Bibliothèque de solutions AWS

Solutions approuvées et recommandations pour cas d'utilisation techniques et commerciaux

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Aujourd'hui, les organisations recherchent des solutions approuvées ainsi que des recommandations concernant l'architecture afin de pouvoir répondre rapidement aux défis commerciaux. Que les clients préfèrent les déploiements prêts à l'emploi ou les architectures personnalisables, la Bibliothèque de solutions AWS propose des solutions conçues par AWS et les partenaires AWS pour un large éventail de cas d'utilisation industriels et technologiques.

Services AWS

Produits cloud sur mesure

Solutions AWS

Solutions prêtes à être déployées comprenant les services AWS, le code ainsi que les configurations

Solutions partenaires

Solutions logicielles, SaaS ou services gérés des partenaires AWS


Diagrammes d'architecture prescriptifs, exemple de code et contenu technique

4-6 (9)
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64-72 (1687)
Showing results: 64-72
Total results: 1687
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Aucune solution correspondant à ce critère n'a été trouvée.
  • Continuous Data Migration from Apache Cassandra to Amazon Keyspaces

    This Guidance demonstrates how to implement dual-write capabilities from Apache Cassandra to Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra with minimal downtime during the data migration.
  • SAP Generative AI Assistant on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to improve business user productivity and the user experience by leveraging real-time data summaries, task automation, and seamless natural language interactions. It showcases the integration of Amazon Bedrock for generative AI and Amazon Lex for conversational AI assistant capabilities. The Guidance is designed to be extensible, allowing you to seamlessly extend both SAP S/4HANA native and RISE with SAP capabilities with other AWS services, enabling a more comprehensive and tailored solution for your business needs.
  • Generative AI Model Optimization Using Amazon SageMaker

    This Guidance shows how you can optimize your generative AI models using Amazon SageMaker, a service where you can build, train, and deploy large language models (LLMs) at scale.
  • Retail Analytics using Generative AI

    This Guidance shows how to use large language models (LLMs) to generate SQL queries and perform data analytics, enhancing the value of your data.
  • Building Travel Assistants Using Amazon Bedrock Agents

    This Guidance demonstrates how organizations in the travel and hospitality (T&H) industry can build an intelligent virtual assistant that uses generative AI to streamline every aspect of travel planning.
  • Data Federation between SAP and AWS

    This Guidance outlines the process of federating data between SAP and AWS cloud analytics services, enabling you to establish a data mesh architecture. SAP provides enterprise software for running business processes, from enterprise resource planning to customer relationship management. By connecting SAP with AWS, you can easily transform and visualize your data in a scalable, secure, and cost-effective way, helping you inform your decision-making.
  • Assistants IA avec Amazon Q Business

    Ce guide explique comment les entreprises peuvent exploiter la valeur de leurs données grâce aux puissantes fonctionnalités d’IA générative d’Amazon Q Business.
  • Media Provenance with C2PA on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to run the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) standard for tracking provenance with media workloads on AWS.
  • Developing Apple iOS and Vision Pro Applications with Unity on Amazon EC2

    This Guidance demonstrates how developers can build applications on mobile iOS and Apple Vision Pro in the AWS Cloud using Unity—a widely-used game engine and development platform where developers can create immersive 2D and 3D interactive experiences.

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