AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter

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Das AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter (SPP) unterstützt Partner beim Weiterverkauf und der Bereitstellung von AWS-Services an Endkunden als Teil ihrer einzigartigen Angebote. Dieses Programm richtet sich an Systemintegratoren (SIs), Managed Service Provider (MSPs), Value-Added Reseller (VARs) und Unternehmen des öffentlichen Sektors.

AWS-Lösungsanbieter arbeiten mit AWS zusammen und stellen Kunden direkt Rechnungen aus. Gleichzeitig bieten sie technisches Fachwissen, Management, Services und Support.

Erkunden Sie die Vorteile und Erfolgsgeschichten des Programms.



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Erhalten Sie Anerkennung für technische Fähigkeiten.

Verdienen Sie den Partnerwachstumsrabatt (PGD), wenn Sie Ihr vorhandenes AWS-Geschäft ausbauen.

Verdienen Sie einen Partner Originated Discount (POD) für die Erschließung neuer Endkundenmöglichkeiten.


Verdienen Sie ein AWS-Partner-Abzeichen mit der Lösungsanbieter
-Bezeichnung, um Ihren Kunden Ihr Fachwissen zu präsentieren.

Verschaffen Sie sich Sichtbarkeit bei Ihren Kunden, indem Sie sie im AWS Partner Solutions Finder auflisten.

Greifen Sie auf kuratierte, vorgefertigte Marketing-Kits und Ressourcen zu, um Ihnen bei der schnellen Markteinführung zu helfen.


Entdecken Sie Trainingsressourcen, die Ihnen beim Aufbau eines erfolgreichen Wiederverkäufer-Geschäfts helfen.

Nutzen Sie die Onboarding- und Betriebs-Trainings und Webinare des Programms.

Nutzen Sie die technischen Supportmodelle von AWS, um die geschäftlichen und technischen Herausforderungen Ihrer Kunden zu lösen.

Erfolgsgeschichten aus dem AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter

Showing results: 21-25
Total results: 115

Keine Elemente gefunden 

  • Aerospace

    BJSS Powers Space Weather Forecasts for the Met Office on AWS

    The UK’s Met Office does more than forecast weather on Earth—it does the same for space. This is because space weather events can have significant consequences for GPS, power networks, and other critical infrastructure. The office needs to work closely with forecasting centers in the US and Australia, and with academic partners. Migrating its mix of on-premises and hosted servers to Amazon Web Services (AWS) made it easier for these partners to access Met Office test environments and data. The migration was made possible with the help of AWS Partner BJSS. The service also provides high levels of resilience—critical for a system that must operate in times of crisis.

  • Financial Services

    Schuberg Philis Helps de Volksbank Gain Insights Faster with Secure, Scalable Data Platform on AWS

    De Volksbank is the parent company and platform provider for four bank brands that deliver personalized banking to over 3 million customers in the Netherlands. De Volksbank’s mission is to build close relationships with its customers, employees, and shareholders and to make the biggest positive impact on Dutch society. To improve its customer-facing services, de Volksbank wanted to combine data from various sources to create data-driven business insights that help it adhere to compliance, accelerate application development, and drive adoption of cloud-native technologies. The company selected AWS Partner Schuberg Philis to build a resilient and scalable near real-time data platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  • Manufacturing

    Clariant Builds Generative AI Foundation to Improve Productivity with Help from Chaos Gears on AWS

    Clariant is a global specialty chemicals company based in Switzerland that produces care chemicals, catalysts, and adsorbents and additives. After the public launch of the ChatGPT generative AI tool in late 2022, Clariant saw an opportunity to use such chatbot capabilities to boost its in-house business research, innovation, and efficiency.

    Working together with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Chaos Gears, Clariant’s internal cloud architecture and engineering team developed a prototype Generative AI platform and rolled that out to users across the business in less than 3 months. It has additional proofs of concept in development for users in both R&D and sales.

  • Software & Internet

    Bytes Helps Ramtech Migrate WiSE Security Platform to Improve Reliability Using AWS

    Ramtech re-platformed its wireless security monitoring platform WiSE on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to improve reliability, scalability, and reduce maintenance overheads. The company worked with UK-based AWS Partner Bytes to migrate the platform using Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, and AWS Glue, which has resulted in zero downtime, improved the efficiency of its staff, and provides scalability on demand.


  • General Public Services

    City of Los Angeles Works with ScaleCapacity to Cut Document Management Costs by 80% on AWS

    ScaleCapacity, an AWS Partner, worked alongside the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) to move a critical document management system to an Amazon wEB Services (AWS) serverless solution using services including Amazon S3 and AWS Backup. As a result, the ITA reduced its document management costs by 80 percent, lowered data replication time from 24 hours to 15 minutes, and scales on demand to store 500,000 additional data objects each year.

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