Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) resources
Amazon DocumentDB Documentation
View our collection of Amazon DocumentDB documentation guides to learn about document-oriented databases and Amazon DocumentDB best practices. These resources will help you learn about document data model, native JSON databases, document database use case examples, important best practices, and how to connect to Amazon DocumentDB.
Data modeling » NEW
This data modeling book will help you quickly learn about the document data model, and shares advanced tips for Amazon DocumentDB optimizations. Whether you are curious about the document model or an avid DocumentDB user hungry to gain expert knowledge, this Amazon DocumentDB data modeling book is for you!
Read our documentation for a conceptual overview of the service as well as document-based databases more broadly. This guide provides instructions on using the various features with the Amazon DocumentDB console and AWS command-line interface (CLI). Topics covered include: how to work with documents in a native JSON database, Amazon DocumentDB best practices, and document database use case examples.
View our Amazon DocumentDB API documentation for an alphabetized and comprehensive list of available commands. This documentation describes the command line interface for Amazon DocumentDB in detail and provides basic syntax, options, and usage examples for each command. Commands covered include: copying clusters, creating clusters, deleting clusters, describing clusters, modifying clusters, rebooting instances, and more.
Read our Amazon DocumentDB documentation to learn how to connect to Amazon DocumentDB programmatically using several different languages such as Python, Node.js, PHP, Go, C# / .NET, Java, the mongo shell, R, and Ruby. We provide code examples for each language based on whether you have Transport Layer Security (TLS) enabled or disabled for the cluster you are connecting to.
What's new: Amazon DocumentDB updates
If you are looking for the latest Amazon DocumentDB updates, read our what’s new blog posts. These announcements are posted in real-time and include the newest feature releases, expanded capabilities, region availability, instance types, and more. We also announce how to access a free document database offer using our 1-month Amazon DocumentDB free trial.
Total results: 108
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Please see What's New at AWS for other resources.
Scripts and Compatibility, Automation, Review, & Data Migration Tools
Amazon DocumentDB Compatibility Tool
If you want to migrate from MongoDB to Amazon DocumentDB and need to assess compatibility, this tool will help you assess the compatibility of a MongoDB application by using the application’s source code or MongoDB server profile logs. This tool produces a simple report of any unsupported operators and file names with line numbers.
Amazon DocumentDB Data Migration Utilities
If you want to perform a high-speed migration of existing data and ongoing changes from MongoDB to Amazon DocumentDB, this synchronization tool enables high-speed Change Data Capture (CDC) from a MongoDB source database to an Amazon DocumentDB target database.
Amazon DocumentDB Index Migration Tool
If you want to migrate indexes from an existing MongoDB application to Amazon DocumentDB, this index tool makes it easier to migrate only indexes (not data) between a source MongoDB deployment and a Amazon DocumentDB cluster.
Amazon DocumentDB Global Cluster Failover Automation Tool
If you want to perform an automated failover of an Amazon DocumentDB Global Cluster, this tool provides AWS Lambda functions to automate the failover process. The AWS Lambda functions address Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BCP) use cases.
MongoDB Oplog Review Tool
If you want to analyze the MongoDB Oplog to determine the number of insert/update/delete operations at the collection level, use the MongoDB Oplog review tool to connect to any instance in a MongoDB replica set to read the oplog and produce a log file.
Amazon DocumentDB Blog posts and articles
Read our latest Amazon DocumentDB blog posts and articles to hear directly from Amazon DocumentDB experts on topics most requested by our customers. These blogs are posted in real-time and include customer testimonials, new feature tutorials, how-to posts, document database use case examples for specific industries, document database guides, migration methods, solution overviews and more.
Total results: 141
No blog posts have been found at this time. Please see the AWS Blog for other resources.
by Anshu Vajpayee and Sourav Biswas, 07/07/2023
by Anshu Vajpayee and Ed Berezitsky, 06/02/2023
by Akshay Karanth, 05/17/2023
by Tim Callaghan and Cody Allen, 04/03/2023
by Julian Wood, 04/03/2023
AWS Online Tech Talks & Virtual Workshops
Watch our on-demand Online Tech Talk and Virtual Workshop library where Amazon DocumentDB experts cover technical deep dives, demonstrations, and customer examples. These virtual events include live Q&A at the time of the live event and typically vary between 30 minutes and 2-hours. To register for future live tech talks and workshops, view the AWS Online Tech Talk catalog page.
This is a level 200 session meant for developers, database administrators, and IT professionals who want to learn why customers are turning to document-oriented databases and Amazon DocumentDB. You will also learn about new Amazon DocumentDB features, such as enhancements to Global Clusters, Geospatial query capabilities, Role base access control, JDBC driver, MongoDB aggregation operators, Performance Insights, and how to use our free document database offer using our 1-month Amazon DocumentDB free trial.
This is a level 200 session meant for developers who want to watch expert-lead demos that teach you how to connect to and query Amazon DocumentDB, how to use the newest features to build applications, and how to design documents and collections for different types of workloads. You will also receive a brief overview of how uses Amazon DocumentDB, other document database customer examples, and the Amazon DocumentDB architecture.
This is a 300 level session meant for developers, architects, and database administrators who want to learn how to use Amazon DocumentDB Global Clusters as part of their Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BDP) use cases. You will learn how Amazon DocumentDB Global Clusters enables low-latency global reads and provides disaster recovery for region-wide outages with a very low Recovery Time Objective (RTO), and learn how to automate the failover process for Global Clusters.
This is a 200 level session meant for developers, software engineers, engineers, IT professionals, application architects, and database administrators who want to learn how to use a data archival strategy to optimize cost and performance. You will learn about Amazon DocumentDB best practices for archiving and purging data, and explore design considerations when archiving data.
This is a 300 level session meant for technical managers, development teams, engineers, and architects who are eager to learn how to deploy, migrate, and scale their document database workloads with Amazon DocumentDB. You will learn about the differences between document databases and traditional databases and watch expert-led labs built to help you get started with Amazon DocumentDB.
This is a 300 level session meant for developers, database administrators, devops engineers, systems administrators, and IT professionals who want to learn about atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) transactions and common use cases that leverage them in a document database. You will learn about Amazon DocumentDB support for ACID transactions, change streams, and other features.
Amazon DocumentDB is live streaming on
Join us on Twitch for step-by-step demos, live Q&A, guest interviews, and more!
When: Third Thursday of every month 8AM PDT | 11AM EDT | 3PM GMT
re:Invent sessions
Watch our Amazon DocumentDB re:Invent sessions on-demand to hear directly from AWS experts and customers about the latest service innovations and customer success stories. These sessions are approximately 30 minutes in length, do not require any prerequisites, and are built to help you learn about key topics such as migrating to Amazon DocumentDB, service deep dives, and new feature announcements. Register for re:Invent 2022 here.
In this session you will receive a dive deep into Amazon DocumentDB that includes an overview of recently launched features, customer use cases, and guidance on when to consider using a document database. You will also learn about migration best practices and hear a customer testimonial from Rappi.
In this session, learn how Zulily, a global online retailer, delivers solutions for its customers by using AWS services such as Amazon DocumentDB to innovate faster and reduce total cost of ownership. You will learn how Zulily built a search experience with Amazon DocumentDB that enables shoppers to see what top brands, categories, and keywords are currently trending.
In this session, learn about the best practices for moving your workloads to Amazon DocumentDB. You will learn about what do you need to think about before, during, and after migration and which tools and approaches to consider.
In this session, learn about the Amazon DocumentDB improvements and added capabilities based on working backwards from our customer needs. You will learn about the newly launched capabilities and watch demos related to those new launches.
Amazon DocumentDB Demos
If you are looking for quick tutorials on how to use a document database, watch our three part demo series built to walk you through how to create, operate, query and connect to your Amazon DocumentDB clusters. Each demo is 15 minutes or less and is designed to provide you step-by-step guidance.
In this demo, you will learn how to create an Amazon DocumentDB Cluster using the AWS management console in a few simple steps.
In this demo, you will learn how to walk through the Amazon DocumentDB console to review the cluster created in the ‘Create Cluster’ demo. You will also learn how perform backup and scale operations with Amazon DocumentDB.
In this demo, you will learn how to connect to Amazon DocumentDB and perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations.

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page to view answers to common questions.

Get started building with Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) in the AWS Console.