AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter

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Das AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter (SPP) unterstützt Partner beim Weiterverkauf und der Bereitstellung von AWS-Services an Endkunden als Teil ihrer einzigartigen Angebote. Dieses Programm richtet sich an Systemintegratoren (SIs), Managed Service Provider (MSPs), Value-Added Reseller (VARs) und Unternehmen des öffentlichen Sektors.

AWS-Lösungsanbieter arbeiten mit AWS zusammen und stellen Kunden direkt Rechnungen aus. Gleichzeitig bieten sie technisches Fachwissen, Management, Services und Support.

Erkunden Sie die Vorteile und Erfolgsgeschichten des Programms.



Erhalten Sie die Berechtigung zum Weiterverkauf von AWS-Services an Endkunden.

Erhalten Sie Anerkennung für technische Fähigkeiten.

Verdienen Sie den Partnerwachstumsrabatt (PGD), wenn Sie Ihr vorhandenes AWS-Geschäft ausbauen.

Verdienen Sie einen Partner Originated Discount (POD) für die Erschließung neuer Endkundenmöglichkeiten.


Verdienen Sie ein AWS-Partner-Abzeichen mit der Lösungsanbieter
-Bezeichnung, um Ihren Kunden Ihr Fachwissen zu präsentieren.

Verschaffen Sie sich Sichtbarkeit bei Ihren Kunden, indem Sie sie im AWS Partner Solutions Finder auflisten.

Greifen Sie auf kuratierte, vorgefertigte Marketing-Kits und Ressourcen zu, um Ihnen bei der schnellen Markteinführung zu helfen.


Entdecken Sie Trainingsressourcen, die Ihnen beim Aufbau eines erfolgreichen Wiederverkäufer-Geschäfts helfen.

Nutzen Sie die Onboarding- und Betriebs-Trainings und Webinare des Programms.

Nutzen Sie die technischen Supportmodelle von AWS, um die geschäftlichen und technischen Herausforderungen Ihrer Kunden zu lösen.

Erfolgsgeschichten aus dem AWS-Programm für Lösungsanbieter

Showing results: 36-40
Total results: 115

Keine Elemente gefunden 

  • Transport & Logistics

    Omni Logistics Cuts Costs by 35% While Driving Innovation and Scalability Through AWS Migration

    Omni Logistics, a global 3PL provider, needed to enhance legacy applications for agility, scalability, and real-time insights. Aging equipment, colocation space issues, and the pandemic compounded their challenges. AWS Partner BizCloud Experts helped them successfully migrate to Amazon Web Services (AWS), transforming their IT infrastructure into an agile, cost-effective, and innovative environment.

  • Healthcare

    OMNYS Helps Werfen Consolidate Infrastructure and Improve Security Using AWS

    Werfen is a worldwide leader in the areas of hemostasis, acute care, transfusion, autoimmunity, and transplant, with a focus on specialized diagnostics. It needed to transform its Italian IT infrastructure by consolidating its on-premises Oracle databases and improve its data security. Working with AWS Partner OMNYS, Werfen designed and executed a migration plan using AWS Migration Hub and AWS Database Migration Service. The migration consolidated its infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and reported a 25 percent performance boost.

  • Transport & Logisticas

    Air Canada Cargo Drops AHT by 2 Minutes with Salesforce and Amazon Connect

    While the pandemic disrupted Air Canada’s operations in 2020, it also triggered a boom in its cargo business. Air Canada Cargo’s customer service was struggling to cope with the increased customer numbers that it needed to track and service. It needed an alternative to the manual methods it was using to track metrics, communications, and scheduling. Salesforce Service Cloud Voice built on Amazon Connect proved to be the ideal solution — modernizing Air Canada Cargo’s customer service with single pane visibility, low call handling times, better agent outcomes, and millions of dollars saved.

  • Software & Internet

    TTEC Digital Drives Business Growth with AWS Marketplace Professional Services

    AWS Partner TTEC Digital is driving business growth and accelerating its sales cycle by offering professional services in AWS Marketplace. As a provider of consulting services and technology for contact centers, the company wanted to grow its practice so that it could help more businesses improve their customers’ experiences. To accomplish this, TTEC Digital began selling its professional services through AWS Marketplace, streamlining procurement for AWS customers. This move has boosted visibility for the company and created new sales opportunities, facilitating its expansion and growth.

  • Software & Internet

    STP & Storm Reply

    STP worked with AWS Partner Storm Reply to transform its on-premises systems onto Amazon Web Services (AWS) for better reliability, flexibility, and improved service for its customers. STP provides software, workflow, and data services to law firms in Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, and Switzerland. Its product portfolio is run by independent teams and the migration aimed to create a more unified, strategic infrastructure to ease management and simplify future acquisitions. By building on AWS, the company no longer needs to lose time by remediating data issues and managing cloud operations, enabling it to focus on improving its service to customers.

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