随着人们越来越重视敏捷性和成本优化,制造商需要一款易于管理、可扩展的解决方案来实现车间运营数字化,从而提高效率和生产力,并实现供应链的透明度。AWS 上的云制造执行系统(MES)为制造商提供了一款灵活、易于配置的云端解决方案,能够满足多种制造需求,并提供实时的可见性和切实可行的洞察。


来自 AWS 合作伙伴的软件、软件即服务或托管型服务

Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 4
  • 发布日期
  • Cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

    42Q provides users with a cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System (MES) that offers advantages in efficiency and cost relative to legacy, on-premises solutions. 42Q provides global visibility of production, metrics and analytics, with simplified access, ease-of-use and higher system uptimes.
  • Tulip Frontline Operations Platform

    Tulip’s Frontline Operations Platform is empowering organizations to digitally transform their operations and gain real-time visibility into the people, tools, machines, and processes involved — all in a matter of days. With Tulip’s IIoT-enabled, no-code platform, companies can give the engineers closest to operations the tools they need to improve the productivity of their frontline teams, the quality of their output, and the efficiency of their operations.
  • GE Digital Proficy Smart Factory MES

    Proficy Smart Factory (MES) is a suite of on-premise and cloud solutions. Transform your manufacturing business through insights and intelligence powered by data integration, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), machine learning, and predictive analytics. By bringing together the digital world with the physical world of manufacturing, Proficy Smart Factory can deliver holistic performance management for today’s connected enterprise.
  • Opcenter X

    Built natively in the cloud, Opcenter X lowers the time and cost barrier for small- to medium-sized manufacturers who can now realize rapid ROI with modules that connect and adapt as the enterprise matures. Easily integrated into the enterprise IT landscape, Siemens’ modular solutions include Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Scheduling, Quality, and Analytics.



Showing results: 1-3
Total results: 3
  • 发布日期
  • Guidance for GE Digital Proficy Smart Factory MES on AWS

    本指南将介绍如何将 GE Digital 的 Proficy Smart Factory 制造执行系统(MES)与 AWS 服务结合使用,以创造价值。
  • AWS 上的 42Q Cloud MES

    此参考架构展示使用 AWS 服务和 42Q SaaS 制造执行系统 (MES) 的端到端数据流示例。



  • AWS 上的 Tulip 下一代 MES

    此参考架构帮助您审查在 Tulip 的 Frontline Operations Platform 和您的 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 虚拟私有云 (VPC) 之间构建端到端数据流的选项,以此实现数据透明度并针对卓越运营生成可行的见解。


    机器学习 | 制造
