Historias de clientes / Servicios financieros / Estados Unidos

Logotipo de Nasdaq

Nasdaq ofrece información sobre sostenibilidad con una plataforma sin servidor basada en IA

Nasdaq se basó en Amazon Web Services (AWS) para ayudar a sus clientes a reducir el esfuerzo manual requerido para la divulgación de información ambiental, social y de gobernanza (ESG) y sobre sostenibilidad.

Nasdaq IR Insight es una plataforma de relaciones con inversores que permite a los clientes gestionar los eventos para inversores, informar internamente a los equipos ejecutivos y encontrar nuevos inversores a los que dirigirse. Descubra lo que James Tickner, jefe de producto de Inteligencia de relaciones con inversores (IR) de Nasdaq, tiene que decir sobre cómo los clientes de la empresa se enfrentaron a los nuevos requisitos para informar sobre la sostenibilidad y el impacto de los criterios ESG, lo que obligó a analizar un gran volumen de datos y documentos no estructurados. Para ayudar a los clientes a superar estos desafíos, Nasdaq creó una solución ESG sin servidor basada en inteligencia artificial llamada Nasdaq Sustainable Lens, con Amazon Bedrock y AWS Lambda.

Esta solución analiza decenas de miles de documentos divulgados por las empresas, lo que reemplaza gran parte del esfuerzo manual que antes se necesitaba para analizar estos documentos. Con Sustainable Lens, los clientes pueden reducir significativamente el esfuerzo manual necesario para analizar las divulgaciones sobre sostenibilidad y ESG. Pueden comparar rápidamente su desempeño con el de sus competidores, comprender su alineación con las regulaciones o los marcos y supervisar las tendencias de sostenibilidad y ESG en el mercado en general con información bajo demanda.

Acerca de Nasdaq

Nasdaq es una empresa tecnológica líder a nivel mundial que presta servicios a clientes corporativos, gestores de inversiones, bancos, corredores y operadores de bolsa mientras navegan e interactúan con los mercados de capitales mundiales y el sistema financiero en general.

Servicios de AWS utilizados

Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock es un servicio totalmente administrado que ofrece una selección de modelos fundacionales (FM) de alto rendimiento de las principales empresas de IA como AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Mistral AI, Stability AI y Amazon a través de una sola API, junto con un amplio conjunto de funciones necesarias para crear aplicaciones de IA generativa con seguridad, privacidad e IA responsable.

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AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda es un servicio de computación que ejecuta el código en respuesta a eventos y administra automáticamente los recursos de computación, lo que lo hace en la forma más rápida de convertir una idea en aplicaciones modernas, de producción y sin servidor.

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Más historias de clientes de servicios financieros

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  • Chile

    Capital Express Reduces Monthly Operating Costs by 94% with NetRed and AWS

    Factoring services company Capital Express wanted to improve client evaluations and grow its business, but it had an outdated system that made accessing data difficult. The company teamed up with AWS Partner NetRed to migrate its data using capabilities from Amazon Web Services (AWS). Migrating helped Capital Express create Advance, an innovative financial management tool that offers real-time data processing. Implementing Advance cut monthly operating costs by 94 percent. It also reduced the time needed for client enrollment and IT consultations to just five minutes. These improvements streamlined operations and enabled faster service delivery, dramatically increasing the growth potential of Capital Express and helping it meet customer needs faster.

  • United States

    Affirm Reduces Manual Security Response Efforts by 50% with AWS Partner Expel

    Affirm is a payment network that empowers consumers and helps merchants drive growth through flexible and transparent financing options. The company wanted to streamline its security operations program to address manual triage, decentralized tooling, and increasing alert fatigue. AWS Partner Expel offered a managed detection and response (MDR) service that integrated seamlessly with Affirm’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. Expel MDRTM centralizes monitoring, automates routine tasks, and enhances detection and response workflows Expel reduced the volume of security alerts fielded by engineers by 50 percent and helped Affirm scale the foundations of its security operations program efficiently.

  • United States

    MarketReader Launches Its Real-Time Market Analysis Platform and AI Newsletter in Eight Months Using Nasdaq® and AWS

    MarketReader is an artificial intelligence (AI) analytics platform providing the financial sector with data-driven explanations of real-time asset movement. During development, MarketReader experienced delays in data delivery and received incomplete datasets from its initial data provider—which reduced the quality of the platform’s insights. To launch its differentiated product, the MarketReader team moved to cloud-based data solutions from AWS Partner Nasdaq, hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), to obtain direct access to high-quality, real-time market data for all US-listed securities. This approach elevated MarketReader’s US market coverage, increased data delivery time by 98 percent, and helped the platform go live within eight months. MarketReader now delivers timely, accurate insights. It publishes a daily newsletter in only seven minutes, driving customer engagement and expanding the newsletter’s reach up to 400 percent beyond MarketReader’s current client base.

  • United States

    Transforming Payments with AWS and Visa Cloud Connect

    Moov, a payment processor with direct connections to major card networks and payment systems, ensures scalability and availability for high-demand scenarios, from political campaigns to exclusive product drops. With AWS as the backbone, Moov’s solutions connect seamlessly, enabling faster and more scalable money movement across its network. Thanks to AWS Partner Visa and Visa Cloud Connect on AWS, Moov eliminated the need for traditional data centers and infrastructure, streamlining access to payment networks. This innovation delivers immediate transaction insights to customers already on AWS, enhancing the end-user experience and redefining payment processing.

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