Cree en los servicios de periferia de AWS

Acelere sus sitios web y API, escálelos a millones de usuarios y protéjalos de los ataques DDoS, los bots maliciosos automatizados y las vulnerabilidades de CVE.

Rendimiento y disponibilidad

Los usuarios de Internet esperan cada vez más aplicaciones web y API con capacidad de respuesta, menor latencia y mayor disponibilidad. Las experiencias de usuario rápidas y confiables contribuyen a una mejor clasificación en los motores de búsqueda y a un mayor compromiso de los usuarios.

Afrontar los riesgos de las ciberamenazas

Las aplicaciones web y las API de acceso público están expuestas a amenazas como las vulnerabilidades más comunes descritas en las 10 vulnerabilidades principales de OWASP, como la inyección de código SQL, las solicitudes automatizadas de bots maliciosos y los ataques DDoS que pueden afectar a la disponibilidad, comprometer la seguridad o consumir recursos excesivos.

Sin servidor en la periferia

Los desarrolladores buscan herramientas que les ayuden a crear fácilmente aplicaciones web modernas y que se integren a la perfección con los orígenes en la nube o locales.

Los desarrolladores que desean mantener el rendimiento, la resistencia y la seguridad de sus aplicaciones web introducen los servicios de periferia de AWS en su infraestructura de alojamiento. Los servicios de periferia de AWS incluyen Amazon CloudFront, una red de entrega de contenido global; AWS WAF, un control de seguridad para administrar las amenazas de la capa de aplicación; funciones periféricas como Lambda@Edge y CloudFront Functions para potenciar las funcionalidades de las aplicaciones web, y AWS Global Accelerator, un acelerador a nivel de red. 

La incorporación de los servicios de periferia de AWS en las pilas tecnológicas de las aplicaciones web agrega múltiples beneficios:

  • Web más rápida: gracias al almacenamiento en caché, la compresión de imágenes y texto y protocolos de Internet modernos como HTTP/3 y TLS 1.3. Las aplicaciones estáticas y dinámicas se aceleran al terminar las conexiones TLS cerca de los espectadores desde ubicaciones periféricas distribuidas, lo que mantiene conexiones TCP persistentes a los orígenes a través de la red troncal privada de AWS.
  • Mayor fiabilidad: con conmutaciones por error de origen, reintentos de conexión y arquitecturas multirregión.
  • Más controles de seguridad: como la aplicación de políticas TLS, el control de acceso, la protección DDoS en la capa de infraestructura, el bloqueo de inundaciones HTTP mediante AWS WAF, la administración del tráfico de bots automatizados mediante el Control de bots y la prevención de exploits CVE mediante reglas administradas para AWS WAF por el equipo de investigación de amenazas de AWS.
  • Funcionalidades de periferia: centralice operaciones como redireccionamientos, autorización o pruebas A/B en microservicios de periferia, habilite el enrutamiento de origen dinámico y la adaptación de solicitudes, etc.

Novedades de los Servicios de periferia de AWS

Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 287
  • Fecha
1 72

Charlas destacadas

Showing results: 1-3
Total results: 29
  • Fecha
  • The ideal micro-frontends platform (Formula One Testimony)

    How can I implement micro-frontends in my company? What recommendations do you have? In this session, get answers to these common questions. Discover the key characteristics necessary for constructing effective frontend distributed systems. Also learn the best practices and tools for developing micro frontends based on real-world examples.
    Case Study
  • Practical applications of edge compute in Amazon CloudFront, with AppsFlyer testimony

    With an increasingly more powerful serverless environment coupled with content delivery network (CDN) capabilities, Amazon CloudFront empowers developers to build web applications that execute functions closer to end users, tailoring content delivery to the unique needs of users. This session delves into how to leverage the latest edge compute features while optimizing for both performance and scalability. Learn best practices and patterns for deploying custom logic at the edge, enabling you to harness the full potential of CloudFront's evolving features.
    AWS re:Invent 2024
  • I didn’t know AWS WAF did this

    Securing web applications in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape is crucial. As threats evolve, so must security controls and countermeasures. In this chalk talk, dive into how AWS WAF seamlessly integrates with other AWS services, making it possible for you to construct a resilient, multi-layered defense strategy. Learn about uncommon use cases and how to address even the most unconventional threats.
    AWS re:Invent 2024
1 10

Documentos técnicos de referencia

Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 5
  • Whitepaper

    Implementing a bot control strategy on AWS

    The internet as we know it would not be possible without bots. Bots run automated tasks over the internet and simulate human activity or interaction. They allow businesses to build efficiency into processes and tasks. Useful bots, like web crawlers, index information on the internet and help us quickly find the most relevant information for our search queries. Bots are a good mechanism to improve business and provide value to companies. However, with time, bad actors started using bots as a means to abuse existing systems and applications in new and creative ways. Botnets are the best-known mechanism to scale bots and their impact. Botnets are networks of bots that are infected by malware and are under the control of a single party, known as the bot herder or bot operator. From one central point, the operator can command every computer on its botnet to simultaneously carry out a coordinated action, which is why botnets are also referred to as command-and-control (C2) systems. The scale of a botnet can be many millions of bots. A botnet helps the operator to perform large-scale actions. Because botnets remain under the control of a remote operator, infected machines can receive updates and change their behavior on the fly. As a result, for significant financial gain, C2 systems can rent access to segments of their botnet on the black market. The prevalence of botnets has continued to grow. It is considered by experts to be the favorite tool of bad actors. Mirai is one of the biggest botnets. It emerged in 2016, is still operational, and is estimated to have infected up to 350,000 Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This botnet has been adapted and used for many types of activities, including distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. More recently, bad actors tried to further obfuscate their activity and source their traffic by obtaining IP addresses through the use of residential proxy services. This creates a legitimate interconnected, peer-to-peer system that adds sophistication to the activity and makes it more challenging to detect and mitigate. This document focuses on the bot landscape, its effect on your applications, and the available strategies and mitigation options. This prescriptive guidance and its best practices help you understand and mitigate different types of bot attacks. In addition, this guide describes the AWS services and features that support a bot mitigation strategy and how each one can help you protect your applications. It also includes an overview of bot monitoring and best practices for optimizing solution costs.
  • Whitepaper

    Amazon CloudFront for Media Streaming

    This whitepaper is for media organizations interested in delivering streaming media content to their viewers using Amazon CloudFront. Media delivery has a unique set of characteristics requiring low latency, high reliability, and high scalability.
  • Whitepaper

    AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency

    In this whitepaper, AWS provides you with prescriptive DDoS guidance to improve the resiliency of applications running on AWS.
  • Whitepaper

    Guidelines for Implementing AWS WAF

    This whitepaper outlines recommendations for implementing AWS WAF to protect existing and new web applications. This whitepaper applies to anyone who is tasked with protecting web applications.
  • Whitepaper

    Secure Content Delivery with Amazon CloudFront

    This whitepaper describes how Amazon CloudFront, a highly secure, managed service, can help architects and developers secure the delivery of their applications and content by providing useful, security-supporting features.

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