制造业和工业公司的运营主管们难以应对资产、流程、材料和人员之间脱节、无序和孤立的数据来源。这些数据来源无法彼此配合,因此很难利用数据解决业务问题并做出明智的决策。AWS 上的工业数据编织架构解决方案可帮助您创建数据管理架构,该架构支持可扩展、统一和集成的机制,将数据作为资产加以利用。通过提供对高质量数据集的经济、安全和便捷的访问,这些解决方案使企业领导者能够为数字化工业转型奠定基础,并在质量、维护、材料管理和流程优化等众多方面优化运营。


来自 AWS 合作伙伴的软件、软件即服务或托管型服务

Showing results: 1-6
Total results: 11
  • 发布日期
  • Palantir Foundry

    Palantir Foundry empowers critical institutions of varying technical maturity to harness data throughout their operations and power their most critical decisions. Foundry provides seamless data management, analysis, and operational workflows atop a secure, extensible platform.
  • Snowflake AI Data Cloud

    Snowflake eliminates data silos to deliver a unified platform that makes data and AI easy, efficient, and trustworthy.
  • HighByte Intelligence Hub

    HighByte Intelligence Hub is the only Edge-native DataOps solution built for industrial data. HighByte Intelligence Hub bridges the OT-IT gap by providing a solution to easily integrate industrial information across many systems and maintain these integrations throughout the life of the factory.
  • Twin Talk

    TwinTalk, an event-driven, real-time data sharing platform, enables you to read, write, monitor and stream large amount of operational sensor data bi-directionally between operational system (such as OSIsoft PI) and public/private clouds, data lakes, platforms, and AI, ML or analytics applications.
  • CloudRail.DMC

    The CloudRail.DMC is a fleet management for industrial gateways that connect machines to AWS IoT Core, IoT Sitewise and IoT Greengrass.
  • Twin Central

    Twin Central – Intuitive industrial digital twin builder that provides semantic asset modelling, mapping and management from operational, engineering and transactional metadata sources. A simple approach to create and manage an asset-centric, single source of truth and semantic data model across the enterprise. Twin Central can create digital twin data models that map, connect, link, store, and synchronize relationships between assets and their operational, engineering and financial metadata using a unified digital twin relationship graph.
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Showing results: 7-9
Total results: 9
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