展性和安全性。除学生外,该软件还将其服务扩展到商界领袖。现在可以添加更多功能,例如 Amazon QuickSight,为所有学习者提供真正的商业工具。


安全性至关重要。我们知道,我们可以增强安全性,让协作变得更容易,因为 AWS 上的共享安全性带来了信心。”

Aleksi Siponen
Eficode 技术项目经理


协作研究中心 CCR 侧重于以合作方式与其他组织开展研究工作。研究不同层面的商业转型:个人、企业、行业和整个社会。除了研究外,还为图尔库经济学院的教师开发产学协作和创新活动并为其创造先决条件。CCR 是研究和创新领域的活跃国际协作者。参与国际多伙伴研发项目以及创新概念。除了与研究机构协作外,还与国际公司合作。

关于 AWS 合作伙伴 Eficode

Eficode 是一家总部位于芬兰的公司,也是 AWS 合作伙伴,拥有 DevOps 方面的专业知识。拥有约 650 名专业人员,致力于推动欧洲的 DevOps 和敏捷运动,并在 10 个国家/地区构建软件开发的未来。Eficode 指导客户掌握 DevOps 和敏捷技能与实践,使他们能够通过 Eficode ROOT 管理的 DevOps 平台专注于自己的增长和客户。


Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 28


  • Education

    Eficode and AWS Help University of Turku Scale to Improve Sustainability

    Based in Finland, the University of Turku built a business simulator to help students understand decision making around sustainability issues. To enable growth, the University worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Eficode to improve the software’s scalability and security. It has expanded its services to business leaders in addition to students. It can now add more features such as Amazon Quicksight, providing real business tools for all learners.

  • Education

    eSafetyFirst Speeds Code Deployment by 4x and Cuts Management Time 30% with safeINIT on AWS

    eSafetyFirst is a Romanian company that works exclusively serving Canadian businesses and job seekers. It provides online occupational health and safety training and certification in French and English hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Canada. The company wanted to ensure that it maintained excellent service as its business grew so it sought a local partner to work with. eSafetyFirst chose AWS Partner safeINIT to work on a transformation project for its training platform. But when initial plans to move core compute services to containers proved problematic, safeINIT quickly pivoted and built a new solution in response to changing needs.

  • Education

    BJSS Helps University of Bath Track Room Occupancy with 90% Accuracy on AWS

    The University of Bath in southwest England wanted to make better use of data to support decision making across the campus. It decided to build a system that used Wi-Fi and Internet of Things (IoT) data to better understand the occupancy of its teaching spaces. It wanted to make the data available in near real-time and in visual form to give it insights into estate management, building projects, and timetable strategy. The university turned to AWS Partner BJSS to help build the system on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The project proved that the university could accurately assess use of spaces in near real-time using anonymized, cleansed, and processed Wi-Fi data.

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