AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter

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Das AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter (SPP) unterstützt Partner beim Weiterverkauf und der Bereitstellung von AWS-Services an Endkunden als Teil ihrer einzigartigen Angebote. Dieses Programm richtet sich an Systemintegratoren (SIs), Managed Service Provider (MSPs), Value-Added Reseller (VARs) und Unternehmen des öffentlichen Sektors.

AWS-Lösungsanbieter arbeiten mit AWS zusammen und stellen Kunden direkt Rechnungen aus. Gleichzeitig bieten sie technisches Fachwissen, Management, Services und Support.

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Erhalten Sie die Berechtigung zum Weiterverkauf von AWS-Services an Endkunden.

Erhalten Sie Anerkennung für technische Fähigkeiten.

Verdienen Sie den Partnerwachstumsrabatt (PGD), wenn Sie Ihr vorhandenes AWS-Geschäft ausbauen.

Verdienen Sie einen Partner Originated Discount (POD) für die Erschließung neuer Endkundenmöglichkeiten.


Verdienen Sie ein AWS-Partner-Abzeichen mit der Lösungsanbieter
-Bezeichnung, um Ihren Kunden Ihr Fachwissen zu präsentieren.

Verschaffen Sie sich Sichtbarkeit bei Ihren Kunden, indem Sie sie im AWS Partner Solutions Finder auflisten.

Greifen Sie auf kuratierte, vorgefertigte Marketing-Kits und Ressourcen zu, um Ihnen bei der schnellen Markteinführung zu helfen.


Entdecken Sie Trainingsressourcen, die Ihnen beim Aufbau eines erfolgreichen Wiederverkäufer-Geschäfts helfen.

Nutzen Sie die Onboarding- und Betriebs-Trainings und Webinare des Programms.

Nutzen Sie die technischen Supportmodelle von AWS, um die geschäftlichen und technischen Herausforderungen Ihrer Kunden zu lösen.

Erfolgsgeschichten aus dem AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter

Showing results: 16-20
Total results: 115

Keine Elemente gefunden 

  • Travel & Hospitality

    Firemind Helps Center Parcs Unlock 360-Degree Customer Insights, Enabling 90% Customer Satisfaction Rate

    Center Parcs, a leading holiday operator in the UK and Ireland, sought to enhance its data management and analytics capabilities to better serve more than two million annual guests. Struggling with fragmented data and delayed processing, the company engaged with AWS Partner Firemind. Firemind implemented a robust data lake architecture on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enabled real-time data integration and advanced analytics. This enhanced Center Parcs’ operational efficiency and laid the foundation for future innovations, including personalized guest experiences driven by machine learning.

  • Software & Internet

    Accenture Transforms Blueriq’s Application Platform with Scalable Infrastructure on AWS

    Blueriq’s business process automation software is used by some of the Netherlands’ most important organizations in government, healthcare, defense, and banking. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the company’s customers ran into scalability limitations when running the company’s applications on servers in data centers. To address this, Blueriq turned to AWS Partner Accenture Netherlands to help it design and build new versions of its products on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The Blueriq Platform is now available as a platform as a service (PaaS) solution so customers can securely deploy scalable applications with minimal effort. In addition, the company can also offer its Blueriq Studio process modeling environment to customers as a software as a service (SaaS) solution.

  • Healthcare

    DentalXChange and AWS Partner Quantiphi Harness AI to Modernize Claims Form Processing

    DentalXChange modernized its document processing workflows with the help of AWS Partner Quantiphi. As a provider of a revenue cycle management platform for dental offices, the company relied on optical character recognition (OCR) to extract information from American Dental Association (ADA) claims and statement forms, which often resulted in inaccuracies and inefficiencies. Using unique Amazon Services, DentalXChange and Quantiphi developed a new document processing solution driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). DentalXChange can now extract data with over 98 percent accuracy while reducing the percentage of documents that require manual review from 40 percent to 1 percent.

  • General Public Services

    National Police of Colombia Uses AI-powered System to Improve Public Safety and Prevent Crime with Nuvu on AWS

    The National Police of Colombia (NPC) is responsible for providing security and protection to the country’s citizens. The NPC had built a specialist IT department with more than 840 officers using resources to monitor and record public safety concerns and incidents. However, the NPC found itself with an immense amount of data that took time and resources to analyze to produce backward-looking reports. The leadership felt that applying new technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), could pull together data for faster analysis and give the NPC better predictive capability and responsiveness. The new system, built with the help of AWS Partner Nuvu and running on Amazon Web Services (AWS), has reduced costs, resulted in faster incident response times, and improved the organization’s prediction accuracy.

  • General Public Services

    CACI Helps U.S. Navy Reserve Increase Readiness with Mobile Q&A Chatbot Built on AWS

    The mission of the United States Navy Reserve is to provide strategic depth and deliver operational capabilities to the Navy and Marine Corps team and Joint forces in times of peace or war. Warfighting readiness is the top priority for the Navy Reserve and is achieved through continuous training of Reservists in their wartime roles; by constantly improving mass-mobilization processes and procedures; and by ensuring the timely dissemination of accurate information. In support of this mission, the Navy Reserve turned its focus to generative AI technologies and worked with AWS Partner CACI to build a mobile Q&A chatbot to provide Reservists with greater access to, and targeted search capabilities within, important policies and guidelines.

    In concert with AWS, CACI built the Navy Reserve's chatbot in four months, relying on AWS services including Amazon Kendra and Amazon SageMaker to reduce development time. The chatbot aids Reservists in accessing critical information quickly and more easily empowering them and reducing the need for support calls to their command.

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