Historias de clientes / Software e Internet / América

Logotipo de Autodesk

Autodesk habla sobre el futuro con el diseño generativo y el poder de AWS

Con AWS, Autodesk puede escalar el uso del diseño generativo para ejecutar cientos de simulaciones en una hora en lugar de demorar varias horas o días. Autodesk desarrolla software para los sectores de ingeniería, diseño y entretenimiento. Al utilizar servicios como Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) y Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Autodesk puede concentrarse en desarrollar sus herramientas de machine learning en lugar de administrar la infraestructura. Brian Mathews, VP of platform engineering de Autodesk, realizó una presentación en AWS re:Invent 2017.

Servicios de AWS utilizados

Amazon Relational Database Service

Configure, use y escale una base de datos relacional en la nube con tan solo unos clics

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Amazon S3

Almacenamiento de objetos creado para recuperar cualquier volumen de datos desde cualquier ubicación

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Más historias del cliente Autodesk

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  • Americas

    Autodesk EC2 Spot Instances Case Study

    Autodesk creates design software that requires significant compute capacity for rendering. The company relies on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances for significant cost savings on its RaaS function.
  • United States

    Autodesk Goes Serverless in the AWS Cloud, Reduces Account-Creation Time by 99%

    As the number of AWS accounts in use at Autodesk grew, it became increasingly clear that the account-creation process was a bottleneck. They began envisioning a solution that could automatically set up new AWS accounts and update existing ones. He decided to call the new solution Tailor, a nod to the idea that it would deliver accounts that were “tailor made” for Autodesk teams, including all required company configurations and controls.
  • North America

    Autodesk Uses AWS Machine Learning to Optimize Product Design

    Autodesk uses machine learning (ML) models built on Amazon SageMaker, a fully managed ML service from Amazon Web Services (AWS), to help product designers organize and sort through thousands of iterations produced by generative design processes and choose the optimal design.
  • United States

    Autodesk Increases Efficiency, Reduces Costs through Large-Scale Migration and Modernization on AWS

    Autodesk’s IT organization collaborated with AWS to transform from a data center/cloud hybrid model to a cloud-first model. This infographic shows how the mass migration and modernization effort enabled Autodesk to drive efficiencies, reskill its people, and be more innovative in the services and tools it delivers to the company.
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