Kundengeschichten / Fertigung


Siemens hilft den Unternehmen bei der Digitalisierung

Siemens ist ein globales Fertigungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Europa und Marktführer in verschiedenen Branchen, darunter Fertigung, Infrastruktur, Transport und Gesundheitswesen. Siemens ist ein AWS-Beratungspartner und ISV, der sich auf digitale Zwillinge und IoT spezialisiert hat.

Erfahren Sie von Tosh Tambe, VP Software as a Service (SaaS) Portfolio Strategy, wie Siemens seine Software-Tools zugänglicher, skalierbarer und flexibler macht, um die Zeit bis zur Wertschöpfung für seine Kunden zu verkürzen.

Erkunden Sie die Innovationsreise von Siemens mit AWS

Weitere Siemens-Stories

Showing results: 17-20
Total results: 25
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  • Germany

    Siemens Finds New Value in Employee Surveys Using AWS Machine Learning Services

    Siemens surveys employees quarterly using AWS machine learning technologies to translate and analyze results in less than two weeks. Siemens provides solutions for power generation and transmission, medical imaging, laboratory diagnostics, and industrial infrastructure and drive systems.
  • Germany

    Siemens Mobility Helps Rail Operators Avoid Downtime and Unplanned Maintenance

    Siemens Mobility simplified operations and democratized its data by developing and implementing an open ecosystem for rail data integration on AWS. A leader in transport solutions for more than 160 years, Siemens Mobility is constantly innovating its portfolio in its core areas of rolling stock, rail automation and electrification, turnkey systems, intelligent traffic systems, and related services.
  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    Siemens IC Case Study

    Siemens built a serverless AWS solution to analyze and reduce power plant alerts. The company provides power, medical, laboratory, and manufacturing solutions.
  • United States

    Siemens Case Study - AWS Support

    Siemens is an industrial manufacturing company based in Europe, focusing on electrification, automation, and digitalization. The company is a supplier of systems for power generation and transmission, as well as medical diagnosis. Siemens uses AWS Support in order to optimize its migration and lower costs.
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