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Was ist das AWS-Kompetenzprogramm?

Das AWS-Kompetenzprogramm validiert und fördert AWS-Partner mit demonstriertem technischen AWS-Fachwissen und nachgewiesenem Kundenerfolg.

Das AWS-Kompetenzprogramm ist ein AWS-Spezialisierungsprogramm, das die Expertise von Partnern bei der Entwicklung von Software oder der Bereitstellung von Services für verschiedene Branchen, Anwendungsfälle und Workloads validiert. Kompetenzpartner werden bei der Erlangung einer AWS-Spezialisierung an einer hohen Messlatte gemessen, sodass es für Kunden einfacher ist, Partner mit dem richtigen Fachwissen und der richtigen Erfahrung zu finden, um ihr Geschäft auszubauen.

Informieren Sie sich im Folgenden über Vorteile, Erfolgsgeschichten erste Schritte und verfügbare Kompetenzen.


Wie Kundinnen und Kunden Cloud-Partner auswählen

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der Kundschaft nennt AWS-Spezialisierungen als eines der 3 wichtigsten Kriterien für die Partnerwahl.

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der Kundschaft überprüft die Herstellerzertifizierungen ihrer Partner mindestens zweimal im Jahr.

0 %

der Partner verfügen derzeit über branchenspezifisches geistiges Eigentum, um die Probleme ihres Kundenkreises zu lösen, oder arbeiten aktiv daran.


Showing results: 46-50
Total results: 193

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  • General Public Services

    Melbourne Water Works with Arq Group (NCS Australia) to Accurately Predict Recycled Water Quality Using AWS Digital Twin Solution

    AWS Partner Arq Group (now part of NCS Australia) worked with Melbourne Water to create a digital twin solution on AWS in three months, helping Melbourne Water predict water quality issues and giving customers the opportunity to be proactive about water shortages. The digital twin pilot is based on AWS services.

  • Software & Internet

    CodeBit Creates New Products, Gains Sales Skills, and Grows Revenue by 28% through AWS Partner Transformation Program

    CodeBit participated in the AWS Partner Transformation Program to improve the way it sells its software, cloud migration services, and solutions to nonprofit and public sector customers in Brazil. After the program, CodeBit launched an internet safety application, increased its sales and marketing capabilities, and grew its annual revenue by 28 percent.

  • Financial Services

    Citizens Bank Partners with MongoDB and AWS to Reduce Costs by $1.5M

    Citizens Bank wanted to deliver faster banking experiences and personalized offers for its customers, but innovation was challenged by its costly legacy platform. A collaboration with AWS Partner MongoDB allowed the bank to migrate to a modern tech stack by building a custom data cache on top of its legacy platform. The new architecture with the data cache transformed operations, reduced costs, enhanced access to data to expedite processing tasks, and improved data availability. In addition to delivering customer behavior insights, the new setup also optimized resources, supporting innovative and personalized experiences for Citizens Bank customers.

  • Consumer Packed Goods

    ONNIT Gains Unprecedented Efficiencies Throughout its Content Supply Chain with Tenovos Digital Asset Management

    ONNIT, a Unilever consumer packaged goods brand in the health and wellness space, relies heavily on customer-facing digital content for its marketing. However, it faced challenges with finding and sharing its digital assets because they were spread across multiple sources (both physical and virtual), teams, and locations. ONNIT’s teams lost valuable time searching for, creating, and even duplicating content. Additionally, a lack of version control made maintaining brand compliance difficult. To centralize and organize its digital assets, ONNIT used the digital asset management (DAM) solution built by AWS Retail Competency Partner Tenovos, making content easily accessible to stakeholders and gaining efficiencies in content discoverability, reuse, creation, approval, and distribution. With user adoption for the Tenovos DAM at 98 percent across tens of thousands of assets, ONNIT has transformed how it accesses and uses its content.

  • General Public Services

    City of Los Angeles Works with ScaleCapacity to Cut Document Management Costs by 80% on AWS

    ScaleCapacity, an AWS Partner, worked alongside the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) to move a critical document management system to an Amazon wEB Services (AWS) serverless solution using services including Amazon S3 and AWS Backup. As a result, the ITA reduced its document management costs by 80 percent, lowered data replication time from 24 hours to 15 minutes, and scales on demand to store 500,000 additional data objects each year.

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